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The terrorism is a global problem and it is true that the roots are where every one knows but why the west is blaming the Islam because we know that neither of any relegion teach hatered so if the present face of terrorism raised its head from the muslim country, we should think about who was the main drill master of if ,means which nation is responsible for creating this problem ?

2007-07-07 01:20:04 · 34 answers · asked by manu 2 in Politics & Government Civic Participation

34 answers

I don't know if you realize this but most countries are completely ignorant when it comes to Islam. Look at Bush he didn't even know who was running India. Most people don't even know where the middle east is. There are many places in the world where Muslim people live peacefully but we don't speak of these examples. But, there is one thing people do know and that's hate. They are experts at it and nothing can penetrate hate. No matter how hard you try to educate with..Tolerance,or non-prejudice views, they wont let go of their precious hate. Which makes them exactly like the terrorists they despise.

2007-07-07 01:36:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

While terrorism has been around in one form or another for hundreds of years, a goodly chunk of what has been directed against the west in recent years is not the various independence groups like the IRA in Britain, Basques in Spain, similar groups all over the world.

Are you denying what the 9/11 commission found out?

Incidentally the west is not blaming Islam, rather it is an extremist fundamentalist sect of Islam that is being blamed.

Islam does not teach hatred, but this extremist group does.

No one nation is responsible for starting this problem.
But most all nations have a shared responsibility.

Look at the Shah of Iran ... he was put into power by a regime change engineered by the West because British Petroleum did not like having to pay royalties to the old monarchy there, then the US kept him in power because he was helping the USA against the formere Soviet Union during the Cold War. At the same time, he was being a Hitler-Stalin-Saddam to his own people. Right now we are at the brink of war with Iran. That would not be the case had we not foisted the Shah of Iran on them for a generation.

Similar history stories can be told about many other nations.

2007-07-11 16:14:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Muslims attacked the United States. There is no shortage of Hindu terrorists, but they tend to remain in India. Christianity will never be associated with terrorism simply because there are too many Christians in the West and also because there is the doctrine of separation of church and state, effectively freeing religious leaders from any culpability in any governmental action.

In Muslim countries there is no real separation between the church if you will, and the government. So when a Muslim does something even if it is un-Islamic, that person is taken as a representative of Islam in general. His actions may be politically rather than religiously motivated, yet due to the lack of separation of the two spheres, a distinction is not drawn. Moderate Muslims also have a tendency to not criticize other Muslims as well and to over-react to small insults (Danish cartoon controversy, Satanic Verses, etc.) and this causes Westerners to lump them all together.

There is also a very deep tradition of prejudice against Arabs in most Western countries.

2007-07-07 01:27:22 · answer #3 · answered by Runa 7 · 3 0

Jesus said if anybody hits you in one cheek show him the other.But it is the so called Christian nations that are perpatrators of hatred and war in the world.
Remember Hiroshima? Who droped the atom bomb that killed thousands of innocent civilians and incapacitated millions for many generations.
Were the Muslims involved in the massacre in Vietnam? Were the Muslims behind the American civil war?Can the Americans,the Russians,the British and the French deny their active role in trying to divide up the Arab nations among themselves?
Or if you have a weak memory,Who is responsible for the unrest in Afghanisthan and Iraq.Were any weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq after the American troops entered there? Isn't the greed for control of the Oil resources of Iraq behind the American attack?
Well...the Christians and the Jews know very well that Islam is the best way of life which leads a man to success in this world and the hereafter,as they know their sons and daughters from those of others.But they will not accept it and they will continue to join hands in trying to extinguish it.Money and media are at their disposal.They try to corner the Muslims by prejudiced and atrocious acts against them.Some of them try to hit back and are framed and down away with.But there plots will not succeed for long..This is because none can hide the truth forever.
As for the Muslims let them not be afraid.The greatest war is that which you fight against your own bad self and live according to the commands of God,following the messenger and have absolute faith in them.
The orders in the Quran to fight against disbelievers is to be taken only if fighting is thrust on the Muslims.Never in history were the Muslims the perpatrators of war and Islam was not spread by the sword.Philip k.Hitti's 'History of the Arabs' and Capt.Amir Ali's 'A short history of the Sarrasans' will give you a better insight into this fact.

2007-07-14 08:11:56 · answer #4 · answered by Prof.Kadher 2 · 0 0

Most of the terrorists nowadays are Muslims particularly those that perpetrated 9/11. Thus, the Westerners refer to Islam with terrorism.

2007-07-07 21:19:08 · answer #5 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 0

Undoubtedly western countries identify the current spate of terrorism world over with Islam in order to specifically cover up their mistakes committed in the past. Its just a blame game they play - all know who is the real instigator and cultivator of to-days Jehadi's and finally its time west start accepting their responsibility for opening the Pandora's box.

2007-07-07 10:41:50 · answer #6 · answered by mujeebh27 1 · 1 0

As all the recently captured terrorists are muslims and they are telling us that it is their religion that is driving them to murder innocent civilians, surely it is not difficult to understand why non-mulsims are beliveing the religion is the driving force. I think the majority of non-muslims do understand that not all muslims are terrorists, the problem for us is how do you tell which ones are. In almost every case of the proven terrorists, those people around them all said after the event how nice and kind the dead bombers were but on looking back they had changed recently. Why do the good muslims not watch for these changes and inform the authorities?

2007-07-07 01:37:38 · answer #7 · answered by Mike C 6 · 2 0

Islam has attacked the western (christian) world for over 1000 years, they've had some success (Spain, Byzantine Empire, Kosovo) and some failures (Spain). But they have have been at war with us constantly. They've just changed tactics. If you look at the Persians (Iran) they've been at war with us for over 2000 years.

A religion that teaches convert or kill everyone on earth is a good place to start for roots of terrorism. Being a tolerant people we must be intolerant of one thing intolerance.

2007-07-08 14:19:42 · answer #8 · answered by Roadkill 6 · 0 0

No nation is the aggressor or instigator of terrorism. It is the work of one man and his followers that has slowly spread across many countries. Some countries may support this man and his evil deeds but you cannot pinpoint one exact country who started terrorism.

2007-07-11 16:34:59 · answer #9 · answered by annabelle p 7 · 0 0

in real speaking terrorism is child of us-ussr cold war. they are funded by usa, tutored by pakistan to drive away russians out of afghanistan. Pakistan diverted that money to sponsor terrorism in indian. The nation who suffered most is not europe of usa but India.
no relegion teach hatered but the religion leader do that. The main culprit behind terrorism is USA & NOT ISLAM.

2007-07-07 01:52:14 · answer #10 · answered by yuvraj 3 · 2 1

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