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Are do you think when you hear the word Evolution does the Darwin theori comes to mind? Do you belive in only HUMAN EVOLUTION? Man came from Man. I am just very courious to see what you feel on the matter. Do you think that taking human eveolution is not beliving in the foundation of the Bible. I will add more later I would like to see peoples mind sets on this subject. Thank you in advance for your time. Please let me know your feelings and why you feel this way. No one word comments, or mean things please. This is a serious issue and a hot topic here I would like to see were your mind sets are. Thank you again.

2007-07-06 06:16:45 · 53 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Believe is being used as a [verb] accept as true; take to be true. understand the use of the word please and we can get alot farther in the matter. I see that some were getting stuck on the word. Just wanted to let you know from what area I ment it.

2007-07-06 07:11:28 · update #1

53 answers

I believe that many people see a serious gap between religion and science when there is not one. Why can they not coexist? Why can we not believe that evolution existed as well as creationism? If you look at the model of creationism

"And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

Does that not sound a lot like the Darwinian evolution chain? Starting from the smallest of beings evolving all the way to human form. God has a hand in everything and I believe that science and God can coexist. It is by Gods hand that all these were created but clues to how were left for the evolutionists. Sorry I got so long winded. May God bless.

2007-07-06 06:26:34 · answer #1 · answered by Jason J 6 · 2 0

Sorry I am just getting on to this question. My computer broke down. As for the theory of evolution, I do not believe in it. I believe in a creator. Human minds have gotten smarter over time. To say as to human evolution. We were created, in the image of god. That was it. Somethings may evolve I won't argue with that. When everything was created, you will find definite closeness of many species. Evolution is only a theory. Just as creationism. Always keep a open mind, new ideas will increase your faith. So we have been this way from the beginning. Just my ideas, man I do have allot of ideas. I want to learn everything that I can. Take a chicken egg for instance, compare it with other species it is hard to tell them apart! Once again not to sound like a broken record. We are created in the image of god! Go back 10,000 years man has not changed a whole lot. I hope I helped you, sounds like your questions come from the heart! Michael

2007-07-07 20:40:06 · answer #2 · answered by Michael2832 4 · 1 0

Interesting question and it's asked in a helpful manner.

I am a Christian and I believe God created the world and everything in it. However....I also believe in evolution. Now some will ask how that can be.

I believe God's measurement of time is different from ours. There is something about that in the Bible, I believe, but off hand, I'm not sure where that appears. In any event, when the Bible says God created the world in 6 days, that is not a 24-hour day as we humans know. God's day consisted of years and years and years in our time, maybe thousands of our years, perhaps millions of our years.

I think God was the spark that started everything. The "Big Bang" was initiated by God. The spark that started the development of life on earth was made by God. If you read the creation story in the Bible, you will find it basically follows the path of evolution: planets first, plants, acquatic life, reptiles, mammals, man. What we see in fossils and evolution is merely creation playing out. We just view it from a different time perspective than God.

2007-07-10 14:15:41 · answer #3 · answered by Michael B - Prop. 8 Repealed! 7 · 1 0

In order to understand evolution, one must assume the world is older than 5,000 years. If one does not believe that, and follows the Bible to the letter, then evolution is impossible.

I believe evolution is 100% accurate. Darwin was a pioneer on the subject, but that doesn't mean he was 100% right. At the same time, because he made some errors, it does not mean he was 100% wrong. There can be a grey area in regards to science. It takes patience and time, and a lot of hard work. Some choose to take the easy route and believe what an ancient book says, others choose to use their minds to explore possibilities, and make a rational decision. Its okay to change your mind regarding certain issues. This is one thing 'believers' don't understand. Debate is good, new ideas are good, and science is most definately good.

If one chooses to stay in the dark regarding science and the understanding of the world around us, so be it. But please, don't interfere with those who are constructively trying to understand the world around us and make it a better place for all through the wonders of SCIENCE.

2007-07-06 06:25:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

OK this is how I look at it. I think G-d created us, but in a scientific way. I believe we evolved into homo sapiens, however we did not evolve from Apes or monkeys or what ever everyone is screaming about I am not a monkey, well neither am I! I think that there is pretty solid evidence against the monkey theory. Look at Roaches and Lobsters. They are one link away from being the same thing. There is no evidence that lobsters evolved from roaches.
So I guess the way I look at it, my view is that it really doesn't take away from the Bible I just put some science to it. I am not a religious person, but I do believe in G-d.

2007-07-13 10:23:24 · answer #5 · answered by Miss 6 7 · 0 0

This is not a question of belief or a matter of opinion. It is a question of science. At the time of Galileo, people used to ask the question whether you believed that the earth goes around the sun, or the sun goes around the earth, as if this were a matter of belief. But guess what, the movements of the sun and the earth are not affected by what people think. It is the same with evolution. Darwin is in the same boat as Galileo. At first his ideas were seen as a threat to the teachings of the church, and even today many religious fundamentalists see these theories as threatening. But now even the pope accepts the fact that evolution occurs. Anyway, the theory of evolution can be tested by science only. And can be disproved by science only. Religion attempts to answer different questions entirely. If you want to know more about evolution, what you need to do is study biology, and not be afraid of where scientific experiment might take you.

2007-07-06 06:24:03 · answer #6 · answered by rollo_tomassi423 6 · 3 3

"Do you think that taking human eveolution is not beliving in the foundation of the Bible."

--- No. They are compatible. For someone to understand this, please read and be clear on what evolution says, and more important, what it does *not* say.

As for the bible, kindly note there are various approaches to reading and interpreting the bible depending on which denomination one is.

The Catholic Church's way of approach to the bible is in the link below, for those interested.

Putting the study of what Darwin actually says about evolution, and what the approach is to the study of the bible is according to the Catholic Church - you will get the answer I put up above. Thank you.

2007-07-06 06:27:43 · answer #7 · answered by autumnleaves 3 · 2 1

I have tried hard to "believe" in evolution without the assistance of a God-type intelligence. I cannot, even after extensive reading. Here are the reasons:

- a "simple" cell, from which, it is supposed, life began is more complex than New York city. Even if all the molecules happened to form into the proteins and acids, along with complex DNA strings, that elusive quality called LIFE would still be wanting. You'd just have a dead cell.

- the formation of a complex organ such as the eye is inconceivable to me by naturalistic evolution, and largely unexplained by evolutionists. Did mutations develop over millions of years to finally produce the lenses, the rods, in color, the muscles, the transmission systems, and then have the brain understand the inverted image? To me, that takes mountains of faith to believe it was all by chance, especially when almost all mutations are harmful.

- humans carry some very un-animal like features, particularly the ability to be HUMANE. Appreciation of beauty, very strange hair growth, dramatically higher brain power (in most anyway ;), reasoning, and moral systems all seem to point to more than socialization and environment to me.

- Astrophysicists such as Stephen Hawkings are hinting at the virtual impossibility of our solar system existing without some intelligent "force" behind it all. He says that going back to origins means the line between science and religion blurs. One just can't be simplistic about evolution being "fact":
"It is difficult to discuss the beginning of the universe without mentioning the concept of God. My work on the origin of the universe is on the borderline between science and religion, but I try to stay on the scientific side of the border. It is quite possible that God acts in ways that cannot be described by scientific laws, but in that case, one would just have to go by personal belief."

For me the possibility of God must remain present for the objective thinker. Did God preside over evolution? Possibly. Is God the force that reverses the "law of entropy" (decline)? That must remain as a possibility, or we have no explanation for the localization of energy sources.

Scientists are good at testing observable phenomenon that can be recreated in a laboratory. Unfortunately, evolution can't be re-"created". Science has been wrong before, and this may be one of those cases.

2007-07-07 13:23:36 · answer #8 · answered by waldguy 4 · 1 0

Do you believe design is conceivable without a designer? Life overwhelms us with the apperance of design. Does it really make sence to claim that life came about by chance or through blind forces?...Most people agree with the apostle Paul's statement: Every house is constructed by someone." Then Paul adds..."He that constructed all things is God." It simply does not make sence to acknowledge that a house needs a designer and a builder and at the same time claim that a complicated cell accidentally sprang into exixtence. The senseless one has said in his heart:'There is no Jehovah."

2007-07-13 09:29:53 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I think asking about evolution in a religion section on a forum like this is about as dumb as asking about religion in the cats section. People asking questions on this topic are simply being argumentative- and probably more than a little afraid to ask them in the biology section. The simple fact: the majority of people in this section know VERY LITTLE about evolution, and furthermore- why should they? Anyone who may have paid attention in high school Biology would at least have a basic understanding of the concept- and when looked at with all of the correct information (not just a skeptics uneducated point of view) it really looks a lot different than the typical argument of "a monkey gave birth to a person one day"- which is a completely illogical, and dare I say, STUPID argument.

There are also a number of people who know a LOT about the theory of evolution and look for little "unanswerables" that they think will disassemble the entire process- believe me it won't. THESE particular people have moved from the level of ignorant to WILLFULLY ignorant.

Seriously- if you don't understand how the theory works, either ask a question in Biology or read up on the subject. The religion section is for religious questions... not half ****** uneducated argumentative propaganda-driven biased garbage spewed from the latest copy of Fundie Monthly.

2007-07-06 06:26:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

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