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Oriental traditions call them "siddhis". Among them could be, for example, the ability to be in several places at the same time, to materialise objects out of thin air, etc. etc.

Do the presence of such superpowers necessarily indicate that the person is enlightened?

2007-07-07 01:58:51 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

Nope, not indicators of Enlightenment and in fact may indicate the opposite. These 'tricks' imply an alignment with nonphysical realms, but not necessarily an alignment with Truth. There are levels of the astral realms that are far more interested in such fun and games than they are in Truth/God, and this influence is a possibility where all such 'miracles' are evident, though not necessarily.

A more 'natural' progression of spiritual awareness reveals that, once one knows some trick can be performed, there's no longer a desire to perform it. If you know you can do something, why would you do it except for some subtle ego motivations? The evolution of egoic dissolution that makes such abilities possible, also dissolves the motivation to demonstrate them to others.

2007-07-07 07:55:08 · answer #1 · answered by philmeta11 3 · 3 1

I have met people with extraordinary powers, but not such as you describe. I would be extremely suspicious that such powers were done by slight-of-hand, although I am willing to admit that it may be possible for people to have powers I cannot explain. After all, there are plenty of mental powers I cannot rightly explain.

I don't assume that it means they are enlightened mostly because I am not sure I know exactly what enlightenment entails. I have read about it and talked about it with many people, some of them very wise. And a consistent definition has not yet emerged.

2007-07-07 02:06:02 · answer #2 · answered by auntb93 7 · 0 0

I have met someone with such powers. He live in secrecy and not many people know about his ability. Always deny should somebody ask about his ability. Enlightened seems fit.

2007-07-07 05:10:49 · answer #3 · answered by z_jepoh 4 · 2 0

yes i have met some with great siddhis some with smaller ones...but 90% of them were more a businessmen than enlightened persons

A Siddha will never demonstrate his powers in the public.

It is true that on the path of spirituality, one attains many siddhis...we cant avoid that... but a big chunk of such siddhas slip from the way when they find about their powers and start impressing people and later making money.

Enlightenment itself brings siddhis...but siddhis alone do not bring enlightenment...rather they become hurdles if one is not cautious.

A real Siddha will never demonstrate them in public he only uses it for his spiritual upliftment or that of his nearest and dearest disciples.

One example is worth mentioning...Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa had lot of siddhis but he never demonstrated them to anyone. But when Vivekananda came to him as atheist... he just touched his body with his feet, and his Kundalini was awakened and he became enlightened....Such are the real Siddhas

Many Buddhist monks have many Tantrik siddhis but they DO NOT demonstrate them to public....and only use for their own progresss.
( i m sorry it was mistyped earlier)

2007-07-07 02:05:18 · answer #4 · answered by ۞Aum۞ 7 · 8 1

I seam to have a few oddities........

A grate deal more spiritual energy than normal, empathy, precognition, prophetic dreams, a sense of the ebbs and flows of energy about me, and quite often I just 'know' things i have no real way i could have known

But for the most part it's not something I can control, the only thing i can do is feel and to a degree move spiritual energy around, focus it though my body... stuff like that.... thats all i can really do intentionally.... but I do a lot of stuff with out meaning to.....

Though i wish my prophetic dreams weren't always so mandarin... there always about pointless events in my life... like playing a game, talking to a friend, driving some where... just every day, day to day events....... but if thats what happens the most often i guess it makes sense thats what you would see most often... lol

The most 'impressive' thing that i've ever done is create a thunder storm.... it wasn't an intentional thing.... I was just realy realy realy upset and crying and having a bit of a brake down, and suddenly i realized i was talking .... i wasn't meaning to talk but i was talking with out thinking about what i was saying at all..... and it was some kinda chant... all i remember was the last little bit (i wasn't to quite aware of what i was saying before that) and it's been a while so all i really remember was i said something about letting the city feel my tears as they run down there faces (as rain) ... but after I said it all that emotion along with some of my spiritual energy just rose up out of me like it evaporated out of my body....

It was a perfectly clear day with out a cloud in the sky... but within 10 minutes clouds had gathered into a large storm cloud and it was raining... after 5 more minutes it was a full blown thunder storm overcasting most of the sky and the storm staied mostly stationary over the area i had been looking off to when that happened to me.... lasted through out the night too... was freaky... cool but freaky

2007-07-07 02:32:22 · answer #5 · answered by CrazyCat 5 · 1 2

I knew a guy who could do dowsing for water. I watched him and couldn't figure out how he could possibly cheat (the wood was creaking from bendng) and he was a pretty straightforward person, so not usually dedicated to learning tricks.
I also knew somebody who claimed he could travel in spirit. As he was an asshole otherwise I never believed him.

2007-07-07 02:20:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The closest I came was a guy who could see in 360 degrees without moving his head or eyes. It was strange to say the least. He could not do it all of the time but even a little was impressive.

love and blessings Don

2007-07-07 02:06:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

the U. S. is consistently on the safeguard for terrorist interest and construct united statesright here and likewise around the globe. we could continuously be via fact of what we've experienced from their activities. we are no longer the sole usa interior the international that has felt the blow of terrorism. comments come from worldwide of a team of folk heavily armed with a frontrunner it incredibly is supported with the help of person and countries. If this properly organizes (military) of terrorist would have attacked China or Russia and destroyed considered one of their important components for international commerce, killed 1000's of folk and tried to demolish their defense force administration center that team of folk (terrorist) and the guy and countries that supported them would no longer be on earth and the Map of the international would be absent of a pair countries interior the middle East.

2016-09-29 06:17:54 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yes. My Godmother, God rest her soul, could fortell the future. She could heal from touch, and was in communication with the Virgin Mary, or so she said to me. She wouldn't show off her powers, because that wasn't how they were intended to be used.

She wasn't enlightened, she was very extraordinary in her manner.

2007-07-07 06:28:17 · answer #9 · answered by for Da Ben Dan--Dennyhill 5 · 2 0

No I don't think these powers mean a person is enlightened. Not at all. I have met people who claim these powers yes. I did not witness them.

2007-07-07 02:02:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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