I just tell them I have certain charities I support each year and I have already given to them, although I will consider them next time I choose who I want to donate money to!
2007-07-06 22:44:55
answer #1
answered by Em x 6
You can make them think about what they're are doing, because it IS illegal.
Get out a pen and paper - ask whoever it is for their name and the contact number of the charity they work for. Ask to see their badge as proof they are collecting for who they say they are. Inform them that it is everyone's right to choose what they do with their own money and pressurising people to donate when they can't or don't want to is illegal.
You can report them to the charities commission - www.charity-commission.gov.uk
People who are collecting money should do no more than hold the tin and thank those who choose to donate. There ARE strict guidelines about this.
2007-07-07 04:13:04
answer #2
answered by justasiam29 5
I just politely say no thanks and walk on, without breaking my stride. If they're persistent I tell them I'm already contributing to a number of charities, and can't spare any more, which is true. If they still carry on talking at me I lose patience and walk away.
I don't trust chuggers anyway. I once spent half an hour discussing a really worthwhile charity with one, and he seemed like a really nice, genuine guy. I signed up. About five minutes after we parted I saw him in starbucks. I smiled and said hello, and he gave me a really dirty look then turned away without a word. He can't have failed to recognise me as I'm quite distinctive looking, so I figure earlier he was just putting on an act to get me to sign up. I cancelled the direct debit straight away (you have to have made at least a couple of payments for them to get the commission apparently).
Chuggers seem to be people with nice personalities, who choose to use that for financial gain. 'personality whores', you could say.
2007-07-06 22:56:01
answer #3
answered by adacam 5
Isn't it illegal? I know it is illegal to rattle a collection tin at someone now, or even ask for a donation so how do they get away with this? Guess that doesn't really help, don't make eye contact with them just walk 'through' them without acknowleging them in any way. If that doesn't work say 'look out there's a police man!' I'm sure they'll move then.
2007-07-06 22:47:10
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I saw a character collecting supposedly for local children,in the entrance of our local Co-Op, a few days later I saw him again in another town sixty miles away outside Marks and Spencer with the same collecting box. I wondered if he was genuine or was it for himself? Sorry I did not give anything.
2007-07-07 10:34:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I just ignor them and if they wont leave me alone tell them to f##k off . Tell them I gave already . Or tell them cant do it have not got bank account .Sometimes I turn around and take a different route .
2007-07-07 02:21:52
answer #6
answered by Reggie girl 2
First, avoid eye contact! Catching their eye initiates an encounter. I speak three languages so I just don't answer in English--and I keep walking. Lengthen your stride, and purposefully keep going.
2007-07-07 00:53:26
answer #7
answered by anna 7
Just tell them sorry-but no you already give to several charities. They are not suposed to harrass you in anyway.
2007-07-08 08:58:03
answer #8
answered by pigeonlegs 2
Tell them you do the same job as them, and this your day off.
2007-07-07 10:44:06
answer #9
answered by ? 5
tell them NO! firmly if they persist tell them you already give to charity.
2007-07-06 22:39:17
answer #10
answered by peter p 5