Once we enter into the covenant BODY AND BLOOD of JESUS all religion becomes keeping the commandments.
James 1:27 Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation: and to keep one's self unspotted from this world.
2007-07-06 18:04:37
answer #1
answered by jesusfreakstreet 4
"In spirit and in truth" that's what the Bible says but I'm guessing that is not what you want.
I sing to him. The doxology is actually very moving and alot of other songs. Sometimes- I cry, out of appreciation to Him. I know this sounds sappy but sometimes when you just stop and think how good God is- you are just humbled by the fact that He lets you call Him "Lord" and "Friend" That is when I cry.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "inspirational events" because most of the things I find inspirational some people say are just stupid and coincidental.
Today I asked God for a bit of hope- He gave it to me.
The other day I asked God to just help me be happy- that kind that shows on your face (I haven't been too happy for a while) At the end of the day I realized that- all day- I was happy- just because!!
Christ's love for us is an inspiration to me. If I am a mirror of His love then I will be a picture of everything He is- longsuffering, kind, gentle. unconditional, peace giving and etc.
How about you?
2007-07-07 10:49:09
answer #2
answered by Lizzi 3
I do not go to Church and do not align myself with any particular religion. I worship God when we have rain when it has been so dry. I get out on my grass, raise my arms and give praise and thanks for meeting our needs. I go into the woods and see the amazing different green colors of all the trees and praise and thank God. I look at my three grandchildren and praise God for blessing me with healthy, intelligent grandchildren. I see a bird, a baby smiling, a happy independent older person, a tomato on my plant and thank God. Without God I would never have these blessings. I would not have the people in my life that I have, those that come for a moment and those that stay for a long time. I thank God all the time and praise him for all He has done for me. Inspirational events happen all the time in my life. I open myself to God daily and just sit back and watch those things happen to me. As something as complex as no money for Christmas when my daughter's were growing up and a check from some long forgotten money that was owed me shows up in the mail (several times I might add) or as something as simple as my 2 yo grandson being in the mood to give me a "monkey hug" To me they are all inspirational and God deserves all the credit for them.
Peace and Blessings.
2007-07-14 11:37:57
answer #3
answered by wherehaveallthehippiesgone 3
I worship the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
2007-07-14 01:56:51
answer #4
answered by cheir 7
Actually all liturgical worship is to the Father, Thru the Son in the Spirit. If you notice in many liturgical prayers are the following phases: "We ask you this (Father) through your Son Jesus Christ," "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Father comes first); "The Grace and peace of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ be with you" and etc.
The Goria contains the phrase: "Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory....."
Profession of Faith of the Nicene creed, "We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighy, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen."
In the Kyrie, the first Lord have mercy can apply to the Father.
In the Eucharistic prayers written after Vatican II all the Prefaces contain the Phrase "Father, etc." I.e -"Father it is our duty and our salvation always and everywhere to give you thanks through your beloves Son Jesus Christ...."
Doxology "Through Him, with Him and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. Amen"
The prayer "Our Father".
The Catholic Mass contains many prayers directed to God the Father. We love the Father best by loving his son Jesus Christ. But all prayer is directed to the Father through the one mediator of the son in the love and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
As far as inspiration events in my life, this happens everytime I go to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or say the Liturgy of the Hours. I love the Tridentine Rite and am so inspired everytime. Its like being made new again.
2007-07-14 12:57:02
answer #5
answered by hossteacher 3
I don't go anywhere to worship. God and I have a wonderfully loving relationship that is constantly growing. I am extremely fortunate. I've been able to have conversations with God.
I've never been a virgin, due to incest. I had no place to go for help and comfort. God sent child-like angels to me when I was tiny. I used to think they were kids just like me, only with wings. They came often, and played with me a lot.
I have a few more stories but I will tell you one more only, and try to give you a very short version.
I ran away from home at the age of 15. A man who seemed nice said I could stay with him and his gf. I went, he raped me so badly the doc said I would never have kids. He choked me repeatedly until I passed out and then let me come to. I kept hearing a whispering in my head, saying: stay calm, stay calm, you need to be able to think.
When he was finished with me, he asked how I wanted to die. At that moment I felt a hand reach into the top of my head and gently pull my spirit out. Then I was sat on the side-lines. I watched them talk for a long time. Next thing I knew I was back in my body. I didn't really know what had passed between him and whoever took control of my body, but we were on our knees, and he was crying. He took me to his friends house with instructions to keep me for two weeks. It's been 30 years or so ago. It's still as clear as if it happened yesterday.
I have more I can tell you. But that is all for now...
Blessed Be
2007-07-13 04:18:20
answer #6
answered by Linda B 6
I worship my Lord and Savior in many ways, in song, in teaching, in tithes, and especially in living my life as an example of my faith. I live what I preach. By living a life that says to the world I am a Christian, I love other people, I don't consider myself better than anyone. I love to help others in their time of need and I do all I can to live as Jesus asks me too...By following His commandments I show Him how much I worship Him...
2007-07-12 10:27:35
answer #7
answered by Domino 4
Why worship Jesus? He was just a man with a message, worship G-d, by praying to him and thank him for all the beauty in the world. I don't think one should pray to a prophet.
2007-07-13 10:35:43
answer #8
answered by Miss 6 7
In many ways - is it not a form of worship to simply follow His commands? To glorify His name, and speak of His mighty works? To repent when we sin against Him (repent simply means to turn away from)?
The book of Psalms is plumb full of songs of worship to the Father, and Proverbs is a learning tool for how to live a life that pleases Him - another form of worship.
I have countless inspirational experiences in my life - in some ways, my very life is an inspirational event. (Long story)
2007-07-06 18:04:01
answer #9
answered by mrscjr 3
I worship through song and by representing Christ well. Doing things that please God are best.
I'm leaving for a mission trip in a day to go to a place only an hour outside of my town to do a backyard Bible club with underprivileged kids and I hope thing will be a great spiritual milestone for me. I just want to share the love God has shown me
2007-07-06 18:00:10
answer #10
answered by Anonymous