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List any specific negative act done on behalf of the Chrisitan religion over the past few months. Ideally, done officially by a christian church organization, but generally anything goes.

2007-07-07 03:51:58 · 17 answers · asked by Citizen80285bnz 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm looking for specifics! Saying "oh, they defend pedophiles" is very general. I want names, people, places, dates, etc.

2007-07-07 03:58:25 · update #1

17 answers

Not the Christian religion, but a handful of it's members who are constantly seeking special priviledges for themselves and deny them to others.

The handful of Christians who denied Wiccan soldiers the right to put an emblem of belief on their grave, while many Christian faith emblems are available.

The handful of Christians who DEMANDED that THEY be allowed to distribute fliers for vacation bible school in public schools and then had a HISSY FIT when Pagans and atheists used the public schools to distribute THIER fliers. The schools have reverted back to the ORIGINAL policy of allowing NO RELIGIONS to advertise in the public schools, the original policy that the handful of Christians OPPOSED.

A woman was recently forced out of her job because her boss and co-workers constantly harassed her over her apparent lack of religion.

If you question allowed a 5-10 year period, I could cite more examples of a Christian judge taking away a woman's child because she participated in a group that made fun of relgion, a Christian judge that told a Wiccan divorcing couple that they could not expose their child to their shared faith. Public schools that allow students to wear Christian crosses but suspend Wiccan students for wearing pentagrams. Christian protestors disrupting Wiccan religious services.

Not as bad as beheading people or burning them at the stake, but just gradually trying to erode the rights of non-Christians.

2007-07-07 04:20:06 · answer #1 · answered by queenthesbian 5 · 3 0

Wow, I saw some of the exact answers I thought I'd see when I first spotted this question.

Other than the scandal involving pedophile priests, none of them have actually harmed society.

The Westboro Baptist Church is a small group of morons who are like rain drops on the ocean, a match on a fire, blue on black. They have done NOTHING to impact society as a whole.

President Bush is one man, and harm is in the eye of the beholder. No one but God and President Bush himself know for sure whether the president is a Christian or not. I'm not saying I totally agree with everything the president has done, but there are GOOD people out there who agree with the actions he's taken.

As for the idea that the president is withholding rights from people, bull. Former President Clinton didn't legalize same-sex marriage, either, now did he? And President Bush has NOT tried to illegalize abortion, only very late-term abortions.

So basically, to answer your question, there is NOTHING the entire Christian religion has done over the past year, or even the last decade, that has negatively impacted society as a whole. That is not to say that there's not been some evil performed by small groups of people, because there has been, but as a WHOLE, no. Nothing.

And as a sidenote, so WHAT if some Christians want to have creationism taught in the classroom? Are they not allowed their opinions too? I may disagree with them, but it doesn't mean that I have the right to say that they're not allowed to have their opinions.

2007-07-07 04:11:04 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 3

As JW I know religion can unite a people to be like a family, well better than a family. Divisions caused by religion are really caused by peopleEvery timeme one decides he wants to form his own religion because he does not understand what the Bible says, that causes divisions, confuses people even moreEvery timeme a religious leader says things like "if you read the Bible you will go crazy", "don't listen to the JW, they read the Bible", "you are not meant to understand thmysterieses of God", that causes a lot of harm. People want to believe in God, and many people have very strong faith, it is just focused around the lies they have been told. The Bible has the truth and most people now a days have acces to pone or another. All they have to do is test what they are being taught with what the Bible says. They will notice that a lot of the teachings they receive are contrary to the Bible. (John 8:31-32) 31 And so Jesus went on to say to the Jews that had believed him: “If YOU remain in my word, YOU are really my disciples, 32 and YOU will know the truth, and the truth will set YOU free.” Freedom, from the lies, from deceit, froblood-guiltlt, from Satan! JW are happy to study the Bible with anyone interested. The knowledge acquired, iapplieded iones's life, can make one a much wiser person. Knowledge + Application = Wisdom

2016-05-20 22:17:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fantastic question. First of all let me state Pope John Paul II has issues a general apology for the sins of the Church of the past. Let me also state that JESUS DOES NOT SIN. JESUS came to bring us LIFE that is ETERNAL and ABUNDANT. That means a LIFE that is greater than the LIFE of the Earth. Furthermore JESUS made several statements concerning this that are recorded in Sacred Scripture.
1. JESUS has created division. We all know JESUS wants ONE UNIFIED BODY but JESUS also defines that some are children of their father the devil who was a murderer from the begining. Only those that do the will of GOD OUR FATHER abide in JESUS CHRIST.

2. JESUS has said there will be five in one house and three will be against two. Again a reference to division.

3. In the Gospel there are a list of "blessed are those" in the beatitudes . .. but a list of woes as well . . .

4. JESUS clearly recognized there would be division and those who sin and even bring scandal to the CHURCH.

5. Anyone who overcomes will be blessed and made a pillar in the TEMPLE OF GOD which is in HEAVEN.

6. It is rather wrong to say that the Church is guilty not to see how others are doing wrong by not obeying GOD OUR FATHER and abiding in CHRIST. Because if everyone did what GOD wants then all would be blessed and go to HEAVEN.

7. The just man first accuses himself that he may remove the log from his eye to see the speck in anothers eye.

8. Satan is the accuser who has consistantly been at war with the Church but we cannot overcome unless we have the fullness of the TRUTH.

9. Further it is unfair to lump protestants in with Catholics since they do not have the fullness of the TRUTH and cannot overcome (reference revelation 12:11) with Catholics who overcome by the promise of CHRIST that the gates of hell shall not prevail against JESUS' CHURCH . .. that TRUE VINE of CHRIST is the HOLY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH . ..

10. Though i would count those who do not eat and drink of JESUS' BODY ANDBLOOD among the dead. JESUS shall at last judge the LIVING and the dead. But the greater part shall be those of the LIVING who have kept the commandments.

11. Not one jot nor tittle of the law shall fall away. Anyone who keeps the commandments and teaches others to do teh same shall be called GREAT in the KINGDOM OF GOD. Anyone who changes the least of the commandments and teaches others to do the same they shall be called least in teh KINGDOM OF GOD. those who do not keep the commandments and teach others to keep the commandments these are hypocrites.

12. The least of people on Earth are subject to everyone else and tend to suffer the most.

13. The harms from society come from the sins and inquities of man. First look at one's own sins. JESUS requires mercy not sacrifice.

2007-07-07 06:02:57 · answer #4 · answered by jesusfreakstreet 4 · 1 0

George Bush, Tony Blair, Salman Rushdie ... the list goes on. But as the world technolgy (press, computers etc) are in their hands they keep on telling aloud all false propaganda about others following Hitler's method, people fail to understand the reality. A kidney patient hiding in the world's toughest terrains (Afghanistan ) is named for any bombings that happen from USA to New Zealand without any proofs. When asked repeatedly, they shown some pages of Quran as proof for muslim's involvement. In Madras State of India just last month 5 muslims were released as "not guilty" for a bomb attack that happened 7 years before. But all these have spent all these 7 years in prisons like Guantonomo. ALl muslims are labelled as terrorists just for the mistake of a few. Please go into the details of what is happening now in Iraq. You will understand why I am writing the above names.

2007-07-07 04:02:37 · answer #5 · answered by meena 6 · 0 3

Well... They've tried to take over the world and destroy the human race at least a couple of times.

No, wait.... that was Pinky and Brain

Nope, christian religion is clean. And in my church at least most people are very interested in helping society, we do a lot of social work.

Paz de Cristo

2007-07-07 03:59:26 · answer #6 · answered by Emiliano M. 6 · 4 1

NONE. True Christianity is to love God and your neighbors. Help the meek. Share. Christianity is also; you shall not murder, steal, covet other peoples stuff, you shall honor your parents, etc. How in any way can THIS be harmful to anyone but a fool? If so what brand of "Christianity" would that be?

God bless

2007-07-07 04:05:59 · answer #7 · answered by F'sho 4 · 2 2

Here is a Roman Catholic priest who abused his power to further the aims of the Argentine military dictatorship:

How about a group of Christian terrorists trying to blow up other Christians in Texas with a bomb?

2007-07-07 04:01:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

How about the religious right's take over of the Republican party? Which led to not only the election of Bush, but the RE-ELECTION? The continued policy of making sure that Republicans to deny civil liberties to homosexuals, take away a woman's right to choose, and the desire to teach myths in schools as science?

2007-07-07 04:00:50 · answer #9 · answered by atheist 6 · 2 3

A band of fundies in Twin Falls, Idaho raised a stink about a gay pride float in a parade, thereby using THEIR beliefs to negate others' rights to exercise free speech. This happens all the time, and any attempt to thwart free speech is harmful to our society and unconstitutional.

2007-07-07 03:58:22 · answer #10 · answered by Cheryl E 7 · 3 3

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