24 answers
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My question has nothing to do with the Divinci Code. I know very well it is a fictional book.
I just happen to have my own thoughts on this and wondered what others, with mature and thoughtful insight, might think about it.
17:48:14 ·
update #1
Some of these answers make it sound like procreation is a sin when really, it is the most basic act and completely natural.
Had Jesus married and had children, would that be a bad thing?
18:01:53 ·
update #2
The Church especially the RC Church has always felt it would under mind the Divinity of Jesus and most of all the power and control of the Church. This is why they have fought so vehemently against the very idea that Jesus could be married or have produced heirs. It is a battle that has been waged since the very beginnings of the church.
2007-07-06 17:38:55
answer #1
answered by Fluffy Wisdom 5
Anyone asking that question obviously don't know either God, Jesus and His reason for being /dying / resurecting Here. I'M sure he was equipped to bread, but He was not a man, He was God the SON in a man "suit" with a precise mission, that is all. No reason for him to have a blood line, in fact if He did, all His doings would have been lies... He had to remain totally pure to be the perfect lamb of God... If you read the bible, you will understand why, and it will be obvious to you also.
2007-07-07 00:38:09
answer #2
answered by monfille 3
If your going off of the book Da Vinci Code, realize that it is fiction and has been completely blown out of wack. There is not a blood line to Jesus because Jesus was pure. That means no children, because no sex.
2007-07-07 00:37:50
answer #3
answered by RF2007 1
Jesus had brothers. They could have had children. But they were the sons of Mary and Joseph not God. All I know is that Jesus never had sex because he was never married. So he had no children. That's why someone saying he did have kids would challenge my beliefs by saying he is a hypocrite (since the Bible says no sex before marriage).
2007-07-07 00:40:12
answer #4
answered by Em 2
The Bible says he never married and had no children. If he had descendants than the Bible is wrong in a major way.
Jesus is the Son of God. His descendants would they be "special" and the rest of us are ordinary. But that is not what the New Testament teaches. We are all children of God, and not just the descendants of Jesus. We are all equal in the eyes of God.
2007-07-07 00:52:09
answer #5
answered by John A 3
Because it isnt true, if you look at the book the davinci codes on the book it states it is a work of fiction, how can a work of fiction be truth, or the author is a complete liar, because now after stating the book was a work of fiction he now claims that it is truth, now let me ask you where is truth.
2007-07-07 00:37:06
answer #6
answered by Cookyduster 4
Impossible for Jesus to have a bloodline, for he never sinned, which means he never committed adultery, and he never had a wife or mate.
and no Mary Magdeline did not have intercourse with Christ.
and If he does the bible would be wrong.
2007-07-07 00:36:37
answer #7
answered by Jake 2
Jesus is God. Jesus is the bridegroom of the Church. Jesus does not sin. Little gods? Many more reasons. The truth is in the true word of God we don't need to speculate.
2007-07-07 00:40:02
answer #8
answered by djmantx 7
He wanted the children to come to Him, He longed to take the people "under His wings".
Believe in Jesus, follow his path, become one in heart with Him and you will be of his lineage.
2007-07-07 01:26:50
answer #9
answered by RAY R 2
It might complicate things a bit to have Jesus' grans, great grand, great great grand, great great great grand , etc., etc., etc., kids runnig around each one shouting, "I'm more like "grand dad" you.
It would have also lead to one hell of a fight as to who should be leading the church.
Such is a similar reason as to why the Sunni and Shia Muslims are fighting each other.
2007-07-07 00:38:01
answer #10
answered by Big Bill 7