I believe he does exist. But whether I believe or not is out of the question. You'll just have to trust your faith and find out when you die. For me, the Bible is all the proof I need.
2007-07-06 15:38:20
answer #1
answered by Umbra's Curse 3
Put your name in front of evidence and that is how much evidence you have.
However, basically a "freethinker" will tell you that we have no evidence, however, in their minds there is no evidence and that is because they have devised a clever system to make sure there can be no evidence.
Basically first they assert that the only way they will accept God is through supernatural acts, that all the fascinating naturalistic things are all random so evidence of God must be something supernatural. Well, you might say that does not seem so bad, but you see "freethinkers" already have accepted that supernatural things do not exist. Therefore, even if something can not be explained by science at this moment, it is simply because we do not have the means. Therefore even if God sends down supernatural signs the "freethinkers" would not accept it, they would continually either using crackpot theories trying to refute the event (try reading a skeptic's argument of Fatima for one example), or simply saying science will someday explain it.
Therefore it is impossible to get any evidence that is acceptable to a "freethinker" not because getting the evidence is impossible, but getting them to accept it is impossible.
2007-07-06 15:44:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes. The evidence is everything your senses can detect....and more, not any baloney from man-made religious books. Nothing could have come into being without an intelligent creator. The mere thought that anything (even a spec of dust) just appeared out of nothing is illogical and plain dumb. What evidence do you need... a video of God creating something?
2007-07-06 15:41:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Does god exist?
one of the many questions
of the universe.
2007-07-06 15:40:34
answer #4
answered by the great one 4
"The axiom which you apply in all your scientific researches, 'There is no effect without a
cause.' Search out the cause of whatever is not the work of man, and reason will furnish the
answer to your question.
To assure ourselves of the existence of God, we have only to look abroad on the works of creation. The
universe exists, therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt that every effect has a
cause, and to assume that something can have been made by nothing."
This was written by a spirit from the other side of life.
2007-07-06 15:35:47
answer #5
answered by Janet Reincarnated 5
I have my own proof due to directly experiencing him at age seventeen.
This is not proof for anyone else.
I strongly support skepticism, logic, and science, as well as religious freedom, though I am not religious myself.
I know God exists. I don't believe it. I don't belong to any religion and all other related such question are open issues for me.
2007-07-06 15:40:42
answer #6
answered by mckenziecalhoun 7
Great Question
Psalm 19:1 (NIV)
For the director of music. A psalm of David.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2007-07-06 15:32:33
answer #7
answered by Tommy D 3
I can tell you this for certain. If you call out to Him and ask Him to show Himself to Him and you are sincerely searching for Him , He will show Himself to you. I recommend that you watch The Signature of God and The Privileged Planet.God bless!!
2007-07-06 16:08:10
answer #8
answered by BERT 6
Nobody can prove any gods, much less a specific god, exist; many people will tell you their god exists but no others, but will never be able to prove it, even if they think so. Some will threaten you with eternal pain or promise eternal joy to get you to believe in their god; these are all stories, created for people who were scared long before we understood the universe. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.
How terrible the bible in particular is:
What's the origin of the Jesus stories?
How silly and horrible religion in general is:
The alternative:
2007-07-06 15:31:54
answer #9
answered by Dreamstuff Entity 6
There is evidence in all things that exist.
2007-07-06 15:30:44
answer #10
answered by fishcan'tseewater 3