Psalm 62:2 says, "He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken." NIV
The rock refers to Jesus Christ; sense salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. Also there is only one true church, but its not a building, or a certain denomination, The true church is "located" in the hearts of the people who believe in Jesus Christ and have repented. IN other words where the Holy Spirit lives [in the heart of a person] that is where Christ's church is. Jesus is the foundation of the the church, meaning Christians follow what Jesus taught, everything should lead back to Jesus.
2007-07-05 16:54:08
answer #1
answered by Ilona 2
Peter received the keys to the Kingdom of heaven (the Gospel).
He did not receive the keys to Jesus' Church.
Roman Catholics cite this verse to "prove" they are the true church, and that Peter and the subsequent leaders of the Church have final say on all things concerning faith.
Jesus, however, actually retained possession and control of HIS church.
Literally, the verse implies what the original language indicates.
Thou are a stone, and upon this Rock I will build MY church...
Jesus remains as the Rock of our salvation. Peter was one of the stones of the foundation.
[See Revelation 21:18-21, the wall of New Jerusalem.
12 foundation stones, 12 pearl gates.]
2007-07-05 23:50:37
answer #2
answered by Bobby Jim 7
Remember what Peter said before Jesus proclaimed him the "rock" that will build his church.
Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do men say I am?"
Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the son of the Living God."
This is a multifaceted scripture if you look at it.
Peter literally means "rock" in Hebrew, so there is one part of the scripture answered. Peter is the first leader of the church in the New Testament (also consider that he would be the first Pope in the minds of Catholics), making him "the rock" that Christ built his church upon.
But also consider what Peter said, "You are the Christ, the son of the Living God". That is the foundation of every true Christian church--the fact that Jesus is the Christ, son of the Living God.
Without that the "deitization" of Christ, Christianity would fold, because this religion is built on Christ being the son of God. This would make Peter and his statement "the rock" that the Church is built on. That is why you have so many attacks on the deity and purity of Christ in present time, it is to destroy Christianity as we know it.
Hope that helped.
2007-07-05 23:38:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Many will give you I might as well add mine. When he said...upon this rock I build my church... He was meaning 2 things actually. 1) Peter is going to take over as head of Christ's church after Jesus dies on the cross and 2) it refers to the revelation that Peter was given from the Holy Ghost.
Not just the revelation that Peter knew that Jesus is the Christ...but also upon revelation in general. IOW Jesus will lead his Church through revelation given to the Prophet (Peter at the time) The Church is meant to be led by revelation...not just the words in a book. God reveals nothing except through his servants the prophets.
2007-07-05 23:40:33
answer #4
answered by LDS~Tenshi~ 5
You are correct. Catholics want it to say that Peter was chosen to be the first Pope based on this verse.
The Rock is Christ Jesus. The Church is built on Christ Jesus. He is the Foundation. (1 Cor. 3:11) Christ is the stone (Is. 28:16) and He says on this Rock He will build His Church. The Church was still future when He made this statement.
2007-07-05 23:44:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Peter wasn't the Rock that Jesus Builds HIS Church (HIS Body, of Born-Again Believers)on.
The Rock was something Else.
2007-07-05 23:36:52
answer #6
answered by maguyver727 7
Peter is a stone, the "rock is Jesus, more specifically the Words Jesus spoke is the foundation.
Jesus said deny me and I will deny you before my Father. Peter denied Jesus 3 times.
Jesus told Peter that the devil desire him, to sift him like wheat. Jesus told Peter "get behind me Satan"
Jesus told Peter, I pray for you that you may not fall to temptation, "you could not stay awake with me one hour" and Peter fell asleep again.
The day Mary told the disciple she had seen Jesus, Peter went fishing.
Jesus always had harsh words for Peter. It was Peter who betrayed Jesus not Judas, Peter is the founder of the Physical Church and sit at it's head, just as Jesus told him not to do. He was the first Pope.
Call no man upon the earth father for one is your father, even Christ.
2007-07-05 23:51:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You are on the right path. Listen to all but make your own interpretations. I was taught in the Lutheran Church your definition that the Rock was the worldwide church of all believers.
Keep searching and listen to all souls not just people who parrot old ideas without understanding them at all.
2007-07-05 23:42:42
answer #8
answered by scorn66713 2
Pretty much got it right.
Its a metaphor in that Peter , (Petros.. Greek for rock or stone).is considered to be the first pope & is the" foundation stone" ..rock the church was to be built upon.
2007-07-05 23:43:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You are correct.
The RCC has it all wrong.
Remember a few verses down the past Jesus calls Peter, Satan.
Pastor Art
2007-07-05 23:50:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous