Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2007-07-06 17:31:50
answer #1
answered by hisgloryisgreat 6
the rev is right,
I've always taken it to mean to refrain from sharing your faith or teaching further with someone who has chosen not to listen.... not to say that they won't eventually pay attention, just at the time.
I was having a discussion about forgiveness with a fellow Christian who happened to be Lutheran (I'm a born again Christian). She was complaining about something that someone had said about her, and I was sharing that she must forgive and move on, that this person would come and apologize (I knew that they would). SHe kept on and on about "If you had just heard what he said about me how would you feel?" And I continued to be sympatetic, but admonished her to forgive.... she wouldn't let it go. At that moment, I distinctly felt the Spirit of the Lord upon me saying "do not cast your pearls....she is not ready to hear".
I stopped immediately and so did she.
The pearls are words of wisdom or learning.
The swine (while not a very pleasant visual) are the recipients of that wisdom who reject it.
Both pearls AND swine are unclean to the Jewish people though. So I think it will be interesting to investigate this one further.
blessings :)
2007-07-06 17:36:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, you already have some good answers here. In my opinion it means that some people are living more of the law of the jungle, going after what satisfies their physical appetites more than what appeals to the spirit. Some people are just going through life wondering how to get more stuff just for them, and anything that explains life on a higher level is nonsense to them, or they can't comprehend it. If they are living on a level like that, pearls wouldn't have any value to them because they are just out to satiate their physical needs. For example, I learned more than once as a missionary that if someone was breaking the law of chastity on an ongoing basis, it was next to impossible to get someone to commit to live the law of chastity, in spite of all the blessings inherent in that kind of commitment. No matter what else we explained, if they thought "getting some" was more important, everything else was lower priority.
2007-07-06 17:39:13
answer #3
answered by Cookie777 6
It means to not give precious advice to people who would not recognize the "pearls of wisdom" you are giving them. They act like pigs when pearls are thrown before them, and trample over the words of wisdom because they do not see the value of what they are being told.
2007-07-06 17:31:46
answer #4
answered by Marie 7
Don't put something of value in the hands - er, cloven hooves - of a filthy, unclean beast.
Read more ominously, don't hand your soul (the most valuable thing you have) over to the devil (a filthy, cloven-footed beast).
Read more loosely, be cautious and careful when it comes to your valued possessions and your valued attributes. Don't sacrifice that which is good or noble or sacred for no good reason.
2007-07-06 17:37:00
answer #5
answered by jimbob 6
For they will trample them under foot and turn and tear you to pieces?
I have a great example. Lets tell all of R&S that GOD loves them and has a plan for their life and watch the pearls fly baby!
2007-07-06 17:29:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you meet someone who is argumentative, unreasonable, or acts dangerous, this verse is saying that it is unwise to discuss spiritual things with this type of person. For whatever reason, they won't listen and could verbally or physically injure those trying to speak with them.
However, we can still witness to them by our everyday normal actions and words, showing we are Christians, and we can speak to others this person is around. Maybe he will be listening and decide to talk about the Bible with us. (Matthew 5:16)
2007-07-06 18:32:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Swine were the ultimate example of of sacriledge for the Jews. They picture all that is vicious, unclean and abominable; they describe committed God-haters, of whom we are to beware and from whom we are to separate ourselves.
2007-07-06 17:32:20
answer #8
answered by beano™ 6
better hope you've judged accurately then, which are the pearls and who are the swine.
2007-07-06 17:34:04
answer #9
answered by vorenhutz 7
or give to dogs what is holy. Some people like dogs have no respect for the truth and spiritual things and will unless someone has respect for those things keep them to yourself.
2007-07-06 17:30:33
answer #10
answered by djmantx 7