EM, before I answer your question, I need to dialogue back to another answer underneath me, that is a couple of people below me, which is based upon old brain wash and is why there are so many sheeple out there telling you that its safe.
Anybody who knows anything about biological mechanisms and how fluoride interacts in the human blood stream and brain knows that this is NOT an urban myth.
Also, FDA does NOT test drugs for safety, where are people getting that information? They are testing them for LD50 or toxic half life to find out how much can kill half the lab animals so that they will know how much can kill a human being, and its all done with MICE and RATS which don't have the same metabolism as a human being! He who owns the patent on a synthetic treatment owns the money.
See this movie, highly recommended as it might make you want to move to belize or something, because they have better health care, LOL. http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070628/REVIEWS/70620003/1023
You will find that the AMA has an article revealing that the 4th leading cause of death are from "properly prescribed drugs" and the CDC web site reveals that America ranks number 37 in disease management compared to the world.
The AMA was formed by Dr. Forrest Fischbein who never took a day of anatomy nor medical school in his life. He is the one who lobbied chemotherapy and radiation as standard of care and kicked the Hoxey Clinics out of the United States who were curing people of cancer through non toxic means.
The AMA's real purpose was to call alopathics (litteral meaning, "The Others") who practice holistic health quacks, so to this day you hear the words, "Chiropractors are not real doctors."
Well, there is no money in non toxic nutrition.
See what the FDA is really here for on the link provided.
By the way, the recent HPV vaccine was tested with only a modest few dozen subjects with only 17% results (ignoring the fact that several already had the virus) before they decided to make it mandatory to inject our 6 year old little girls 3 times and six months apart with only two strains when there are well over 20 identified strains. Where does anybody get this10,0000 people have been tested Bull Sh*t!
Ritalin was approved by a show of hands with the psychiatric association so that they can do "best guess" when diagnosing and drugging our children with ritalin and it was NEVER tested on any children.. Now, they can say it was because of all the guinea pigs this past decade or two during clinical psychiatric treatment and the side affects are touretettes syndrome, psychosis, and suicide.
Chemotherapy and Radiation was also NEVER FDA approved. It wasn't until the late 1990's that they finally approved their first chemotherapy drug and the out come of chemotherapy, according to the CDC, has not changed since 1954. Great system, huh?
Oh, and by the way! There is a REASON why you get cancer. cancer doesn't just "happen" and we are not chemotherapy and radiation deficient. Why don't you take a look at these maps from the National Institute of Health? Right here on this link that shows a direct match to cancer deaths per 100,000 people and toxic releases into our atmosphere from industrial complexes. A picture speaks a thousand words http://discoveries.typepad.com/my_weblog/anti_aging/index.html
In answer to your question EM, its because pharmaceutical representative have increased by 45% and doctoring has not.
So, what do you think the pharmaceutical companies want doctors to know?
Treat disease! There's more money in it then a non toxic cure, and by the way... doctors do not have any extensive knowledge on holistic medicine or nutrition. They know not what they do, so don't get mad at them... In fact, they are searching for alternatives when faced with an illness as they know the limits of their own treatment facilities.
EM, here is more information that will save lives! Because I really have saved lives, our clients have gotten over autism to cancers med free, so I am doing something about it by walking the walk not talking the talk. I am working in a wellness clinic and all of my clients have gotten results.
Look at this recent FDA debacle about a drug that the government covered up recently, because pharmaceutical companies have hush money in the billions.http://discoveries.typepad.com/my_weblog/fda_restrictions.html
Scroll down to "See what the FDA is really here for" and watch this, it'll shock you.
Oh, and to someone elses answer, about showing up in your DENTAL OFFICE, check out the most recent and damning proof that amalgam fillings and mercury have everything to do with brain cell death. This is about saving lives, right? Does Multiple Sclerosis or Lou Gherigs Disease ring a bell?
Just because its so called "approved" does not make it safe or did you skip the book called "Animal Farm" in elementary school where its not a good idea to jump off a cliff because your government says so!
The links provided reveals how the CDC has worked in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies to try and hide documentation on how our vaccines are doing more harm than good.. All documented! I do not trust the CDC nor The World Health Organization, as they are trying to consolidate a CODEX Law that will keep us from having choices to take vitamins and minerals in therapeutic levels.
CODEX, look it up... He who controls the food controls the world.
Clearly the feel ill, take a pill mentality is truly doing more harm than good. Case and point, you will never hear a doctor tell a woman menstrual cramping is a magnesium/calcium deficiency, they will tell you to take Midol to "mask" the symptom.
See this link, scroll down to the bottom and see cell death taking place from mercury. This is very cutting edge information as this is the first time a University discovered a way to reveal how mercury ions are disolving neurons in brain cells. Plenty of that stuff in our flu shots. Why do you think there is an Alzheimers epidemic? It wasn't always here nor did it just "happen" there is a reason.
2007-07-06 04:30:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ah, doctors.
Many reasons.
Remember, they are in this for the money. Since this culture treats doctors as experts and people don't think they could ever possibly lie or be misinformed, people believe them.. so they keep on telling more people.
Also, much kickbacks and money from pharmaceutical companies for each drug they recommend (even if you really don't need it) .
If you want to know about Fluoride, check out Mercola.com and type in flouride in the search on the top.
And to the person who says that fluoride is bad is a myth, this might not be the case. Many countries in Europe have banned the use of Fluoride in water.
Remember, think for yourself or someone else will.
2007-07-06 04:34:22
answer #2
answered by sgregory1522 3
I know that a lot of people in the non-science world don't know this, but virtually ALL medical treatments have undergone vigorous testing to ensure safety. It cannot be approved by the FDA unless there is sufficient evidence to show that it doesn't cause harm to humans. They first have to test many times on mice or some kind of "model organism" that is similar to humans in metabolism. After these many times seem promising, humans get to test out whatever the treatment is in a series of trials. If these seem safe and promising, then they can show up in your dental office. If there's ANY reasonable suspicion that it will cause harm, they will immediately issue a warning to everyone using it. The websites which you've read are full of people who have had horrible things happen to their boys -- bone cancer, retardation --, and they're desperate for a reason why it happened. If a few people suggest it's fluoride, everyone hops on the bandwagon and then has a "reason" for it. But, the problem is that all of this evidence is what we call anecdotal. This means that it's based on testimony rather than a carefully controlled scientific study (the latter of which is much more accurate). These doctors are basing their facts on information carefully collected by scientists, often in studies with 10,000+ people, rather than a few people's suspicions, and I think they're right to do so. Sure, some people will have bad reactions to certain things, but for 99.99% of the population, that substance is safe. In this case, I'd say fluorine is safe, even if it does cause harm to a tiny portion of the population (and you can't even truly know if the fluoride is the causative agent).
Fluoride is actually good for your bones, as it supports bonding to calcium, thus preventing osteoporosis later on in life. your doctor is looking out for your son's health. don't worry. :)
EDIT: The studies showing that it isn't detrimental to humans far outweigh those showing that it is (zero that I'm aware of). Of course fluoride is bad in huge doses -- it is highly reactive! However, these are very small doses we're talking about. While these may affect mice, mice and humans do not have exactly identical metabolisms. You will see this also in the controversy over aspartame consumption. All human studies point to it not being harmful, while many mice studies show harm. Humans are pretty resilient, and our DNA repair mechanisms are great. CDC and WHO are actually trying to get water fluoridation to more countries to promote dental health, and those are two very reputable associations that I personally trust. And you can't worry about every single thing that someone suggests causes death, because there's a study on basically any behavior saying it causes damage (from eating tofu to grilling foods instead of boiling them, or even flying airplanes too much). Don't worry about these studies, it's not as if you can actually evade dying if you do everything right. Your doctor has handled a LOT of lives, so she probably knows more than you do. As a pre-med with doctors in my family, I can tell you that most people lie about doctors and their reputability. We spend all day long looking at studies and seeing if they seem relevant to patients. A good doctor's first priority is the patient's health. It's not about making money, the reason I'm going into it is to save some lives. So no, your doctor is not a greedy money leech trying to sell you drugs, your doctor wants your boy to live with the best quality of life.
2007-07-06 04:38:03
answer #3
answered by Natalia 3
Sorry, can't help at all with this question.
But I do thank you for asking it on here.
I have 5 kids and am now going to check into this as I had never heard of any links between them before.
2007-07-06 05:12:13
answer #4
answered by jessjwoof 5
The "fluoride is poison" idea is an urban myth... you need to check the reliability of the sites you're looking at. Your doctor is aware of current medical beliefs, and therefore knows the proven benefits of fluoridation.
2007-07-06 04:27:11
answer #5
answered by ? 3