Did you ever see 'The Wizard of Oz'?
Remember when they looked behind the curtain, and saw that The Wizard was just a man? Pretty much the same thing.
We also don't feel guilty after sex, so that's good.
2007-07-06 04:02:59
answer #1
answered by Deke 5
I don't think mine would be much different. I try to be socially aware and compassionate as a Christian, but that just may be my inherent personality. I probably wouldn't go to church and pray, and I wouldn't have devoted as much time to studying and interpreting the Bible (although I still think I would have studied ancient languages and history because it interests me on levels other than just the religious) and I wouldn't be as much of a theology nerd...but my social life would probably be exactly the same.
2007-07-06 11:09:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If Christians were like atheist they would be reborn, that is to forget everything they were ever told, learned, or thought they knew about God, but because they confess to believe in Jesus Christ, but follow Moses, they will cry and grit their teeth as they are moved from in front of the Word of God (Jesus) to His left side. The wrong side of the gulf, your own words will be used against you.
I will make them a church of Satan, those who say they are Jews and are not, they do lie.
2007-07-06 11:15:33
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Christians can't imagine life without their god. And that is why they are still Christians. I know, I used to be one. But as soon as you break through the brainwashing, and understand what the nature of non-belief is, you will realize very quickly just how foolish you have been.
Your question is akin to asking a child what life would be like as an adult.
Edit - BTW, though, to make it perfectly plain to you, you are an atheist with regard to Zeus, I assume? Does your lack of belief in Zeus make you miserable? Does it deprive you of morality, and hope? Does it make your life seem meaningless?
There you go, spanky. Welcome to atheism.
2007-07-06 11:07:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Darwin at the time of writing the Origin of Species remained a theist, convinced of the existence of God as a First Cause.
In his later life, Darwin was frequently asked about his religious views. He went as far as saying that he did "not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation", but was always insistent that he was agnostic and had "never been an atheist".
WHEN Charles Darwin advanced his theory of evolution he conceded that life may have been “originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one.” -The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin, Mentor edition, 1958, p. 450.
2007-07-06 11:06:00
answer #5
answered by nevrasleep 2
funny answers from the actual christians--
i would be lost
my life would be empty--lol
come on--weak and dependant--is how they come off
which is the athiest point to begin with!!
2007-07-06 12:20:01
answer #6
answered by slopoke6968 7
You would not have a "Hope". You would not have a relationship with God the Father through His Son. You would not know what it was to have all your sins forgiven. You would not have Love for one another. You would not have the assurance when you took your last breath that you would enter into the kingdom of heaven. Your life would be full of uncertainties and unanswered questions. You would never have the understanding of knowing what the Word of God says. You would not know of the prophesied events which are about to unfold and those that have been fulfilled. You will never have the inner peace which comes with your relationship with God through His Son.
2007-07-06 11:09:36
answer #7
answered by Steiner 6
Why would you ask this of Christians? Plenty of atheists around to tell you what life is really like as an atheist...
2007-07-06 11:04:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Maxood and Jacob W have already proven to know nothing about atheism, nor have they ever traveled to countries like Sweden, the Netherlands, and Norway, all predominantly atheistic, and very prosperous with low crime rates. Strange, that.
2007-07-06 11:10:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The world would be a better place if everyone was atheist. We would have less war, poverty, and we would not have those pesky buildings that are called churches that just want your money.
2007-07-06 11:09:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous