Before a child is born what usually happens to a woman? Water breaks, Right? Being born of water is a reference to being born in the flesh.
This whole conversation started when Nicodemus came, in the middle of the night (so as not to be seen by his pharisee friends) and began to butter up Jesus by calling Him Rabbi, and we know you are anointed of God and yakity yakity schmackity... The Jesus (who by the way knew the sincereity of Nickys heart) jumped to the question at hand, and gave ole Nick the answer.
"Dude, to get into heaven you must be born again" exclaimed Jesus. And Nicky replied, "yo bro I don't understand, how can a grown man get back inside mommy's womb, and get birthed again? it just ain't gonna happen, NOT!" ( John 3:2 - 4 my paraphrase)
You see all humans are born of water, we hang out in a amnionic sac for 9 months, and then when the water comes we soon are to follow. The critical point is to note that later in the chapter Jesus talks to Nicky and tells him " flesh makes flesh and Spirit (Holy Spirit) makes spirit, and being a teacher of the law you should understand these things". Jesus wasn't just picking on Nicodemus, He was choosing or picking him, and directing him to see in his mind the truth of what Jesus was preaching based on the scritures (which Nicky was well versed in).
Jesus spoke to Nicodemus as a contemporary, but He also did one other thing Jesus made the word that was saved in Nickys heart a fire there, Jesus made it alive to him, and I would venture to say when Nicodemus left Jesus that night He was indeed born of the Spirit. He wasn'ture what to do with it, but after the Crucifixion, and Resurection, Nicodemus was a changed man.
You see Jesus said those words to him, "For God so loved the world, that he gave His inly begotton Son. That who so ever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life"
That was not just a message for us, but a special message to Nickys heart from the God of all there is. He walked away probably the 1st saved man that night. (my opinion) Confused yes, but saved indeed.
I hope this helps, and more importantly don't forget, not just you but all that read this reply, don't forget to let Jesus speak to your heart today, it will change you indeed.
God Bless
al 4 now B
PS: So just in case your are wondering, baptisim is a sign of a believer associating himself with the death, burrial, and resurection of Jesus. But baptisim is not a absolute requirement for salvation. (" for it is by Faith you have been saved not of works lest any man should boast")
The example of scripture you give is to be put into context and to see that the Holy Spirit is the power of The Lord Jesus to convert you. And that we must all be born of that same Holy Spirit to be converted. We experience the power of Jesus Resurection in our earthly bodies now, for a deposit or a guarentee for a life eternal in heaven later (see Eph 1)
We also later see that water is also used as a reference and representation in the physical, to describe the action of the Holy Spirit see Titus 3:5
I must say this is good stuff. Cant beat the scripture for making you feel born again. Now someone say AMEN and give the Lord a Praise. GLOOOORRRRYYY!!!!
2007-07-05 08:40:49
answer #1
answered by ImJstBob 4
Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission. Baptism is the sacrament (outer sign of an inner grace) of regeneration through water and the word.
This sacrament is also called "The washing of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit, for it signifies and actually brings about the birth of water and the Spirit without which no one can enter the kingdom of God.
Unfortunately after the Protestant Reformation (so called) some have separated Baptism from Born again. The two experiences coinside in Baptism. Infants can be baptised with the Church standing proxy for their Profession of Faith. But at some point that person must make the commitment.
We should focus in on Baptism as the "born again " experience.
2007-07-12 09:05:03
answer #2
answered by hossteacher 3
There are some here giving you answers with scriptures and saying that you must be baptized to receive salvation. What these people don't understand is that when you accept Christ as your Saviour you are immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit. That is the baptism that is being referred to. Not a water baptism. A water baptism is not necessary.
Romans 10:13 For everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
John 3:16 For God so greatly loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth would not perish but have eternal life.
2007-07-05 08:49:47
answer #3
answered by Maria C 2
When Jesus first approached John the Baptist at the Jordan river, he had not been baptized...Once John baptized Jesus and Jesus came up out of the water, it was at that time the Holy Spirit came upon Him as a dove and a voice from heaven was heard saying, "This is my son of whom I am pleased." It was at this time that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit.
The water Baptism is a confession of faith and it shows the condition of the heart. Until we are able to confess to the world that we have given our hearts to God the Holy Spirit will not come upon us.
Jesus says that if we deny Him, then He will deny us to the Father...Water baptism is our way of showing the world that we do indeed claim to be His follower. Then, we can be filled with His spirit...
2007-07-12 09:05:27
answer #4
answered by Domino 4
I believe baptism is an outward sign of an internal commitment (like my wedding band).
But I also was baptised three years ago, at age 37.
If Jesus was baptised, and scripture says what it says, why take changes and NOT be baptised? I can't think of any reasonable reason NOT to do it, and that scripture is a serious reason TO do it. There are modern interpretations from "Bible believing" Christians, but the words are hard to explain away, (which doesn't stop some people from explaining them away.)
2007-07-13 07:24:38
answer #5
answered by jimmeisnerjr 6
being baptized is a command, but we know that all of us sin and not being baptised is just another, forgivable sin.
We KNOW that one can be save without baptism, because Jesus told the criminal on the cross that he would be going to heaven for his faith in Christ
"This day thou shall be in paradise with me"
Baptism is a public sign of the inward working of salvation, but so is evangalism, communion, and taking moral, Christian stand against abortion and so on.
Should you be baptised? Yes!
Will you go to hell if you are not? If you truely accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and Give God your all, then no.
2007-07-13 02:31:51
answer #6
answered by athorgarak 4
Jesus didn't mean this to be taken literally, again this is symbolic of a greater message.We must submerge ourselves in the spirit of God to understand and receive the kingdom of heaven.I don't really think dunking or dousing ones self with water has any bearing in the grand scheme of things.
2007-07-12 14:27:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Other things you need to consider: Nowhere in the Old Testament is the concept of an eternal punishment/reward presented. Man is dealt with in this lifetime for his sins, or rewarded for his good behavior-not in the afterlife. Satan in the Old Testament is actually an angel who works FOR the god of the Old Testament. His job is as an accuser. In Jewish belief, he is not a fallen angel, nor is he the "prince of this world". God initially gave the Israelites the Law as a binding covenant FOREVER. Supposedly, however, the New Testament overthrows that (or, most of it). If something is forever, how can it be replaced?
2016-05-19 00:12:46
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Yes, I believe that it is saying that baptism is a necessary part of Salvation. I believe it is saying that to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.
2007-07-05 08:37:16
answer #9
answered by Caleb's Mom 6
Yes baptism is required for salvation and the enter the kingdom of God
"The Lord himself affirms that baptism is necessary for salvation [John 3:5]. . . . Baptism is necessary for salvation for those to whom the Gospel has been proclaimed and who have had the possibility of asking for this sacrament [Mark 16:16]"
2007-07-05 08:30:54
answer #10
answered by tebone0315 7