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There is a supreme intelligent creator who is perfect in every way. Despite being perfect he 'decides' to create a planet called earth(nobody knows who created him however) Then despite being perfect he 'creates' humans as an experiment-as he didn't know the outcome of his creation. He makes a snake talk and gives 2humans 'free will' Then they disobey him so then 'sin' is born(Ahem) Despite being perfect he then murders the whole world in a big flood (children as well) and places all the animals on a big boat-which is 200 years before possibility could allow..Despite the natural habitats of these animals and them neing natural predators-they somehow survive....(ahem) Despite the creator managing to create earth he decides to go 'round the houses' with a big flood...Next the earth is miraculously repopulated by Noah and family...Not content with 1 attempt at free will human life, the creator has another go and messes up again!

What does anyone think?

2007-07-07 01:11:35 · 28 answers · asked by thethinker 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

I think Satire is your middle name.

You, sir, are the Stephen Colbert of Religion.

2007-07-07 01:16:39 · answer #1 · answered by misterFR33ZE 3 · 2 0

Have you taken a good look around the world lately? Looks like another house cleaning is over due! As far as your Theory goes, I'd tend to think you are twisting the facts to suit your ignorance. Study the real facts and history involved and you might make a better argument for your case. Just because you can't wrap your mind around what happened doesn't make the history go away. Do me a favor and make a single cell that has all the genetics for reproduction, and all the chemistry to process the energy needed to sustain life. Oh yeah, you need to put together a simple environment that this cell can live in along with an energy source that will maintain a proper temp, so this cell doesn't freeze in the vacuum of space. Oh yeah, while you're at it you'll need make a space to place this environment in. Is your brain up to that task. I really don't think so. Now get off you scientific high horse, which you obviously know very very little about. You need to study about The Conservation Law of Matter, and then maybe you can enter the discussion. Ahem!

2007-07-07 08:28:59 · answer #2 · answered by skiingstowe 6 · 1 0

Have you read Dawkin? I ask because this sounds like an attempt to regurgitate all his bad arguments. Jesus warns those that are blind and follow the blind, both will end up in a ditch.

1st - The cosmological argument insists that something outside the finite created; else you would have an illogical conclusion. To say that the first cause, had a first cause or that a beginning of all things has a beginning, is faulty logic.

2nd - God DID know the outcome of creating man, thus from all eternity he elected some to salvation (Ephesians 1:4).

3rd - If God is all-powerful as a Christian say, then why can't he make a snake to speak. In fact Jesus himself indicated that if it was His will the very rocks would sing out (Luke 19:40).

4th - The Flood -

a. Murder by definition is when a man unjustly kills another man. God can not murder. He is the giver of life and thus has the right to take it away at His choosing.

b. It was not 200 years before what is possible. It clearly indicates that the assumptions made by scientists when they CALULATE the age is incorrect. Assumptions like the ratio of C-12 to C14 in history past is assumed.

c. The temperature of the earth prior to the flood was in all likelihood steady. Animals very well genetically changed after the flood via "survival of the fittest" by a reduction of genetic code, and thus became climate specific. I’m surprised to hear that you don’t believe in genetic mutations.

d. It was an Ark not a boat. An ark is a big box without navigation.

e. The gathering of animals on the ark was most likely supernatural. If you read Genesis 2 you will note that God brought all the animals to Adam to see that he would call them. It's logical to conclude that this was done again for Noah.

f. I don't know what you mean by "round the houses"

g. I have ran the numbers (have you?) and to repopulate the earth is very do able. In fact if mankind was here millions of years ago - you have a major problem of having too few people.

The story of Adam and Eve is very important because they explain the reason we were created, also what happened to make the world haywire. It tells us that we are lost and on the way to eternal fire. On a positive note God promised that some one from their seed would crush the head of satan. That of course is the Lord Jesus Christ, prophecied four thousand year beforehand.

The story of Noah was God looking down on the sinfulness of man and seeing nothing but evil. Out of his mercy he saved one family. Noah preached to the world, warning them of judgement and was mocked for an hundred years. Where is the scientific evidence of this God? Where is the proof that God was unhappy with the world? Where is the proof of this coming flood? They mocked and in the end they were swipt away in the flood.

Today we do not have a coming flood of water - but a coming judgement of fire. Those that do not have Christ Jesus will be judged on the last day for their own sins. Those that have Christ (our ark) will make it to the other side of the flood. I will pray that God would soften your heart.

2007-07-07 09:23:33 · answer #3 · answered by Brian 5 · 2 2

Obvious flaws.
1. He did know the outcome---and had already planned a savior--himself in human form, to suffer so we would not.
2. He did not make the snake talk--the snake was embodied by Satan.
3. The flood of Noahs day was to destroy the nephilim of Genesis chapter 6 verse three.
4. The creator does not mess up---the creation uses its own free will to mess up.
The same free will that you use to slander God, his design and his work, and you would really throw a tantrum if you were not allowed to hold or voice your opinion. You enjoy attacking faith in God--and you, use your free will to do so---NO ONE FORCES YOU, DO THEY?
So, make the hypothesis at least a possible reality, instead of leading others astray.


2007-07-07 08:27:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The trouble is, you haven't got a shred of evidence to back up your claims. The evidence supporting the fact of evolution is overwhelming to all but closed-minded religious zealots.

The thing that bemuses me the most are people who have got it into their heads that "nobody knows the right answer". This categorically and verifiably false. Science doesn't just pluck ideas out the air, it derives theories based on observation and experimentation that can be tested and validated.

It's quite clear that a lot of people in this world have little or no science education at all.

2007-07-09 10:17:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A supreme being of unknown origin or intent,
all knowing (by definition as a supreme being) but doesn't know the outcome of his creations,
gives some of his creation "free will" then damns them for exercising the same,
does a"vaudville act" with a talking snake as a straight man,
muders all of his creation out of his anger (at least we know he is not supposed to be a loving god),
promotes incestuous relationships among a single family so as to repopulate the earth with a particular species instead of simply "re-creating" them (inbreeding, now we know what went wrong with mankind!),
...etc., etc., etc.

This is creationism, not new, historically and scientifically unproveable with a supreme being who isn't any too supreme.

This was a joke, right?

Although this theroy is ridiculous, it does seem to represnt, to a greater or lesser degree, the actual beliefs of some persons.
Should such person choose to believe that they and all of their anscestors are derived from such a sequence of events (including the incestuous family of Noah) and also feel the need to completely disagree with the evidence of modren science, then they are more than welcomed to do so. Although I do not find myself in agreement with their beliefs, I will and do defend their right to hold the same.

Please, in kindness, allow others to believe what they wish to believe as long as it does no harm to themselve, to you or to others.

Do not judge ( a Buddhist concept) and do not ridicule others for their beliefs as it will not help them nor one's self to be better (uncommon common sense).

May it be well with you.

2007-07-07 08:43:10 · answer #6 · answered by Big Bill 7 · 1 0

I think the attempt to discredit fundamentalist faith and thought by making fun of it is getting a bit long in the tooth, that's what I think.

Personally, I don't believe the material of Genesis was passed down as a text on earth-science, and I think that any attempt to deploy it that way is an abuse of Scripture, and misses by a wide margin the moral content and ancient understanding of the relationship between God and humanity. Consequently, such interpretation is likely to stunt the spiritual growth of the individual who puts a higher meaning on the literal elements than on the lessons to be learned.

That said, if anyone cares to take it "as written," I'm at a loss to say how or why anyone else should care to disabuse them; we all believe what we believe, and making fun of beliefs will probably serve only to make people hold on to them more dearly.

Your point in doing this was what?

2007-07-07 08:29:57 · answer #7 · answered by JSGeare 6 · 2 1

I am not christian, but enjoy looking into many religions, if you think back to the old testament, god was pretty.... Set in his ways. A lot of unethical things went on, including sacrifices condoned by him (Check Numbers, can't remember the exact verse etc but it's after Moses won the war and they split the "loot".)

Then in the new testament he just changes, as simple as that. It could symbolise that no, god isn't actually perfect and that he changes with everything else.

2007-07-07 08:25:19 · answer #8 · answered by Xzar 6 · 0 0

You call THAT a theory? When I read the first part of the question, I really thought you had something new and different. But upon reading the details, I felt a great disappointment.

2007-07-07 08:38:14 · answer #9 · answered by flandargo 5 · 2 1

You are like Muhammad, you pick and choose what you believe in the Bible.

God has always been here, you do not understand that concept.

The snake today does not look anything like the sanke before the curse. You cannot understand that either.

God does not murder. This is His creation, He is the ruler. He is the ruler over life and death. He tells us not to murder. But He will decide when we die.

Silly silly story. Muhammad did better.

2007-07-07 08:20:22 · answer #10 · answered by Ulrika 5 · 1 4

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