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I think you should have your A$$ kicked out if you dont...so you can support whatever you like.... i dont care if you dont like it or not.... the thing is, if you dont... your not an american....your just some form of invertabrate sucking the life out of our great nation ...

2007-07-07 00:28:09 · 15 answers · asked by Stanford F 2 in Politics & Government Military

i cant believe you people would actually support anyone who didnt support our nation.... and our military.... your the loosers that run your mouth about how much our military sucks when youve never served or anything else for that fact.... if you dont like it here get ther he!! out .... HIPPIES

2007-07-07 00:36:21 · update #1

by the way im a MARINE and its people like us who let you unsupporting leeches run your mouth about who or what you do and do not support.... your welcome by the way.... and thats from all of us "dumb brainwashed military guys"

2007-07-07 16:44:34 · update #2

15 answers

It is the American Soldier, NOT the Constitution that gives American Citizens their freedom. These people must NEVER forget that the reason they can open their smelly sewers and ramble incoherently about peace, love, and their STD's is because while they cower in the face of those who wish them to suffer, better men and women than them are standing up for them, in their place, protecting our great nation.

I see this everyday and still, I am not sour about it. I am glad we are afforded the option to fight or hide, because that is just one more factor which makes some men strong and great, and others nothing if they choose to hide. I hope that through my service and through that of other men, that our children do not have to face the enemy that we face today. I pray that our work in this generation will make better the future of those who follow.

The only thing that hurts me is when I see ourselves destroying this great nation from within, with the introduction of socialist policy: gun bans, Fairness Doctrine, Separation of Church and State, etc..

2007-07-07 00:45:23 · answer #1 · answered by Voice of Liberty 5 · 2 2

I'm an active duty USMC Sgt. who has been to Iraq twice.
why do you feel that people who don't support the troops should be kicked ou of the country. does them saying they don't like the military affect you in anyway. One of the great thing about this country is THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. If that is how they feel who cares. It is one of the rights that we are here to protect.
so go ahead take away the freedom of speech, than lets take away the right to vote, hell lets take away women rights also, make them cover themselves from head to toe. Then lets start executing people for having different religions. How great would the country sound them. Sounds shitty to me, Sounds like it would be like Iraq

2007-07-07 00:52:29 · answer #2 · answered by King Of Battle 6 · 2 0

You are the one who sucks the life out of the children of this nation.

Supporting the military and supporting Bush is 2 separate things! Bush doesn't even support the military and most of the military now do not support Bush's opinions regarding Iraq or the war! That is according to the latest US Army Time poll!

Most of America has never supported the military either! They screw them at every turn, and deny them compensation for injuries received in combat, like agent Orange!

The thing that makes America work is our diversity! We don't need another Hitler!

And as far as Iraq, there is no military victory to be had there, so get over it!

2007-07-07 00:43:41 · answer #3 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 3

You're missing the whole point, kid.
Our country is a democracy, not a military dictatorship. And thank goodness that it isn't.
There's one heck of a big difference between supporting our country and supporting the military. If you don't understand that, it might be best to go back to school.

2007-07-07 01:35:56 · answer #4 · answered by tamarindwalk 5 · 1 1

I feel like this question is a bit harsh. The reason I say that is because the US was founded on freedom. We all have the right to have our opinion. If someone does not support the president should they be allowed to live in the US? Of course, that is why we have elections and that is why the constitution states we have the right to freedom of speech, the right to life, liberty and the prosuit of happiness. For some that does not include burying there loved one because the president desided to take us all to war.

2007-07-07 00:37:09 · answer #5 · answered by Teresa B 1 · 2 2

I support the troops, but not the war.

Everyone has the right to there freedom of speech and remember the true Un-American thing to do would be to kick them out of America for there opinions because that is against everything your country is founded on.

2007-07-07 00:36:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

We are free to not support... but you may be censored here for using the term "invertebrate sucking" because it may offend the leeches.

This is America. When you sign off to join the military you become Government Issue. You become inventory of the State. The primary purpose of Government is to protect the people, not feed, insure, build housing, propagandize, abort
or deceive the people. Somewhere a revolution sounds Good

2007-07-07 00:33:37 · answer #7 · answered by polity 2 · 2 2

We are ensured the freedom to think & speak as we wish in the country without fear of extradition.

I have the sincerest respect for our military though I feel they are stuck in a dead-end quagmire right now. I always wonder at people who use the phrase "I support the military" though. What exactly are you doing? Are you sending out care packages? Cash maybe? Are you arranging groups to meet them at airports? Helping to support their families? Or is this just lip service?

2007-07-07 00:35:33 · answer #8 · answered by birdie 6 · 4 1

all im goin to say is some of you people here are idiots and shouldnt even speak, for get about gettin teh f out of this country, and for u tarminingay they government runs the milltary so explain to me how the government has nothing to do with, last time i check the president gives the comand to the milltary, and the president is part of the government not even mentioning congress part in the whole deal, your a freaking idiot and you need to leave, so the orginal question, get the out if you dont suport our milltary cause your too busy huging trees or some gay bs like that

2007-07-07 04:04:16 · answer #9 · answered by Tin 2 · 1 2

It's not those that do not support the military you should be concerned about but the idiots that just want to do harm to the US because we have what they do not.

2007-07-07 10:14:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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