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I mean, I've been on this thing for a while now and the only answers I've gotten back from these religious people are either "FAITH!" (the polar opposite to proof), "I'M HERE!" (So? So am I), and various irrelevant quotes from the Bible (Yes, I actually read them, the rather excessive lenght doesn't put me off). None of these actaully qualify as proofs however. I've also gotten responses like "God bless you", and "You will go to Hell". Once again, not proofs, except pehaps an indication of a lack of proof. And don't say you've been "touched" by God either, whatever that implies. It's mildly unsettling, but not a proof. Yes, by the way, I have proof AGAINST gods existing. What is it? The fact that there's no proof for his/her/their existence, and no need for him/her/them to exist. The fact that the idea of a monotheistic god was first devised by a greek philosopher that called himself Plato isn't exatly a good sign either. Well, this is your chance to proove me wrong, go ahead:

2007-07-05 01:05:18 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Lion of Judah, well done, a few years ago I would have admitted defeat and accepted that God is a neccessity. Unfortunately, a few years ago I myself studied the laws of thermodynamics and learnt of negaitve entropy: information, you should check it out. Also, the law of cause and effect states that everything is caused by something else, if God existed then so would it, but rather than get infinite you could just as easily stop the law of cause and effect one stop sooner, with us, there's no need to include another one.

2007-07-05 01:20:46 · update #1

No Tapyboy, that is NOT a proof, that's just being ridiculous. As I've already stated, the idea of a monotheistic god was a human creation which we can dedicate to Plato.

2007-07-05 01:22:39 · update #2

Sonofsammy, I'm glad you were never "touched by God", but what how did masturbating come into all this? We studied Plato for college.

2007-07-05 01:24:46 · update #3

High Flyer, I've checked out your source but it doesn't have any proofs on it, just a very clear "Donate" button on the top.

2007-07-05 01:27:24 · update #4

SvetlanaFunGirl, there's plenty of scientific evidence for evolution, Evolution isn't even a theory (a common misconception), Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is a theory, and that even has scientific backing (Moths in England after the Industrial Revolution, long story). And the idea of God is a human creation as I've already stated, therefore it should have SOME form of evidence to back it up.

2007-07-05 01:30:44 · update #5

Scotty Doesn't Know, you obviously don't know about the laws of thermodynamics and Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection. Of COURSE I don't believe in intelligent design theory, why on Earth would I knowing what we do now.

2007-07-05 01:33:05 · update #6

too_much78, believing in the Easter Bunny is much better than believing in God because a belief in the Easter Bunny doesn't encourage people to fly planes into buildings, organise holy crusades and blow themselves up. And when a belief in God interfers with politics and the economy that's what you might call an inevitable disaster. And then you tell your kids that they should believe the same???

2007-07-05 01:37:07 · update #7


2007-07-05 01:38:35 · update #8

Myriah, the Bible also said that the universe is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs never existed, but seeing as you believe in creationism, something tells me that your ony school textbook was the Bible, a "great" way to learn.

2007-07-05 01:41:49 · update #9

Martin S, if God can just pop out of no where, then so can I.

2007-07-05 01:43:50 · update #10

As I said ROBERT P, God is a human creation, therefore evidence is a requirement.

2007-07-05 01:44:54 · update #11

batgirl2good, I used to believe whole heartedly in GOd because it made complete sense to me at the time. Then I thought about it a bit more and, well, here we are. Also, as the saying goes; politics has slain it's thousands, but religion has slain its tens of thousands. Letting religion of the hook for al the things it's doing is like letting a poediphile, rapist, racist, or homophobe go after they just killed tons of people, because heck, they didn't like that person. STOP BRAINWASHING CHILDREN TO BEIEVE THAT YOUR SCREWED UP BELIEFS ARE FACT! Then I'll be happy.

2007-07-05 01:52:16 · update #12

Before I conclude that I must be correct in my beliefs, judging from the abundance of God-Worshippers that tried and failed to give me proof, would anyone else care to have a go?

2007-07-05 01:53:41 · update #13

Martin S, alright, I've checked out your source, good job finding it but, well, have you just passively read it or did you actually THINK about it, because the arguments present in it, two words Martin: "Pseudo-Profundity".

2007-07-05 02:37:38 · update #14

Lili M, You want me to do WHAT!?! For HOW LONG!?! I'd rather just commit suicide and see what happens next instead!

2007-07-05 22:36:18 · update #15

The_Cricket, the fine tuning of the Universe in no way requires a god. People thought humans required a god cause we're just great all together, then Evolution stepped in and said, "Well, actually, do you see that monkey over there?..."

2007-07-05 22:39:00 · update #16

Also, I don't take drugs and I'm not crazy so if God himself popped down to see me I'd believe he did in fact exist but instead of writing a book I'd kick the head off him.

2007-07-05 22:40:29 · update #17

WeedyBoo, 3-7 I agree with, 2 I can answer, and 1 is due to the fact that life requires the formation of RNA/DNA or some similar substance which is more or less impossible to produce by chance alone, but if it DID occur, everything after it would happen very quickly in comparison. I have a different theory however.

2007-07-05 22:44:18 · update #18

Many people believe that we're descendents of martians, brought to planet Earth by a rock hurtling through space (Mars was once just as inhabitable as Earth is now and occasionally had bits fly off it and hit Earth).

2007-07-05 22:49:41 · update #19

30 answers

Ok, so here it is. This is not proof of gods existence but it is the closest you will be able to get to understanding belief in god, without believing in him. It is also proof that you live in a world where all gods exist including the One god and all of them according to the various mandates regarding the existence of others or Non existence where applicable. I hope you can relate to some of these parallels. And understand the thesis's direct contradiction of itself.

Since it is rooted in emotion, belief does not subject itself nor is it bound by the confines of logic, though we may use logic to try to understand or validate the idea itself.

To understand the stability of belief in god you need only understand what it means to be scared of the dark, believe the republicans are out to get us all, or that Kim Il Jung is crazy or evil, etc. Now you may not agree with these representations of belief but they are only a few parallels and hopefully you can find a few of your own that fit more appropriately. And granted they are "negative" emotion parallels so let me give you a "positive" one. "I am never going to leave you." a simple saying most of us have said and most of us have believed and most of us have been wrong about, albeit we were thoroughly convinced of it at the time we said it.

Now imagine it is something with way larger implications than knowing your gonna have a friend for life or, that spooky stuff Does live under your bed. Larger in all the ways it would be larger if all of the things you have heard about the bible were true. It really is a traumatic emotional event that overthrows your ability to reason outside of it and your intellect adopts a whole different method of interpreting stimulus, and that is, inside of the reality of the existence of God.

Because of your level of intelligence i will not take any of this any further because i know you understand what i am saying, so, consider the proof that god exists not in the actual sense that he can throw lightening at you but in the practical sense that if most of the world believes he exists and acts according to their belief, then you are living in a world where god/gods exist, becuase you are influenced by all of the people living as though he were here, and because of that, his actual existence is irrelevant in that you have people living and thinking and doing as though he were.

Like being caught on stage with Actors who were stuck in their roles, and could not go outside of them. Added to that the fact that they believe they are the roles they are playing, and that there is only this one stage where we all must live. And unlike a stage gun, or fourth wall, or invisible drinking cup not existing on the stage where the effects could be measured and discovered lacking by the most elementary means, You have god, safe in heaven, affecting or not affecting everything beyond the ability to be seen in absentia.

Add to that the most basic of our abilities to justify and rationalize things; (Healthy by products of reason) though the red-headed step children of thought they may be, and presto, the circle is complete and perpetuating and its membership cannot be faked because someone who thinks "inside" the existence of god is different on a host of levels than someone who thinks "outside" the existence of god.

So god exists, whether he exists or not.

2007-07-05 05:19:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Before I answer your question, I'm curious about something. Exactly what kind of proof do you require to believe? Now, let's suppose God Himself DID come down and said, "Here I am, I'm real...and oh, by the way the right religion to follow is (fill in the blank)." What if God did that? Would you shake your head and say to yourself, "Man! Where did I get ahold of those crazy drugs?" Or maybe you would believe it, and write a book about it, and tell your friends and family all about it. Then what? Some would believe you were nuts. It wouldn't be enough evidence for them. They'd think that it was all a "fairy tale." And what about two or three thousand years from now? IF your writings survived that long, it would mean nothing. Some people might believe, sure, but how many would?

Anyway, to answer your question (if you're still reading), there is no proof. However, there is evidence. The evidence is in the fine-tuning of the universe. It's in life existing, when the odds are against it. It's in the irreducible complexity of a single cell, and in molecular machines.

But how much evidence do you require? Will you just look at it and say, "Well, it LOOKS like it was created, but it COULDN'T have been!" Because that's what many scientists have said.

People say that the religious fill in the gaps of science with God. That may be true. But others fill the gaps with speculation: "We can't explain it yet, but some day we will." Isn't it kind of the same thing?

Unless string theory becomes more viable, and we discover that there really ARE billions of other universes out there, all of them are explored and NONE of them contain life (or even the possibility of being able to support life), THEN maybe I'll drop the idea that there was a Creator. But until then...and that could take billions of years, by the way...I'll keep believing.

Go your own way, but keep your mind open. And READ READ READ everything you can get your hands on. I would gladly provide you with a list of books that may help you. But I know better than to try to "convert" somebody. Only YOU can convert yourself, and ONLY if your mind is open.

2007-07-05 08:39:05 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

There again can anything be proved. I'm an atheist like DAWkINS but have enough imagination to wonder:-
1. Why is the world just perfect for Us and why aren't there little green aliens swarming all over the place?
2. If "Quantum Theory" reigns then in what medium did the Uni/Multiverse just pop into existence. We'll never be able to tell.
3. If Big G is Almighty and didn't want us to know- we wouldn't.
4 There are little blocks to entropy like kinks in the hosepipe.
5 Its a story which most people have to consider. You cant ignore it.
6 Who wants to live FOREVER.
The thought of ever-lasting perfection is the WORST and an ever changing CHAOS/ HELL is the lesser of two evils. Who then is the Devil?
7.Is the human brain up to the task- most people cant grasp Relativity or Quantum Theory so how can they be expected to manage GOD?

2007-07-05 14:06:34 · answer #3 · answered by WeedyBoo 1 · 0 0

first off, a false fact isn't exactly 'Proof' of God not existing. Obviously you have a hard time trusting or believing in anything. Because there is proof that he does exist. Like the Bible for instance,where'd you think they found that for instance you idiot. Or the pillar of salt in Jerusalem right NOW. (that was referred to in the bible, U'd know that if you actuallydid some REAL research instead of sitting on your bottom stating false facts)And I don't Need to prove you wrong, do you know why? Cause I KNOW I'm right. And if I am wrong (Which I'm Not) what do i have to lose? I devoted my whole life doing right while you wasted your whole being stubborn! I'll win both ways! Existant or non-Existant.Oh and more reason, cause you are alive..... Unless you actually believe the junk that we ere once monkies!

4 what you said earlier about we didn't give U proof, we don't need to. We spend our lives having faith and doing right while you question and disobey.

2007-07-05 01:17:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We live in an orderly universe that should by all logic not exist. In fact nothing should exist because something cannot come from nothing and to claim that the universe has just always existed doesn't explain anything it just pushes the problem further back in time to infinity.

We have the Bible that claims that a supernatural being created time and space and all of the matter in this universe. In addition to the amazing prophecies that the Bible contains http://www.bible-prophecy.net/articles/a2pws.htm and that have been fulfilled we have the story of Jesus who claimed to have come down to earth from Heaven.

Eyewitness accounts give the story of his ministry where He performed amazing miracles like raising the dead and walking on water. He was executed publicly, buried publicly and was seen alive after that by over 500 eyewitnesses. If you want proof of the truth that Jesus really rose from the dead and that the gospel accounts can be relied upon then check out this link from the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School.


Here's another link that might be of interest to you.

Evidence for God from Science

2007-07-05 01:19:28 · answer #5 · answered by Martin S 7 · 1 0

Sometimes atheists assert that there is no proof that God exists. The only problem is that an atheist cannot logically make that claim.

In order to state that there is no proof for God's existence, the atheist would have to know all alleged proofs that exist in order to then state that there is no proof for God's existence. But, since he cannot know all things, he cannot logically state there is no proof for God's existence.

At best, an atheist can only state that of all the alleged proofs he has seen thus far, none have worked. He could even say that he believes there are no proofs for God's existence. But then, this means that there is the possibility that there is a proof or proofs out there and that he simply has not yet encountered one.

Nevertheless, if there was a proof that truly did prove God's existence, would the atheist be able to accept it given that his presuppositions are in opposition to the existence of God? In other words, given that the atheist has a presuppositional base that there is no God, in order for him to accept a proof for God's existence, he would have to change his presuppositional base. This is not easy to do and would involve a major paradigm shift in the belief structure of the atheist. Therefore, an atheist is presuppositionally hostile to any proofs for God's existence and is less likely to be objective about such attempted proofs.

As it is now, you are damning us if we do and damning us if we don't.

You are doing the very thing you tell us NOT to do. Your proof that there is not a God by the fact that you say there is no proof that He does exist is,in essence the very thing you say Christians are doing. Your "proof" is nothing.

Again, you are NOT all-knowing, so you cannot say with certainty that "there is no need for Him to exist."

You are apparently an angry person who feels the need to control others by dictating to them what they can and cannot do to satisfy you.

I suggest that you do us the courtesy of allowing us to believe as we want to without attacking us. No one is hurting you be believing in God.

Live and let live. Accept and respect others' beliefs. Would you not want to be treated in the same way?

2007-07-05 01:39:06 · answer #6 · answered by batgirl2good 7 · 3 0

I am not going to prove you wrong. I would just like to be a part of the argument by agreeing with you. Most of the religious people here have no solid basis for their beliefs- because religion is all about faith. It does not deal in cold, hard reality and rational, logical proofs written in science. Physics has nothing to do with religion. As far as the so-called God is concerned, people can walk on water and convert water into wine and part the red sea- so-called miracles that go completely against what we know is possible in the physical world we live in.

2007-07-05 01:09:39 · answer #7 · answered by Riya Layne 3 · 1 0

It is difficult to "give" anyone proof, because it IS in fact absolutely essential to "have faith". You may think of God as a 'state of mind", and if you are constantly skeptical, this mental vibration actually PRECLUDES an experience of God, in the same way that it is very difficult to thread a needle if your hands are shaking.

However I am willing to give it a go, but YOU must be willing to 'mentally participate' fully in the experiment and put your skepticism on the shelf for at least a month.

In the latter part of the nineteenth century, there was a great avatar in India known as "Ramakrishna Paramahansa" ("Paramahansa" is a title, actually, it means "great soul"). When he was asked by someone (who later became a great spiritual leader in his own right, known as Swami Vivekananda)"Have you seen God?" Ramakrishna answered in the affirmative, because he HAD in fact attained to this state, and was able to give others the same experience. Ramakrishna was legendary for his strict adherence to Truth, therefore everything he said about God can be believed. He assured many devotees that they could pray to his picture, and God would answer their prayers. Therefore I am going to advise you to obtain a picture of Shri Ramakrishna (look on Google) and for a period of one month, you must light a red candle either in the morning when you wake up or the evening before you go to bed (or both, if you like) and pray with full faith and sincerity to this picture for an unmistakable experience of God. (Extinguish the candle when you are done)

You must keep all thoughts of skepticism out of your mind while you are praying, and be as sincere as you possibly can with this request; at other times, you must try to avoid mental speculations on whether or not it will "work". Simply go about your life, and "keep your eyes open". If you can do this thing, I have perfect confidence that you will indeed have your "proof" by the time the end of the 30 days has passed.

2007-07-05 03:54:42 · answer #8 · answered by Lili M 2 · 0 0

No i can't. Can you give me proof that God does not exist ?

EXTRA INFO. How do you know God is a ''human creation"?

EXTRA INFO. Even if someone gave you proof of GOD'S
existence you would not be convinced .You would find a fault to disprove it because your mind is already made up and there is no way you will change it.It is in your nature.If God actually appeared to you ,you would not believe it. You would think it was some kind of trick or illusion. You would not be able to accept it.So there is absolutly no way you would be convinced .You would have to unlock your mind and start over fresh but you have thrown away the key forever.
That is why those who believe ,no explanation is necessary. While those who do not believe ,no explanation is possible.

2007-07-05 01:25:07 · answer #9 · answered by ROBERT P 7 · 2 0

religion is based on faith, because it cannot be proven without divine intervention which is very unlikely. There's nothing anyone can say to you that will prove that god exists which makes this question kinda redundant because you already know the answer. If you have no faith that god exists then study it, prove to yourself like i did. Expose with an open mind, yourself to the bible and its teachings and only then can you deny his existance if that is what you TRULY seek as opposed to just making people mad. I've studdied religion in my spare time because i seek faith. I have not found it and doubt i shall ever. However, i have a very open mind and think everyone could have correctness in their thinking but there really is no point in seeking truth beyond basic education. It's a waste of time.

2007-07-05 01:18:17 · answer #10 · answered by Agnostic Front 6 · 1 0

No, I can't. Nor will I try to convince you that the God I worship exists. But by the same token, can you disprove His existence?

I don't think that the fact that there's no proof is "proof" in itself of the lack of existence. I suppose you don't believe in intelligent design, either. When you take note of the fact that a solar system is constructed the same way that an atom is constructed. When you look at the symmetry of a spider's web. When you see so much order in the physical world, when the tendency of the world is disorder and chaos. I don't think that exactly DISPROVES the existence of God.

Perhaps it doesn't prove it for you, and I'm ok with that. I respect your beliefs and I appreciate the ability to offer my opinion since you asked for it. I appreciate the ability to understand your viewpoint as well, as indicated in your additional information. I hope that you will continue searching, and I hope that you will be open-minded to the things and people that you encounter, as will I.

EDIT: Thank you for your VERY RESPECTFUL response in your additional comments. It's people like you who make me believe that we can all get along in spite of our disagreements.

2007-07-05 01:12:24 · answer #11 · answered by Scotty Doesnt Know 7 · 1 0

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