Think to yourself and know that once you get past it, the reward for passing is going to be AMAZING! More than you can comprehend. Talk to God. Pray with Him every night. He won't answer you, because the Teacher never talks durin a test, but just keep praying "God get me THROUGH this trial!" Don't pray for Him to get you out of it. Pray for Him to get you through it. See the difference?
Take your Bible, go outside, look up scriptures, and just pray and vent to God. Pray for Him to give you strength and understanding. Go to church. Most of all, stay faithful to God. You may not understand His reasoning for the trials, but know He has one, and you are in His hands. He WILL take care of you
Take care. God Bless. I'll pray for ya!
2007-07-06 15:33:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Trials and Tribulation to the Believer Builds Spirtual as
Lifting weights Build Natural Muscle.
Your Focus is to be on Jesus,when the world looks like it has lot its Marbles;Smile and people will wonder what You have been doing; Well it is closing time and that is the way it is in smalltown U.S.A.
2007-07-06 17:33:52
answer #2
answered by section hand 6
The best possible way to deal with trials and tribulations is to constantly be in prayer and in God's word. God reveals many ways to handle situations in the pages of his word...........
2007-07-06 15:33:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would hate to count the times that I have said I don't want to live in this world any more, even so come quickly Lord Jesus.
but I have found that the Lord is not finished with me yet.
there are time when the Lord (like the Eagle) ruffles our nest, it is so that we look to Him and not at the great thing we have done.
in my deepest despair, I cried unto the lord and He heard me.
when there seem like there was not place to go I turned to Him.
and He sheltered me under His wings.
when life got me down He lifted me up.
the only answer that i have is to turn your eyes upon Jesus.
and look to Him, for He is the only answer to our needs.
2007-07-06 15:43:42
answer #4
answered by Hannah's Grandpa 7
Prayer. I think that is the only thing that has helped me when life seems so cruel. God is the Only One who truly understands how I feel.
2007-07-06 15:29:02
answer #5
answered by fishcan'tseewater 3
Prayer is the only thing that can help you.
Trust in the Lord Jesus, he will carry you during your tough times.
Reading the Bible will also help you.
2007-07-06 15:36:32
answer #6
answered by Old Hickory 6
I usually keep mine in the refrigerator. They tend to spoil if you leave them out on the counter and dwell on them. They are easier to deal with if you chill them first.
2007-07-06 15:27:18
answer #7
answered by Amy 4
presence of mind and if you think you are falling short find a friend or professional help.
2007-07-06 15:30:07
answer #8
answered by dogpatch USA 7