i don't. i think you're right. in the 70's the were saying we were about to go into another ice age...its just something that happens. there's been global warming and cooling goin on since the beginning of time
2007-07-06 06:56:25
answer #1
answered by ♥mikayla 4
No, I do not believe that what humans emit is the cause of global warming.
So far as big houses, or big cars are concerned, what we have today is both more energy efficient than even 20 years ago, and the cars are much smaller than what we had 20 or more years ago. When I was a teenager, about the only machine that had a 4 cylinder engine was a diesel truck, or a Volkswagen Beetle. The private cars of the day ranged from paltry 6 cylinder vehicles, and the predominate 8 cylinder variety. For those who are impressed by a Mustang from the late 60's, that "289" on the front side of the vehicle isn't there for show. There is a 8 cylinder, 289 cubic inch engine (289 cubic inches of cylinder volume-or displacement) under the hood of that car. That is a lot larger than many of the engines in use today in those big cars that another respondent has complained about. Short of walking and riding bicycles, I believe that we are doing as good as we can, without going to extremes.
There is one thing that we could do, and that is to stop passing gas, and to get all of the other animals on the earth to stop passing gas as well. While that might sound absurd, research has shown that a lot of our green house gases have the intestinal tract, and the bacteria that live there as the source of those gases. So, stop the gas, and don't exhale, should take care of the problem.
2007-07-06 13:00:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
We have been recording the earths temps for 200 years. The earth has been around for how many billion? I don’t think we are experts yet; give it another couple hundred thousand years and we might know what we are talking about.
I don't think we know what the cycles are and it is actually egotistical to assume we are the cause. Again we put ourselves at the center of the universe.
I believe it is just a hot cycle and science will support that after the politicians stop getting involved.
At this time science shows that it has gotten 1-2 degrees warmer and that we don’t know if humans have anything to do with it. Everything to this point is theory and lies. I still think it would be good to conserve and build more efficiently but that has nothing to do with global warming.
2007-07-06 06:31:06
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I believe it is sped up by human emitted CO2.
I think that whether it is or not is not relevent to whether we should change our ways.
If the global warming scientists are correct, thousands, perhaps even millions of people could die.
If they're wrong, then what are we losing by creating technology that emits less CO2? We spend money, but we pay it right back to ourselves in the form of new tech businesses. It gives us opportunity.
We become less dependent on both foreign countries for our energy, and less dependent on our own government, because of the decentralization effect of solar and wind.
We get cleaner air, and water, less pollution related alergies, less acid in the rain for freshwater lakes.
All we need to do is front up a bit of money, not even close to what we spend on military research in a country that could destroy the world, and cool it off with the push of a button. I'm in military contracter work, and I love the military. A tiny bit of that budget going toward a technology that will pay for itself instead of cost more as time goes by won't hurt.
The earth is warming, that much is true, us causing it IS possible. We don't know either way, that much I believe. What possible benefit do we have for keeping to the dirty CO2 producing ways? None in the long term.
What benefits to changing? A lot.
The bet is a small amount vs. the world, the odds in my opinion are 1-1 right now as to whether the global warming, or not-man-made warming are right.
2007-07-06 07:14:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, you're close. The sun =was= putting out stronger rays. Up until about 1940 that is.
According to the Max Planck Institute, there hasn't been any increase in solar irradiance since then.
It's estimated that the increase in solar irradiance leading up to 1940 could have been responsible for up to 30% of the total warming this century.
Now, it's possible the sun has influenced the warming in ways other than stronger radiative output (e.g. modulation of Cosmic Rays), although no real evidence has been uncovered to support these hypotheses.
So far, the best supported theory is that it's internal forcings, mostly related to anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, that are the primary cause.
2007-07-06 08:24:38
answer #5
answered by disgracedfish 3
U are partly correct. The other thing is that GOD put plants here to take in CO2 and give us back the O2 and the plants keep the C. The plants have done such a good job that there is not enough CO2 left to start global warming.
2007-07-06 08:08:42
answer #6
answered by JOHNNIE B 7
Partly but not completely. Earth has warmed and cooled several times in the past, long before people started emitting so much CO2. But that is no excuse for just ignoring the massive and rapidly growing CO2 emissions that people are responsible for. The level of CO2 in the air can be accurately measured for the present, and even for the past by measuring bubbles of air trapped in the polar ice caps for hundreds of thousands of years, and it started going up about 200 years ago. On a geological time scale it is going up alarmingly fast, out of all proportion to any natural variation.
2007-07-06 06:42:48
answer #7
answered by campbelp2002 7
No, I don't believe that humans are causing it, but there are other ways that the Earth can be heating instead of or in combination with added Sun. There's also the possibility that global temperatures are not being accurately represented.
2007-07-06 16:57:22
answer #8
answered by 3DM 5
Ah the "Fun in the Sun" argument. It was first used by the oil and coal industry decades ago. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Where'd you dig it up? It's good stuff man.
Sadly, you're incorrect because that theory has been disproven. The sun stopped "putting out stronger rays" in the 1950's, which doesnt explain how 60 years later we're still seeing the same exponetial trend in warming which happens to coincide with incraesing green house gas emmissions.
Might want to check out this...
2007-07-06 09:09:40
answer #9
answered by crackaboy79 2
Human beings r mainly responsible for the emission of carbon dioxide. Gases like CF-Cs, methane,water vapour, CO2, etc. have a heat trapping ability. These gases allow incoming solar radiation but absorbs the heat thus preventing outgoing solar radiation. The atmosphere thus warms up resulting in global warming.
2007-07-06 07:11:56
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The sun only accounts for a small fraction of the recent acceleration in global warming:
I notice your link has a bunch of clips from 'The Great Global Warming Swindle', which is full of misinformation and bad science.
2007-07-06 06:44:28
answer #11
answered by Dana1981 7