I will NOT repeat what the other Wiccans have already mentioned. If you don't understand already,k then NO amount of convincing you that we do NOT worshjip the devil that you Call Satan will serve to illuminate you. SO, I'd suggest that you go out and buy a book of comparative Religions and become informed on your won. Or are you one of those who feels that simply to seek knowledge is in and of itself, sinful? Do you find that it is sinful to learn? Is it sinful to become "tempted" through knowledge and wisdom? Temptation is NOT a sin. Only you response to temptation is a sin, when you surrender to that temptation. We're NOT asking you to learn about us so that we can "convert" you. That is NOT our way. We do NOT seek converts, quite the opposite. Ours is an exclusive Religion. Our Religion makes enormous demands on our adherents and accordingly we purposely try to discourage people from following our ways. Our ways take complete dedication and devotion to learning HOW to form a unique relationship with Goddess or God. It's NOT a one day a week kind of practice, it involves a COMPLETE change in lifestyle from the lifestyles of the typical 21st Century person. We do NOT have a special "Holy Book" that we ALL can read and by reading it are able to "call" ourselves Witches. Wearing a pentecle does not make us a Witch. BEING a Witch is what does that. Each Witch has to WRITE his/her own "Holy Book", called a Book of Shadows, which includes our OWN perceptions of Goddess/God, our OWN rituals and ceremonies in complete detail, our OWN thoughts about our relationship with Deity and just about ALL the material upon which we base our ways. No TWO Books of Shadow are likely to be the same because no TWO Witches have the same personal relationship with Deity. We simply allow ourselves to be "lumped" together under the name Witch ONLY because the WAY we come to our personal Religion is similar, even if not universal. Witches are MORE than simply Wiccans, not ALL witches follow the Wiccan ways and not ALL Wiccans consider themselves to be Witches. Wicca is the individual's Religion, Witchcraft on the other hand is utilizing the "energies" of the univers to affect changes in the world around us and has nothing to do with Religion. Witches come in all types (even Wiccan Witches). There are even Christian Witches, who ALSO do NOT worship Satan, They continue to follow Jesus in ALL that they do, they simply do so in a way that is in keeping with the principles of the Bible.
As an added note: to those who say "If you are not WITH us then you are AGAINST us", I find that ludicrous. They fail to see that MANY folks simply have not made a decision as to WHO they wish to follow. They have insufficient information to form an opinion, PERIOD. The Bible is very ambiguous about a LOT of it's content, and in COMPLETE error about a lot as well. To say that if you aren't for us, then you're against us, eliminates the third possibility of "waiting" for ALL the information to be presented. It is NOT simply a matter of Black and White. There are an infinate numbers of colors in the spectrum and accordingly an infinate number of levels of ability to accept the beliefs of a particular Religion. To ask a Wiccan to become as knowledgeable about YOUR Bible as a Biblical Scholar in order to Prove that we do NOT worship Satan makes NO sense. How about if we turn it around? Why don't YOU become as Knowledgeable about Wicca as a Master in order to PROVE that we DO worship Satan? There are probably only about 5 or 6 thousand Biblical Scholars in the Christian World. MOST Christians have a hard time understanding the Bible in its entirety and you would expect someone that does NOT practice your religion to attain that level of expertise? Isn't that being just a BIT unrealistic? If WE were to DO that then WHERE would we find the time to practice OUR Religion? Additionally, Even among Christians, there is NO agreement as to WHICH version of the Bible is the perfectly CORRECT version. Which leaves us at having to learn ALL the versions in order to answer your question to your satisfaction. Again, I ask you. Are YOU willing to read and study in depth ALL the Books of Shadow that have EVER been written about OUR Faith to prove your assumption? That is just as unrealistics as YOUR request on OUR part.
Christians SEE our Religion as practicing EVIL acts. However OUR Religion can view YOUR practices as being JUST as evil. YOUR religion (through the practice of Communion as a Sacred act) SEES your religion as practicing ritual cannibalism at best, Practicing God eating at worst, for you hold as one of your belifes that the bread and wine actually BECOME the Body and Blood of Jesus (symbolically or not is irrelevent). Speaking from a purely Human viewpoint isn't that an evil act? We HAVE no such a concept in OUR Religion, either symbolically or otherwise. In OUR view that makes Christianity a worship of a being that encourages cannibalism or Deiphage, which your OWN terms would make that Deity a Devil from OUR perspective. Yet WE make no such accusations, so WHY do you have to make such accusations of following the ways of a devil against US for simply Following OUR own Religion?
Raji the Green Witch
2007-07-11 03:58:27
answer #1
answered by Raji the Green Witch 7
I am Wiccan, a witch. I do not worship "satan", demons, or any "devil" figure. Nor do any other true Wiccans or pagans. We worship "the All", whatever the individual names it, the creating energies/spirits/entities that are the source of our existence. The Wiccan Rede "An ye harm no other, do as ye will", goes against what christians preach about the devil as being-- the great deceiver, root of all evil, etc... Why would mr. devil have ANY interest in ANYONE who follows the virtue of "Harm None?" Wiccans are not evangelical-- we do not go around recruiting followers, as Wicca is a path that is sought out, not force-fed. There is NO proof that Wiccans worship the devil-- not in the bible , or anywhere else, because we DON'T! Wicca as we know it now is a modernization of ancient Pagan beliefs from prehistory, the same beliefs that christianity has "borrowed" many of it's holidays from
1. Christmas is based upon Yule-- the birth of the Oak King
2. Easter is determined by the spring equinox, which is Ostara.
3. How many christians truly HATE Halloween?/ very few. Halloween is Samhain, one of the Greater Sabbats of Wicca., when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is the thinnest.
So why would christianity borrow from and celebrate holidays that are satanic or demonic??
Your question could have been better phrased as:
"Why do most Christians consider witches devil-worshippers??"
2007-07-12 10:50:32
answer #2
answered by Lazerus JPA 3
You are asking for proof regarding abstract ideas? By what some MAN has written in books? Just because it may be written in the bible does it make it fact? (Where are the Unicorns?!?!) Witches have no holy book to tell us what to believe and what not to believe, what is good and what is evil. We rely on common sense and honest morality (much like the golden rule, but we don't quote it, we LIVE it!). Good luck!
Practitoners of witchcraft & magick are very real and in no way evil! Some would have you believe we are in league with Satan! Good one, since we do not believe in the existance of the Christian creation! And no, we are not being deceived by such a being either, those who say we are are being deceived themselves by closed minds and a lot of mis-information! And I truly feel sorry for them, because they cannot see all the beauty the world has to offer without judging it good or bad.
I am not a Wiccan, I am a witch! And proudly so! I believe 100% in "do as thou wilt, an' in it harm none".
2007-07-07 09:15:07
answer #3
answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6
No, witches are not Satan-worshipers. There are a lot of Christians who worship Satan. The Wicca type of religion has been around a lot longer than the idea of Satan.
PS: I don't think you could go by finding that witches worship Satan from the bible, considering the bible has its own agenda.
2007-07-09 06:44:15
answer #4
answered by Miss 6 7
Okay, the thing with Christianity is that it has God and the Devil, these are opposing forces. However in Pagan traditions like Wicca and others there are just the Gods and Goddesses, there is no devil, no innately bad/evil force.
Many Pagans believe in Karma and accountability, with rebirth/reincarnation. Karma says that either in this life or the next you will be paid back for your actions three fold. In rebirth beliefs it follows that you will end in the Otherworld, and on the Isle of Black and White, things switch, so you get literally what you put in back. In Reincarnation your Karmic balance will effect what you move on to, stopping you from being able to reside in the Summerland.
Essentially you are responsible for your own actions, there is no devil or corrupter to blame it on.
Also the Christian devil is more than likely a vilified version of the Horned God (Cernunnos, Herne and others embody him).
2007-07-04 20:21:30
answer #5
answered by Phoenix 3
The confusion arrises from the fact that the early pagan religions worshiped nature. They believed in sprits or elves or imps or whatever lived in trees, rivers, bogs etc. The early Christians believed God was in heaven above and Satan was in hell in the bowels of the earth.
This belief caused the early Christians to believe that pagan religions were worshiping Satan and his devils and demons. One can certainly understand the aparent connection. There are many references in the Bible where statements are made to the effect that God's kingdom of heaven not of the earth; of the infinate not the finite.
2007-07-04 15:13:31
answer #6
answered by Jacob W 7
There are different types of witches some are white witches and wish only good for all people.
I have never fully read the bible after all it was written by man not God. Different people interpret the bible as how they want to see it.
2007-07-12 14:32:13
answer #7
answered by holly 7
For some reason, I have met a lot of Pagans who think Christians believe that they are Satan worshippers.
Most Christians I have met do not think this at all. Those that do are often naive and have been feed nonsense by a very fundamentalist preacher. And they are willing to learn the truth.
Most Christians will tell you that in a way they do worship the devil because they do not woship the one true G-d. Jesus said that whoever was not for him was against him. Meaning that whoever was not for G-d was on the other team. And, regarding this view, they are right in some ways.
Do most believe that Witches actually worship the devil himself? Not at all. They instead believe that the devil makes them believe they are worshipping other deities, when in fact it is Satan himself they are paying homage to.
Wiccans proclaim that their are multiple deities out there and that Satan doesn't exist, so the possibility that they are Satan woshippers doesn't exist. Period. Simple enough on that one.
The correct answer? I suppose we will find out in the afterlife.
2007-07-04 14:44:17
answer #8
answered by noncrazed 4
No, witches (at least Wiccan witches) are NOT Satan worshippers, simply because we neither worship nor recognize any being equivalent to Satan. Such a thing does not exist in our cosmology; therefore, how could we worship it? As for the idea that witches worship Satan because they don't worship the Christian God... that's like saying that Christians REALLY worship Vishnu, or something equally nonsensical.
I should also point out that not all witches are Wiccans, since you don't seem to be aware of that basic fact.
EDITED TO ADD: Looking at some of the Christian answers below, I am saddened at the ignorance being displayed. I suppose what it boils down to is this: who is qualified to say what (or who) witches worship? Christians who have never bothered to find out who witches are and what we actually do? Or the witches themselves?
2007-07-04 14:39:35
answer #9
answered by prairiecrow 7
Not in any respect. I have an overly well thought Whom I worship. And They don't have anything whatever do with Satan. From what I acquire from the Christian inspiration of Satan, this Satan they talk of could inquire from me to do matters to "corrupt" my spirit. Why then, could my Gods inspire me to safeguard the vulnerable, talk reality, and behave with honor? It is intricate for a few Christians to snatch an exchange religious notion process would truthfully no longer be evil. Following the beliefs of targeted hate mongering televangelists is obviously extra detrimental.
2016-09-05 14:59:19
answer #10
answered by girst 4
Satan-worshipers? not necessarily , I would say they worship the creation not the creator, denying God, is common, they go further, they worship the earth, the trees, etc. The bible is clear, that no one is to have any dealings with fortune tellers, astrologer, or people who speak with the dead. That is the law, live by it , or don't it is your choice.
2007-07-12 09:40:06
answer #11
answered by Anonymous