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2007-07-06 17:30:09 · 52 answers · asked by G's Random Thoughts 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

52 answers

Only if you think it's a threat! And sadly there are some Christians that would argue with God Himself that science is from the devil.... Ignorance is bliss!

2007-07-06 17:34:50 · answer #1 · answered by Thunderrolls 4 · 1 2

Theoretically science and religion are completely separate. However, with science explaining much of what religion used to (for example, the evolution of life shows how ridiculous creation sounds), we wonder if there are more contradictions like this. With science, our world can now be explained naturally in a way we can understand, and we no longer need to say God is the answer to everything. Therefore science is a threat to a religion, though I have a feeling it won't be dying out any time soon.

2007-07-06 17:35:51 · answer #2 · answered by khard 6 · 1 2

No. Any religion that refuses to accept that science has been able to find out something is doomed. Trying to use religion as science will get nowhere. Regardless of what people believe the Bible says about it, Christianity maintained that the earth was at the center of the universe. As much as the Church tried to stop the fact that astronomers could prove otherwise, it was forced to change. In fact, this may well have had some leverage for the creation of Protestantism.

Science is not out to prove God does not exist; it's religious people who seem to think that for some reason.

2007-07-06 17:34:04 · answer #3 · answered by The Doctor 7 · 1 1

Only to some religions, but not all.

I took a Religion and Science class for my major, and it seems that the bulk of the conflict is with Christianity, especially in the classroom. It's not even all types of Christianity, mostly Protestant sects. From my research, it seems that some types of Christianity are picking the fight as well.

However, many types of religions coexist with science. I'd suggest reading The Universe in a Single Atom by the Dalai Lama or When Science Meets Religion by Ian G. Barbour.

2007-07-06 17:38:06 · answer #4 · answered by Mrs. Pears 5 · 1 1

Science will NEVER be a threat to religion. Different Leagues.

Science = The Bigs.
Religion = The Minors.

2007-07-06 17:33:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Not at all. True science keeps an open mind and is willing to consider the possibility of God. Those who deny that science leads us to God are those with closed minds. Everyone I know that has pursued science with an open mind has found God. Even my athiest friend who set out to disprove God through science.

All these ridiculous theories that keep getting brought up are evidence of the lack of a willingness to consider God. They will accept an idea that can be disproved by school kids rather than admit that a Creator is the most logical choice.

2007-07-07 04:40:14 · answer #6 · answered by BaseballGrrl 6 · 0 1

Only if you treat science and religion as things that they're not meant to be. The only religions that science "threatens" are those that insist on believing in something that contradicts what science has discovered (earth revolving around the sun, the earth being spherical, people not being formed from clay or ribs, etc).

2007-07-06 17:33:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's not a threat at all!
Whatever science discovers to be contradicting
with religion, religion just make excuses and
adapts accordingly.
Science discovered that the earth was round not flat.
Christians say that the false prophet wrote that or that
it is just a metaphor or whatever.
Believe me, stubborn religious people won't stop

2007-07-06 17:40:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Science is not a threat to spirituality. It is a threat to man crafted religious legal systems parading as spiritual bastions.

2007-07-09 09:50:43 · answer #9 · answered by awayforabit 5 · 0 0

Not at all.
Time after time where science has failed, religion prevails.
For instance ~ take our human DNA. If science attempts to duplicate it they are uncapable. The graphs actually line up on the improper side of the DNA read out. It caannot be done properly. Science has concluded this. So, if God was not our almighty creator, then why is it men's theories are not adequate and do not provide that science is more believable.

2007-07-06 17:38:02 · answer #10 · answered by Jenblossom 6 · 2 2

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