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I've been on Paxil, Effexor, Lexapro, now I'm on Zoloft, Lamictal, Wellbutrin, and I take Trazodone for sleep. I know my depression isn't a chemical imbalance, as I know what I'm depressed about. I was spoiled and sheltered as a kid, and now at 34 I don't like being an adult, as unfortunately there is no one who can support/shelter me anymore. I think I am very underdeveloped emotionally. So I need antidepressants just to help me be able to deal with the inconveniences and unpleasantness of having to be an adult. For one thing, I spent my entire childhood and teen years watching tv and playing video games, and now unfortunately I am not able to continue that lifestyle as much as I'd like. I have no kids (thank god, that would take even more away from my "me-time"), and no one to support but me. So on the bright side I have less responsibility than most my age. But I've never had a gf, and it would be nice to have a good looking woman to be seen with, and make me feel good.

2007-07-07 03:56:40 · 9 answers · asked by egocentric_loner 1 in Health Mental Health

To mrscjr, well ideally I would be able to just go on being taken care of, spoiled, sheltered, etc. It is unfortunate that my life isn't like that anymore, but it's a reality that I have to deal with. But I find it to be very depressing and so yes I find that antidepressants ease the depression a bit. And yes unspoiled kids mature by taking responsibility etc, and if that's how they're happy that's fine. That's them, and this is ME.

2007-07-11 12:29:39 · update #1

9 answers

If you think you depression is caused by something situational then perhaps you could talk to your doctor about counselling.

2007-07-07 04:35:06 · answer #1 · answered by adobeprincess 6 · 1 1

depression is depression, whether you recognize your triggers (or underlying causes), or not.

what about some kind of group counseling? tell me where it is, and i could join, too.

or you could move to a state that has legal marijuanna, then ,at least after 4:20, you're golden.

~LAurie < Zoloft and the occassional XanaX ,for years now.

ps. an advil allergy acts as a stimulant for me. makes it easier to do some things, if you've got some motivation backing you up.

2007-07-15 03:44:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're taking medication to treat ... immaturity?

Unspoiled kids mature because they learn to take on responsibility for themselves and others.

Your problem isn't depression - it's selfishness.

Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Cut your neighbor's grass. Fix your mother's squeaky screen door. Make someone else's concern your own.

Your parents did you a serious disservice in sheltering and spoiling you. They did not teach you the skills necessary to function as an adult. Professional help is a good idea - but you're going to have to decide that you are not, after all, the center of the universe. Essentially, you're going to have to raise the child inside of you by yourself.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this now. But at least you recognize that there's a problem and you're making some effort to correct it.

Oh - and as for finding a girlfriend ... you want to have a good-looking woman to be seen with and make you feel good? Are you a good-looking man for her to be seen with, and are you going to make her feel good? Good-looking feel-good women aren't that hard to find, but they are expensive. But I hear some of them take credit cards now.

2007-07-10 20:12:07 · answer #3 · answered by mrscjr 3 · 1 1

Prozac....it almost completely wipes out your emtions.I guess it is for people who are so depressed that they can't function. Prozac will at least get you through the day. However, it makes you EXTREMELY mellow. Like, you won't get mad or sad...but you will never be excited or elated either. It is a TRUE emotion regulator. However, when I was on it...the drowsiness was unbearable. But, that doesn't affect everyone. Talk to your therapist about it.

2007-07-07 05:05:43 · answer #4 · answered by danzr31585 2 · 0 1

Ignore the people who are being rude..you clearly see that you need help and never did really grow up and are depressed. Try the prozac.
Good Luck

2007-07-13 04:29:36 · answer #5 · answered by Victoria. 6 · 1 0

Cymbalta is a good medication for major depression. You could ask about it and it has benefical factors of causing weight loss verses the other that typically cause weight gain

2007-07-13 17:25:09 · answer #6 · answered by blazergirlblazergirl 3 · 0 0

ask ur doc about lithium, and find a program that can help u deal with ur illness, like group therapy, if u can find the right program u will do just fine, good healing to u.

2007-07-07 13:55:25 · answer #7 · answered by CURL1 2 · 0 1

tab.fluoxetine 40 mg as a morning pill ,for 3 months .

2007-07-07 06:28:39 · answer #8 · answered by anilkumar m 1 · 0 1

I hear you on that! I'm 34 too.. and more or less in the same boat.. well, a similar boat anyhow.. I had fantastic luck with Wellbutrin, but You've already tried that I see. But aside from the Wellbutrin.. just going out and doing things to better myself is what yanked me out of the dumps.. amazingly.. as soon as I started doing that.. setting up dr and counselor appts and doing some of the simple things like taking a shower.. or cleaning my room..

Then once I started doing these things.. not necessarily a LOT but more than I have in the last year+.. I even started answering my phone.. which.. normally I only answer if its my daughter.. I just happened to answer a call from a guy I know from AA.. (oh yeah.. after not going for nearly two years I started going to meetings again..) And rather than the pathetic sad little baby I've been for the last few years.. Those little things boosted my self esteem just enough so that when he called, instead of ignoring his call like I do most others.. and I put on my best attitude I could manage.. and we ended up talking for an hour and a half.. the most I'd talked to ANYONE.. in a very, very long time.. and it was a conversation that.. was just really good.. one of those that leave you smiling and blushing like a schoolgirl for hours afterwards.. and then.. I kept talking to him each day that week.. but doing my same ole' "Oh well.. yeah, we could get together sometime.." and then basically withdrawing back into myself.. and I caught myself and when he asked me out to eat that friday.. I accepted.. and though I got super frustrated while I was getting ready for our date.. and I did consider backing out.. as usual.. then I told myself, "Come on Wendy.. don't be an ***.. you have a great time talking to him.. just be your real self.. not the pathetic baby!!!"

And so, we went out that night.. then he took me home around 2-3am.. and waited for me to get in and blink my porch light at him.. and that was it, I was hooked!

We ended up getting together again the next night (saturday) and I stayed over.. by sunday evening we'd determined that this could be something amazing! And he asked if I agreed that we should give it a try and I said yes! And now I haven't spent so much as ONE night home in the last two weeks!

Now.. something I haven't brought up was that my last boyfriend had been killed in an accident on new years day 06.. now, we hadn't been *together* since the previous July 05(the 8th to be exact) but it hit me like a ton of bricks..(as it was, I had just lost my mother 2 short years before after a 6 month battle with cancer) So, I basically swore off men until I could find someone I felt measured up to my late ex b/f..

Well.. I had found him! The person I'd been waiting for. Holding out for.. but, he was just the cherry on top.. it was all those little things that led up to this.. otherwise he would've never even thought twice about even talking to me.

Point of all this is.. My first Dr appt for the depression (and anxiety, but thats a whole different story!) ..was on the 23rd of may. And on their little depression scale, I was 16/20 On the 6th of June I was only down to a 15/20, he raised my dose to 300mg a day..(Wellbutrin) and come the 22nd.. I was out on a date.. one where I actually held hands and kissed a guy.. so, a real date.. and I didn't cringe.. or push him away.. We had both decided, unknown to each other.. that we were just going to be our real selves.. no masks, what you see is what you get.. And miraculously.. I was finally able to let go of my late ex, and move on. And I literally let out a sigh of relief.

So, when I went back for an med eval. three weeks after the dose increase.. I was down to a 8/20!!! Can you even imagine? I'll bet not.. I couldn't even imagine it, until it actually happened!

So.. my advice.. just try the Wellbutrin again, and do even little things.. I mean... anything that you know you SHOULD be doing anyways, but didn't because of your depression.. it will do wonders for your self esteem, and outlook on life in general.. and THAT will show to someone out there.. and when they see that.. how should I say?.. When they see that glow.. that you're standing a bit taller.. because it will totally show! Just think.. one month was all it took for me.. after more than five years of being so down I didn't even know why I was still alive, besides the fact that I do have a 16 year old daughter.. I just didn't see any point in existing..

Then, finally, on the 22nd of june.. it all worked out in my favor.. every tiny baby step I'd made.. was a HUGE step for my heart.

Good luck! I really mean that!! I wouldn't wish what I've been going through on even my worst enemy! Keep in touch.. let me know if you try my advice.. I'd really love to hear about your baby steps. I've honestly not been more optimistic.. in pretty much my entire life! I've alllllways been a pessimist and and very cynical person.. so this is probably the biggest turning point in my entire life. So far anyways. Oh and to top it all off.. the Wellbutrin, plus all these baby steps.. I've lost 20lbs.. or maybe more by now! lol I feel so much better!!! I mean, its not all rainbows and flowers or anything.. I still have my bad days, or moments.. But.. They're getting less and less frequent.

Your issue with not wanting to be grown up... I've been exactly the same way for years.. and I still dont want to.. But maybe you could at least go take some classes at your local community college.. thats another thing I've been doing.. I'm hoping it will motivate me to want to at least support myself.. nobody ever said that I have to grow up in order to do that! So hell if I'm gonna!

Again.. Good luck.. Write me anytime.
(wendyrx at gmail or yahoo ID piscesfly37 on messenger.)

2007-07-07 05:02:35 · answer #9 · answered by wendyrx/piscesfly 2 · 1 1

OMG. Grow up.

2007-07-12 23:44:40 · answer #10 · answered by Charla C 3 · 0 2

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