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2007-07-06 04:38:00 · 48 answers · asked by Theophilus 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Once you know the LOVE of God you would never leave it. Those of you who claim you were once Christian are either lying or you never were a TRUE Christian.

2007-07-06 07:00:57 · update #1

48 answers

lol - To bring down an absolute, you only need one counter example.

I am an ex-Christian, so your statement is false.

Thanks for the drink.

2007-07-06 04:40:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 16 0

I disagree. For example, I was brought up catholic and am now an atheist. I am sure there are many good statistics that others can come up with to disprove this premise but I only have person experience of a lot of atheist friends who were also brought up Christians.
I think the reason that a lot of Christians become atheists is because you usually don't become a Christian out of choice (your parents baptize you). Another possibility is that people lose their faith after experiencing or seeing great suffering and question the existence of an omnipotent omnibenevolent God whilst evil and suffering exists. Epicurus said, "If God is both able and willing, then whence cometh evil?"

2007-07-06 04:45:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I used to be Christian untill I was 22 and read the history of the Christian religions, yes religionS, and then read about all the other relgions in the world. Thats when I changed from >worshiping< Jesus and Mary to >honouring< the Lord and Lady of Nature.

And yes, Christians DO become athiests or agnostic.

2007-07-06 04:43:51 · answer #3 · answered by Luinrandir 2 · 2 0

Can you provide a link to where you got that information?

Most atheists in the U.S. were probably brought up with some brand of christianity, if only because christian religions are so prevalent here. For many of us, reading the christian bible was a large factor in coming to the conclusion that humans created gods, not the other way around.

2007-07-06 04:57:18 · answer #4 · answered by YY4Me 7 · 1 0

False assumption. You actually have that backwards.

Nonreligious or irreligious people may become Christians. But Atheists almost NEVER become Christians outside of some debilitating brain injury. Why? Because once you understand how the magic trick is done, you can never sit in the audience fooling yourself into thinking that you don't.

On the contrary, most Atheists, at least in America, were once Christians. I was a Christian for longer than you've been alive.

2007-07-06 04:42:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 9 0

Here's another atheist who was once a Christian.

I was raised as a Roman Catholic, and even tried Southern Baptist for a while (b/c I was interested in a girl, ok? ;)

But I am more comfortable and happy being an atheist, and secular humanist.


2007-07-06 05:14:33 · answer #6 · answered by barefoot_rob1 4 · 1 0

Except for those who really *were* Christians and then left the religion.

Oops. Either you forgot about them (so you were careless when you asked that) or else you toyed with definitions to the point where what you asked here became trivial (in which case you really have no point). Either way, your Campus Crusade logic fails.

2007-07-06 09:14:05 · answer #7 · answered by Minh 6 · 0 0

You can't say never most Christians can keep their faith through hard times but people get weak I think the majority of atheists were Christians at one time

2007-07-06 04:51:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

it's atheists btw

and I think you'll find that more christians become atheists than vice versa. Presuming you live in a predominantly christian country you are indoctrinated into that faith pretty much from birth.

Unless you're going with the all babies are born atheists argument

2007-07-06 06:33:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

why do christians make ridiculous statements that are entirely untrue?. I would say more atheists start off as christians than the other way around. Very few people are brought up atheist. Damn near every atheist I have ever met had christian upbringing.

2007-07-06 04:41:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

I was Christian. But I guess you'll say that I wasn't a True Christian because I didn't meet your criteria of desperation and fanaticism. I guess all the other average, good Christians are also false by your standards, right?

2007-07-06 04:41:31 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

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