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What if i know the mother how do i encourage her to take care of him.Can see be encouraged? One already died.

2007-07-07 02:40:01 · 15 answers · asked by Julian H 1 in Pets Cats

15 answers

she obviously doesnt have the motherly instinct you will need to get a medicine dropper and some kmr (kitten milk replacement) she will need to be fed every 2 hours and she will let you know it too...she will cry to be fed so just be prepared and have it ready for her...this is going to be a challenging time for you and its going to drive you nuts sometimes, but it will be well worth it to save the poor little kitten...she will sleep ALOT when its not feeding time so just make her comfortable and warm with some blankets and towels they will need to be washed and changed often since she will pee on them good luck if you need anymore info feel free to email me anytime

2007-07-07 03:36:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Get an eye dropper and kitty formula from a pet store or from a vet, and start to eye drop nurse the kitten. The kitten will need to be fed this way about every hour or two for the first few weeks of its life, then a kitten bottle of formula should be used every 2-4 hours for the next month or two. You need to rub the bottom with a warm rag to help the kitten to eliminate waste products. Momma cats do this when they lick the kitten. You probably think that this is just momma just grooming the kitten, but this part is for elimination process. After the cat is about 6-7 weeks start introducing solid food to the kitten, either solid dry, or wet food. While introducing the kitten to dry or wet food, start putting the kitten in the litter box and rub the bottom with a small cotton ball, Then bury the cotton ball in the litter box to show the kitten what the litter is for. Cats naturally dig and bury their "business" in the wild so that the kitten will quickly get the idea. Also put a hot water bottle and a ticking clock wrapped in a towel in the kittens bed. You will have to refill the bottle frequently when the water gets cold. The hot water bottle is to keep the kitten warm like a momma cat does (the towel keeps the kitten from getting too hot and protect it from the sharp edges of the clock) . The clock is to mimic the heart of the momma. The new bundle wrapped in the towel makes the kitten think that momma is there. The towel is for the softness of mommas fur. You should also put a couple of miniature stuffed animals in with the momma towel bundle to be the litter mates. This way your kitten will believe it is with momma and will make this whole transition from no momma to you as momma. I assume that something happened to momma and that there is no way to put the kitten back with momma. I assume this as no one with half a mind would ever take a 2 day old kitten away from its momma. So since you obviously have a very intelligent mind (you were very smart to get in here and ask questions on how to do this so you are an intelligent person.) you did not remove the kitten from momma just because you wanted to have a kitten. Taking on the care and feeding of a 2 day old kitten is a very hard and demanding task. I applaude your decision to try to do this. This is a very time consuming job and will leave you little time for other things. Good luck with your kitty raising, and keep us informed on how this is going. God Bless You

2007-07-07 03:10:36 · answer #2 · answered by prayer l 2 · 2 0

You can put the baby on her breasts to breastfeed. However, if she is not taking care of it, you must do the following:
1. keep the kitten in a warm place, not too warm though, sonce it is summer, and you don't want it to get a heat-stroke.
2. feed it with a bottle or syringe every 2 hours or so, with lukewarm kitten formula milk sold at pet stores.
3. After you feed it, rub his behind with a wet cotton until he pees and poops. He won't poop every time he eats, it is OK if he poops every 12-24 hours or so, sometimes 48, when he is a bit older.
4. I wish you the best of luck. I have raised lately 4 kittens like this, but they were 2 weeks old. It is not so easy when they are so young, but try your best!
5. The fact that the mother rejected the kitten doesn't mean it is not healthy. She may just not be ready to be a mother, it happens.

2007-07-07 02:53:36 · answer #3 · answered by cpinatsi 7 · 1 0

Sometimes the mothers just don't want to know.You have to take charge.Go to a petshop or doll store and get a small plastic bottle.Get some formula for kittens or use milk watered down with a pinch of sugar(,I know,I know,but if you can't get formula quickly do you let the kitten starve?)Wrap the kitten in a dish towel so you can control the legs,and feed it.After a bit take a cotton ball and gently wipe the kitten's private parts.You should be rewarded with a few drops of pee!You have to keep it close when you can,I always tuck them into my shirt as I watch TV or answer these questions.Feed every two hours,at night,wrap the kitten up in it's clean towel and start again in the morning.The reward is a luscious hand raised kitty. Good Luck

2007-07-07 02:50:28 · answer #4 · answered by Barbara D 6 · 2 0

You need to feed them kitten formula every two hours and help them to digest it by rubbing their tummies. Kittens that young have to be stimulated to pee. I've never hand reared a kitten so my best advice is call your local vet and ask them for advice over the phone, they should be able to tell you what you need and what to do to take the best care of the kitten. The mother has probably rejected her and if you've held her for too long, it would be dangerous to reunite them as the kitten will smell like you and the mother could kill it as it is seen as a threat to the rest of the litter.

Call the vets, they'll be able to help you hand rear this kitten and hopefully it will survive, keep us informed and my thoughts are with you!

2007-07-07 02:55:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can either go to your vet or the local pet store. They both should be able to give you good sound advice. I nursed a kitten after its mother left it also, it took alot of work and patience. But I was able to get the milk and I would feed it with a eye dropper. It worked and all is well now!!

2007-07-07 02:48:34 · answer #6 · answered by Aynne 4 · 0 0

Go to the pet store and get a kitten nursing bottle.
Buy kitty formula or use canned milk about 1.4 thick

Be sure to wipe kittys bottom with a paper towel or cloth after feeding.

Wipe kittys body with a washcloth particulary one with a rough surface a couple times a day.

Feed kitty every couple of hours

Formula #1
8 ounces homogenized whole milk
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon salad oil
1 drop liquid pediatric vitamins (optional)

Mix well and warm before using. Keep refrigerated.

Formula #2
1 part boiled water to 5 parts evaporated milk
1/2 teaspoon bone meal per 16 oz fluid

Mix well, refrigerate, warm before using .

Formula #3
1 can Evaporated Milk
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons Karo syrup
All three mixed well and kept in tightly sealed jar in fridge.
At feeding time mix 1/2 of the estimated feeding amount with:
Equal amount of boiling water
(once a day mix 1 drop of human infant liquid vitamins in each kitties formula)

If constipation occurrs: add 1 drop of vegetable oil to each kitties formula no more than once daily till problem is eased. Test temperature before feeding (the combination of boiling water and chilled formula should be just about right).

Read the following articles on line

2007-07-07 02:47:48 · answer #7 · answered by dayakaur 4 · 3 3

You have to get some kitten milk at the pet store and feed from a small bottle. Pick both up at Petco, or Petsmart.
Small litter box with newspaper shreds to start.

2007-07-07 02:44:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hi. you will need kitten milk Dont use anything else you will harm it, Id ask a rescue or your vet for help.you will need a feed bottle & teet ,
Their must be something wrong if shes lost one allready.Id be seeking expert advice .dont you have any rescues you can call.
Were is mum?

2007-07-07 03:25:30 · answer #9 · answered by redlady 4 · 0 0

If the mother has rejested the babies, then you should go to a pet suppli and get a little bottle and milk to feed the babies.. the pet supply can tell you how much and how often and what will be best for the baby.. the baby needs to be fed or it will die.

2007-07-07 02:50:11 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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