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Ok, so the Bible is written by inspired prophets and some followers having God speaking to them in some way. Whatever. So if the Bible is true and everything in it is to be believed in: Moses turned his stick into a snake, split the ocean apart, beheld God anatomy from the rear, etc,. Then why are there no such miracles now a days? Where are all the prophets now? Why don't you christians continue the sequence of the human history in your Bible? Why stop the story? If we are reading what happened to our ancestors several thousand years ago from the Bible don't you think that our grand grand grand children would like to know what happened to us? Why not document our stories into the Bilbe? Sadly there are no miracles such as before to attract readers. Don't say that we are too far away from God now that miracles can't occur like before. Don't you have equal faith as Moses? Is your faith less so you can't recieve super natural miracles?
Funny, really funny.

2007-07-06 17:36:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I knew that you were going to say that miracles still happen and you would have some made up story that you heard from your friend. You can't prove those miracles to be true. Anyway, those are not miracles but rather luck. Miracles that i am talking about is magic and spells that are clearly super natural. Those miracles don't happen any more. Why? You can't compare your faith to moses or abraham?

2007-07-06 18:10:54 · update #1

25 answers

God chose to reveal Himself thru His Word.
It is up to God what He wanted to reveal to us.

Today, a miracle occurs each time a sinner repents and believes God. A new life begins for that person.
And God the Holy Spirit will live in that person.

As for our stories for our families, we will have to write our own journals or maybe some of us will be a part of history books.

2007-07-06 18:51:21 · answer #1 · answered by Precious and True 3 · 1 1

Before I even read the answers I knew what some people would say: miracles are still happening today!

Well, sure. Miracles that cannot be proven, or repeated. Miracles that can be attributed to anything.

But this fellow raises a valid point. I don't recall seeing anything about some guy walking across a lake, or turning casks of water into wine, or raising people from the dead. At least, not outside of the Weekly World News.

I remember when I was attending the fundie church I used to go to. One woman stood up and testified that God led her to shop at a different grocery store than the one she usually frequented. And --- here her voice trembled --- this grocery store HAD A SALE ON HAMBURGER! The congregation erupted into applause. What a miracle! Hamburger on sale! I could not believe my ears. Even as a teenager I was savvy enough to know that every week, every grocery store has SOMETHING on sale. If it weren't hamburger it would have been fish sticks, or bread, or milk. I think it was that day that i began to ask myself: what is really going on here?

This is what passes for a 'miracle' these days...

2007-07-07 00:52:43 · answer #2 · answered by pasdeberet 4 · 1 1

I disagree.... I know personally that there are still miracles regularly occurring. Now, they are generally not the same kind, like parting the waters, turning rods into snakes, etc, but that is because those are the types of miracles that were necessary to accomplish God's particular purpose at that particular time. That said, just because the miracles are different does not mean they are any less important. I have personally know many people who have been supernaturally healed (ex: went to a youth camp with a boy who at the beginning of the camp was deaf, and by the end of the camp could hear with no hearing aids or assistance of any kind) I have known a friend who had been in a car accident where he should have been decapitated by the winshield (i saw the car afterwards too), but because God miraculously protected him, both he and the other passenger walked away literally without a scratch after rolling the car multiple times. Furthermore, investigate the lives of people such as Smith Wigglesworth (funny name I know, but he was a real person), in his life their is a documented case in which his wife had literally, clinically, medically, whatever, passed away, and he literally prayed and received a miracle and she came back to life and lived for multiple years after! These are just a few of many examples that come to my mind, and there are many more that I'm not even aware or....sometimes you have to look to know that miracles still happen, but believe me, they do.

2007-07-07 00:49:49 · answer #3 · answered by mandaj17 2 · 3 2

I would suggest that there are many miracles happening today that you are not informed about. Jesus said , your faith has made you well. There are many people today who will testify that they have been a part of healing from God thru the Holy Spirit in meeting all over the world given by faith healers.
Jesus said, greater things will you do. I have personally been a witness to many. I once laughed at the TV Evangelist Rev. Earnest Angely until I finally thru a last resort went to him to heal my wife who was sick from Kidney disease. I don't expect you to believe this because you seem to have your mind made up, but God did work thru this man and I was almost knocked out by a meir touch of his hand to my forehead. She had been on a waiting list for a new Kidney transplant. The list was three years she would have had to wait. Within two weeks a Kidney became available.
My wife and i were knocked down, like you see Benny Hinn do on TV. It is no lie. Go find out for yourself but don't go for no reason like to disprove God, because you will realize as I did, God is real and there is a force beyond explanation.
Every time a baby is born, it is a Miracle. Can you create a baby or a tree for that matter?
If you only believe!
Rev. TomCat

2007-07-07 00:58:14 · answer #4 · answered by Rev. TomCat 6 · 4 0

That's easy, free will. If their were angels in the rafters and a miracle on the six o'clock news every Sunday, then there would be no faith. It would be fact. Something taken for granted.

Fire in the hills? Don't worry, God will clean that up for us....

This is the time we learn to do things for ourselves. Personally, I find it a miracle that we haven't kills each other off yet...

2007-07-07 00:50:06 · answer #5 · answered by Odindmar 5 · 0 0

The Lord God does not just ZAP! someone with supernatural powers, and say "BE GONE EVIL SPIRIT" Miracles happen by choice of the person or persons, it s an opportunity that the Lord gives us all to trust in him, and Love him. But the true miracle is going to Heaven, and coming to Love God and Christ. I respect your opinion, and hopefully you can respect mine, as they are coming from to different perspectives. Also you remind me of me from when I was 15,I hung out with the wrong crowd, and did the wrong things, and I used science as a way to disprove religion, but I was wrong to do so, because I believe in God, and I believe there is a Lord no matter what. Also it i a good thing hat you researched, because I also researched, and asked questions about how are miracles real, how is God real, how is this possible, and it brought me closer to God.

God Bless,

2007-07-07 00:49:18 · answer #6 · answered by Jake 2 · 1 1

I have a book for you. It is called "A Case For Faith". It is written by a former atheist and he talks about Hell and miracles and the top 8 things atheists have against Faith. It could answer all your questions better than I or any one here.
Or are you gathering disciples or something?

2007-07-07 03:19:12 · answer #7 · answered by Mrs Lizzard 3 · 1 0

Who says miracles don't still happen? I have had miracles in my life. Who says that we don't have prophets now? Each Sunday Pastors tell about what is to come..but it's the same as in the day of Noah. - scoffers, unbelivers..those who will not listen. If only those of you who are so sure, would stop and sincerely listen to some of the stories of God's people..you might hear with more than your ears.

2007-07-07 00:48:29 · answer #8 · answered by Jlk 4 · 3 2

You are really missing the boat here------kinda like the people in the days of Noah did....and look what happened to them. Miracles are all around us, but YE of no faith are blinded, so you cannot see them!!!

2007-07-07 00:51:47 · answer #9 · answered by connie 6 · 3 0

I've definitely had miracles in my life, but then again, I'm a believer. I have books on the miracles other believers have experienced ... bigger and better miracles than I ever experienced. I feel sorry for you if your life doesn't attract miracles, but don't assume that's how it is for everyone.

2007-07-07 00:41:12 · answer #10 · answered by Emily Dew 7 · 3 2

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