Because those with poor spelling skills go to hell.
2007-07-04 09:49:37
answer #1
answered by BrilliantPomegranate 4
The fact "we are all equal in god's eyes" means we are all going to have our actions judged equally, it does not mean we will all go to heaven no matter what we do; I mean duh its easy to see that if you do good w/ good intentions you will go to heaven, but if you sin and harm people in any way then you will end up in hell. In fact we as human being don't know who will go to heaven or hell, only god is to judge.
There is a story: ' A woman, who didn't' t believe in god, one day came across a thirsty dieing dog. So she gave the dog water and died instantly ending up in heaven';honestly its true and we can't argue the fact that a person who does one good thing is better than a person who does nothing good.
2007-07-04 16:57:50
answer #2
answered by From FarAway 1
Think of it this way- There was a man in the middle of the sea, depseratley treading water for his life. A boat came by and a sailor said "I'll save you!" and threw down a rope so that the man would be pulled up. However, the man said "You no what, I dont want to be saved with that rope. It's icky and wet. I want to be saved with your best life raft". The sailor sadly only had the rope and the man died
God is the sailor in this story and humans are the man. God offers a way to be saved and go to heaven, by just following his loving ruless, but many peope choose not to take God's offer of salvation because it does not fit how they want to live (ex" the life raft).
Basically, God wants everyone in heaven. Some people just turn him down
2007-07-04 16:51:45
answer #3
answered by ASKER1213054295 2
If we are all equal in god's eyes, the evilest person in the world is equal to martin luther king. Strange theory, if you ask me. We are kind of in the middle; heaven, or hell? I guess you could say we live in limbo for now!
2007-07-04 16:57:10
answer #4
answered by CBlackfire 5
Hi, you want the answer to your question? well, i will not impose, but my advise is ...look in the Quran. It has all the answers to all your questions. Dont know what the Quran is? It is a holy book, that is a guideline for life. Search it on the internet, download it to your ipod or buy one or you can even get one for free, ask me about it, my email is, if you are interested i can mail it to you. Just read the whole book through in it's english translation. You will thank me one day if you do read it. Please, do me a favor and ask me about it so I can send it to you. The religion of the Quran is Islam. Please, email me at and ask for the Quran and i will mail it to you, you will thank me one day if you read it. And same goes for anyone else who is reading this, anyone can email me at for more info I will send whoever does a free Quran.
2007-07-04 17:10:13
answer #5
answered by Maha 1
Although we are equal but they are those who are faithfull and obey God, and those that are evil and disober God's teachings.
EX: if you have three children, they are equal in the eyes of the mother, but if one does something terriblly wrong or refuse to listen, then he shall be punish.
Thus, it is the same for God, that is the reason he gives you a set of principles and teachings in order to live accordingly. Those who live a pure life and accept cHRIST As their saviour, and follow his teachings will go to heaven, those who reject and follow the devil will go to hell. I THINK IT IS FARE.
,My friend your soul is eternal and Jesus loves you, that is the reason he died to save humanity, today you should accept CHrist because he loves you. you future life depend on the decision you make, one etheir spend eternity in heaven or in hell. SALVATION IS FREE AND ETERNAL SO DOES HELL. Hell is reserved for the devil and thos who reject Christ.
2007-07-04 16:54:02
answer #6
answered by dimitri 3
Hell was invented by men who wanted to control the masses by putting the fear of god into them.
2007-07-04 16:55:50
answer #7
answered by dtedad-50 4
We are equal in His eyes as to how we are judged,
lets say a father has 2 kids one breaks a lamp or goes past curfew and other doesnt , who gets scolded or grounded,the one who broke it obviously, if the situation was reversed to the other son then he gets scolded,..... both are judged equaly without impartiality ...thats how we are all equal , how we behave(doing good or bad) gets us to heaven or hell!!
the consequences of our own actions!!!
2007-07-04 16:56:09
answer #8
answered by mashoook 2
the earth is hell.....i agree.
we are all equal in Gods eyes as people, but not neccessarily as people who get into heaven. its a matter of acts, deeds and belief my friend.
2007-07-04 16:49:37
answer #9
answered by ConstElation 6
we are all equal in god eyes. and their is a heaven. while i do not believe in hell myself, i think people believe in it to have something to fear. if they think if they do something bad they will go to hell, so they dont do it, then that is one less person doin bad in the world. i believe that anyone who takes the wrong path in life (a bad one)is doomed to relive it until they get it right. so kind of like the earth is hell? in a way? i dunno. but it is good to fear the consequences of evil. (goin to hell)
2007-07-04 16:58:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous