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i have a friend..would you say this is normal.she weighed 76kg 4 months ago,she now weighs 55kg.she exersises for about hour each day and eats very limmeted, in a day she will sometimes have half a buiscuit,a bite of a choc bar..maybe a cup a soup and fir tea she would have about one bite out of each item.she dont do meals for herself and if she does its just lettuce,cucumber and a fish stake.she drinks loads of coffee,water and chewing gum.does she have a problem. id say no as she eats still. sometimes days she eats more than others but never ful meals,only small bites of things. never eats things like bread or potatoes ect.thanks in advance

2007-07-05 00:43:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

she is 5ft 3 and has a bmi of 22

2007-07-05 00:43:53 · update #1

she told me that when she is hungry she eats a bit but then describes herself as feeling "dirty" and cant wait till that hunger feeling is back again,but when it is she has a little nibble and it starts over again

2007-07-05 00:46:25 · update #2

she aint making herself sick ,i know this for a defanate not quesrtion about it.she keeps down what she eats but said she has thought about laxatives but hasnt taken them yet

2007-07-05 01:09:38 · update #3

2 answers

She might still be eating a little, but she is not eating enough. And it is not normal to feel dirty about eating, and to be eager to be hungry again.

At present, I'm not TOO worried about her weight. But if this continues, she will crash, health-wise.

Your friend should at least talk to a counselor about eating disorders, before she hurts herself. It is good to want to be healthy, and an hour of exercise is not excessive at all. But the severe limits on her meals are another matter.

Good luck.

2007-07-05 00:54:40 · answer #1 · answered by Tigger 7 · 0 0

I would say if she doesn't already have an eating disorder she's well on her way. Eating tiny little bites of things isn't a full meal. Chocolate, coffee and chewing gum does not a healthy diet make.

Whether or not she eats isn't how you decide if there's a problem - bulimics eat a lot, they just throw it up afterward. Talk to your friend. She probably deny everything but maybe the fact that someone else noticed will make her rethink her diet.

2007-07-05 00:54:14 · answer #2 · answered by Debbie G 5 · 0 0

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