Don't confuse sex for love...they are mutually exclusive, especially with guys. By saying he wants you to show him love, he is saying he wants to you have sex with him whenever he feel like it. (Especially if he does have a girlfriend that isn't having sex with him).
But how about when you feel like that an option?
You have needs, desire, wants, goals and dreams too and they will never be met in this relationship unless you can sit down and talk to him about what what those needs are and how and if he is willing to try to meet them. Right now it sounds like it is all about him, not about "we" as a couple.
It sounds like he is playing games with you and the longer you put up with it, the harder it will be for you to end it. If he loves you, he would call you regularly and not tell you never to text him...those are huge red flags that he does have a girlfriend (or wife).
You know him, we don't, so you know in your heart what the real answer to the dilemma is. Just stay true to yourself and don't settle for a man that is not going to love you as much as you love them.
2007-07-05 01:36:15
answer #1
answered by bottleblondemama 7
You may think you love him but you shouldn't this guy is an *** and only wants your body this guy is a bad guy. I don't know if I can convince you but I'll try.
here are the facts: he has a girlfriend the first day you slept with him and then told you later it was a lie. why would he need to lie to because he wants your body and doesn't want to lose it because of what he said. If he can lie to you he can lie to you again and again about anything.
he also told you, you should show him love for him to be convinced that im the one for him. shouldn't be the other way around where he proves him self to you. he's is definitely not the one for you.
he doesn't call you regularly,he has told you never to text him. this may because he still has that other girl he was talking about or has another girl.
you think you still love this guy because you think he could one day change but, he wont.
listen to your gut, your heart and head. you said it yourself you didn't believe him when he says he still loves you.
Please get over this guy you sound like a nice and good girl. you shouldn't have to be hurt later by this guy when you find out anything else bad about him.
2007-07-05 06:42:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think you realise that he isn´t being fair to you. You can love somebody more than anything else in the world, but if you don´t have a fair and balanced relationship, chances are you will end up miserable. You don´t necessarily have to get out of it, but make sure that if you don´t, some changes get made. What kind of boyfriend refuses to let his girlfriend text him, and expects things from her without giving them in return? So many people have bad relationships. Don´t make yourself one of them, or you will always regret it - this is your life he´s playing with.
2007-07-05 06:34:49
answer #3
answered by Yseult 2
Just forget about him. He's no good for you if he's gonna be like that. Think do u REALLY love this guy or are you just stuck up in the clouds. Their are so many fish in the sea. It may take a while to find the right guy but trust me it will be worth it. Take Care [[N]] God Bless
2007-07-05 06:24:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Wake up to yourself & ask yourself "do i like being used for sex?". If you have an ounce of self esteem left you will get away fast. Anybody who loved themself would not fall in love with a person who is blatantly using them & treating them like crap. It's basically your choice.
2007-07-05 06:24:57
answer #5
answered by Mishell 4
Uhhh, have a little respect for yourself. That is not love nor is it a boyfriend.
2007-07-05 06:24:10
answer #6
answered by so Fresh 7
Run. It is obvious that he is using you and his feelings aren't mutual. However, no one can make you leave until you are truly ready.
2007-07-05 06:23:24
answer #7
answered by blittyboo 1
Wow, you got used. Suck it up and drive on. There will be better guys.
2007-07-05 06:26:38
answer #8
answered by Daniel R 5
Ignore him for sometime and see what HE wants
2007-07-05 06:21:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
umn... this a tough one... i say u can do better... there are a lot of better guys out there... dont sell yourself short.... trust me...
2007-07-05 06:23:41
answer #10
answered by spontanious 1