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I am going to get married here on July 20th and my gf is Catholic and I am non religious. She wants to attend Catholic marriage classes after the wedding so the church will recognize the marriage and bless it. I thought it was only a 1 day class but I found out it is 8 weeks!?!?!?! I am not religious and I care nothing for religion as I think the world would be better off without it and believe church's really only want money. Now I dont care that she is religious and I do not say anything for it. I just ask she does not try to talk me into church or ever expect me to go as it will not work.

But what do these classes involve? And is it filled with a bunch of crap about why I should become Catholic? I mean dont get me wrong I am not going to just complain to her as I will keep it inside but I really dont care for these classes and I really dont want to go as they are a waste of time on my part.

2007-07-06 04:38:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

She's converting you.

When I married a Catholic bride (and I'm not RC) we had to attend two evening discussions with the priest that performed the ceremony. That was all.

It was painless. Sounds like your intended is not playing square with you. It should be a lot easier now.

2007-07-06 04:44:26 · answer #1 · answered by Gaspode 7 · 1 0

Does she know what kind of person she is hooking up with? You are so bitter and closed minded that I seriously doubt that your question is valid. Your "marriage classes" should have been done before now and certainly before the wedding - not after.

However, if you are really asking, there was no mention of God or the like except that there is a part about agreeing to raise your children in the Catholic faith, which is a requirement of all Catholics when they marry.

A lot of good insight into things that many people do not consider - finances, in-law relationships, personal relationships, friends, child raising etc. You may find it helpful.

I would also suggest that you attend mass with your girlfriend and find what the Catholic Church really is all about. You will be surprised to find that the Church isn't doing everything for the money. In fact, the wedding that you will have is free - from the Churches point of view (please offer something to the Priest or Deacon performing the ceremony - $50 would help, more if you could afford it). In fact, all the sacraments are free - the Church NEVER charges for these things.

2007-07-06 05:02:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The rationale of the courses is not to transform anybody, but to make sure that the couple have an understanding of the value of this existence-long commitment and Sacrament. It's by and large a one-day or couple of hours over a couple of days session in a gaggle of couples. The reason is to make you consider about and discuss your differences in finance, life, dreams and desires. As I approached the alter, my brother informed me that most grooms seem at their brides and believe that she's going to by no means exchange; most brides look at their grooms and consider of whatthey will change them to be; and both are flawed. You have not described the common courtship and relationship right here. You will have noticeable the genuine concern and questions from some of the replies. The priest will have these identical considerations if he cares in any respect about you as a man or woman. Talk with a priest to begin planning the wedding. Scheduling the church usually takes six months, the Pre-Cana courses are often supplied as soon as a month or extra and can be taken a month earlier than the cerimony. If there are different problems and concerns, the earlier you get them out in the open, the extra time you must tackle them. Alas, if one priest is not going to offer you what you wish to have a different one more often than not will. I just hope you do not quick-alternate your self on this very principal process as a way to meet this time schedule.

2016-08-04 03:39:05 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have sobering news for you. If you marry your girlfriend, you marry her religion. You don't have to become an active Catholic yourself, but you cannot come between her and the Church - in any way, shape, or form.

You may not care about religion, but your fiance does, so you should attend Pre Cana with her, at least out of respect for her. If you cannot sacrifice eight weeks worth of marriage prep now, how do you expect yourself to come through with life-long marriage vows?

And, WHEN she does try to interest you in Church, you will be the loving husband and graciously consider the request - because it's out of her love for you that she wants to see your spirit awaken.

I mean really, perhaps if you were to entertain the notion of going to Church, you would see that the Church is not nearly as interested in the dollar as you think it is. I know because I GO TO CHURCH.

But what do these classes involve? Fortunately for you, they involve giving advice on not being so self-centered.


No, but expect to get a healthy dode of teachings pertaining to Catholic morality.


You can't hold it in forever. Withholding ANYTHING from your spouse is akin to lying, and that will destroy the marriage. You two will need to be honest with each other about faith or lack there of.


You are getting married. Life is no longer about what you want. If you want life to continue being all about you - don't get married. From the moment you get married, you are no longer your number one priority in life - it will be your spouse. She will come first, before everything. That's what it is to be a husband.

2007-07-07 05:50:32 · answer #4 · answered by Daver 7 · 0 0

The marriage classes vary by diocese, but I think it's fairly safe to say that there won't be a bunch of crap about why you should become Catholic.

The classes are designed to help people STAY married. They cover a lot of practical issues, like finances, division of labor within a household, conflict resolution (like the whole "don't try to talk me into church ever" thing you've got going on), stuff like that.

Yes, those issues will be presented from a Catholic perspective, but your wife-to-be is Catholic...don't you think it's important to see things from her perspective as well as your own?

2007-07-06 05:05:30 · answer #5 · answered by sparki777 7 · 1 0

First, you need to check your attitude at the door.

ANyone who thinks that all it takes to have a successful marriage is to be in love is headed for a rude awakening.

The reason the Church wants you to go to the classes BEFORE you get married is so you can address issue most people NEVER even think about through the rose colored glasses of "love."

You do not need to convert, but your ANGER about religion is a BIG RED FLAG. What are you going to do when you have kids, she wants them baptized...and you need to go to classes for THAT TOO??

My suggestion is you two really need to sit down with a priest BEFORE your invalid- marriage-that-you-plan-to-make-valid-after-the-fact.

It's cheaper than a divorce attorney.

....oh, and be sure your bride to be knows she can't receive the Eucharist until your marriage is convalidated AND she goes to Confession, since she is doing this with full knowledge and consent.

2007-07-06 11:52:07 · answer #6 · answered by Mommy_to_seven 5 · 0 0

the purpose of the educational isn't to transform every person, yet to make confident that the couple comprehend the importance of this existence-long dedication and Sacrament. this is in many cases a one-day or couple of hours over countless days consultation in a team of couples. the purpose is to make you think of roughly and communicate your ameliorations in finance, existence, desires and desires. As I approached the regulate, my brother informed me that maximum grooms look at their brides and think of that she would be waiting to by no potential exchange; maximum brides look at their grooms and think of of whatthey will exchange them to be; and the two are incorrect. you haven't any longer defined the traditional courtship and relationship here. you have seen the genuine situation and questions from many of the replies. The priest would have those comparable concerns if he cares in any respect approximately you as a individual. communicate with a clergyman to start making plans the marriage. Scheduling the church in many cases takes six months, the Pre-Cana training are possibly provided as quickly as a month or greater and can be taken a month in the previous the cerimony. If there are different subject concerns and concerns, the quicker you get them out interior the open, the greater time you ought to handle them. regrettably, if one priest won't supply you what you choose yet another one possibly will. I purely wish you do no longer short-exchange your self in this needed technique with a view to fulfill this time time table.

2016-10-01 00:40:11 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Marriage preparation classes are not about religion. They are about marriage. There is a much longer serioes of classes for those who are interested in becoming Catholic. Is this too much to ask, for the woman you are supposedly devoting your entire life to?

2007-07-06 04:58:53 · answer #8 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 0

With that attitude, it might be the persons giving the classes that will be wasting their time.

Best wishes to your fiance for marrying someone as closed minded as you.

2007-07-06 04:49:41 · answer #9 · answered by Sldgman 7 · 1 2

i hope she knows all that - and if so she might want to rethink the marriage and as for you yeah you might expect to be hearing about God for the rest of your lives together - who knows maybe one day you will see the light

2007-07-06 04:51:46 · answer #10 · answered by servant FM 5 · 0 1

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