Strictly speaking, no one ever wishes to experience misfortunes in one’s lifetime; contrary to this, everyone expects fortunes alone to shower in one’s life. When misfortunes rules a person, one will go to the extent of knowing the real cause for one’s debacle and tries his / her level best to rectify them with the help of astrologers, tarot readers, palmists, mantrik, tantrik etc.
Unfortunately and however much we may wish, we cannot get a glimpse of our past or future life, as an impenetrable iron curtain seems to hang down at birth and death, separating the past, the present and the future. Therefore, many people take it granted that an entirely new life comes in to being at the birth, after its life span and disappears forever. Good and bad actions earn their reward and punishment right here on the earth. Any sin committed, is liquidated by sincere repentance and confession before God at the later stage.
However, the fact is that ‘no life comes into being suddenly out of void nor disappears at the death into nothing, life is a continuum; an endless cycle of births.’
The fundamental tenet is that in passing through our lives, we acquire Virtue (Punya) for all our virtuous and noble acts; and likewise Curses (Papa) for our sinful and wicked acts. They go on accumulating till the end of life then the departed Soul, automatically carries with it the accumulated burden of both Virtue and Curses, which together constitute Prarabdha Karma-the present life-style.
Prarabdha Karma, for every individual, is the final verdict from the Supreme God, just like the final verdict from the apex court! Accordingly, under the Law of Karma, an individual must experience enjoyment as reward for the virtuous act and suffer punishment for the evil act committed in the previous several births. There is no escape from paying the penalty. The Law of Karma is inexorable and acts automatically whether we wish or not. The Cosmic Law of Karma holds sway over all mankind, whatever be the caste, religion or race, irrespective of its being recognized or repudiated. It makes every individual fully and solely responsible for his / her actions. All the Laws of Supreme God are universal, external, immutable, and all pervasive and know no exceptions. They are essence of perfect order and beauty, in which injustice or contradictions can never exist.
Accordingly, the departed soul, carrying the Karmic burden along with it, takes rebirth and thus a new chapter is opened for it on this very earth either to experience fortune or suffer the punishment in the form of misfortune life or many a times both, which means that both Heaven and Hell are on this earth itself!
Therefore it follows that the future is only the past! It should therefore, be possible to predict the future through the planetary position in a horoscope… and the planets therefore, simply indicate the results of previous birth Karma and its after-affect in the present birth, whether good or bad, and also a person’s suffering or enjoyments in the present birth, or the planetary position in a Birth Chart could be termed just like a show cause notice of a legal court! Vedic Astrology (Indian Astrology) is mainly based on the theory of Rebirth and Karma; therefore Astrology and Karma are interrelated. Karma is due to our actions and our actions are due to our thoughts both positive and negatives.
The power of the soul, present in a body, could be easily traced on the face of a person. A person’s nature, his boldness or timid, his intension, his confidence etc could be traced from his face because the power of the souls rests on the face hence there is a proverb in English-‘Face is the index of a man’.
The soul present in a person’s body needs no eatery or watery items in order to survive, however, it definitely needs the blessing of Supreme God to become more powerful and holy, which, it will get only if a person keeps his/her soul clean by developing positive thinking, positive and sincere approach, making the surrounding clean and correct and most importantly by practicing Yoga. Dress and ornaments or perfumes and powder can mask a person’s body but not the soul.
According to the law of Karma -the Sun is the Aathma Karaka, and it remembers all its past incarnations of a person; the Moon –Manasu- (mind) is unaware of past birth incarnations and therefore is free to have its own desires and outlook. The Sun is strict in sailing within the constraints of Prarabdha Karma on the other hand the Moon (manasu-mind) is prey to its desires originating through our Indriyas. Thus Manasu is the authority after birth and which seeks fulfillment of anything it desires. Therefore, in order to discharge the present Prarabdha Karma in a decent manner, a person need the Sun and the Moon’s resources and a strong foundation on which they can operate.
2007-07-05 04:06:15
answer #1
answered by NUPAKRY 6
Life After Death In Hinduism
2016-10-03 07:03:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
This Site Might Help You.
according to hindu mythology what happens after death?
is there any proof?
2015-08-07 18:45:20
answer #3
answered by Shanelle 1
Sanātana Dharma (सनातन धर्म), sometimes
named Hinduism does not actually orientate
around after death, there are sects that
believe in it though, the goals of life
Classical Hindu thought accepts two main life-long dharmas: Grihastha Dharma and Sannyasin Dharma.
The Grihastha Dharma recognize four goals as noble known as the puruṣhārthas. They are:
kāma: Sensual pleasure and enjoyment
artha: Material prosperity and success
dharma: Following the laws and rules that an individual lives under
moksha: Liberation from the cycle of samsara
Among these, dharma and moksha play a special role: dharma must dominate an individual's pursuit of kama and artha while seeing moksha, at the horizon.
The Sannyasin Dharma recognizes, but renounces Kama, Artha and Dharma, focusing entirely on Moksha. As described below, the Grihasthi eventually enters this stage. However, some enter this stage immediately from whichever stage they may be in.
This cycle of action, reaction, birth, death, and rebirth is a continuum called samsara. The notion of reincarnation and karma is a strong premise in Hindu thought.
The Hindu sects believe in reincarnation and orientate
around karma (kāma).
Like all religions, there is no proof, it is just belief,
if it was true, then it wouldn't be a religion.
In the mythological term for reincarnation,
reincarnation is the Hindu or Buddhist doctrine that a person may be reborn successively into one of five classes of living beings (god or human or animal or hungry ghost or denizen of Hell) depending on the person's own actions.
2007-07-04 07:58:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The early Indians did not believe in reincarnation. Souls went to a world of bliss shared with the Gods if they were good, and to punishment in Hell if they were evil. This was a fusion of Aryan, non-Aryan and Sumerian influences.
The Aryans, a nomadic tribal group from Europe, invaded northern India between 1700 and 1200 BCE. Their religion was based on sky worship, which included Gods similar to Greek and Roman deities. Around 3500 BCE, the Sumerians settled in Babylonia and initiated a cultural revolution which formed the blueprint for social structure through to modern times. Each settlement had its own individual deity. In time, this created a large pantheon of Gods with complex interrelationships. Hinduism, which grew out of all this, introduced a hierarchy of Gods, who were in turn facets of a unitary principle, a force that is said to exist throughout nature and in all men. Here, God is believed to be in every living thing. The Indian religions are the only ones which postulate that after death the soul loses its individuality and merges with a greater being.
Hinduism has no founder, but it does have a body of texts known as the Veda (a word meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge"). The Veda set down the belief in rebirth and transmigration, the idea that souls may be reborn in the body of other animals. The reason for rebirth is one facet of] the law of Karma -- that a soul must keep returning to mortal existence until it has learned all the lessons of spiritual evolution.
Hindus are metaphysically minded. They spend a lifetime searching for that unifying principle which they believe binds the whole universe: that unknown something was termed "Brahman," or occasionally "Atman". The search leads to mystical states of mind so strange that they are hard to explain in words. This "cosmic consciousness" has been described by one modern practitioner who said it shows "...the cosmos as entirely immaterial, entirely spiritual and entirely alive; it shows that death is an absurdity, that everyone and everything has eternal life; it shows that the universe is God and that God is the universe, and that no evil ever did or ever will enter into it."
2007-07-04 22:45:04
answer #5
answered by prasanna kumar 3
Well I would say, Death is a process of separation between Physical and Astral elements of life. I read a nice article on a magzine that inspired me to study in depth for this topic. I assure you that we always have a newer birth. I belong to a hindu family and we have been quite religious but not blind faithed from childhood. My parents put me into meditation from the age of 7years. I always believed that there are three phases including astral, physical and paranormal. Paranormal lies somewhere between physical and astral. There is always life after death. Our inner spirit takes on a new body in some time like ten years or two months. It happens naturally and automatically. You can read this article here for best insight into this particular topic.
This article relates life, death and meditation processes as defined in Indian mythologies.
2015-01-19 20:41:30
answer #6
answered by Pankaj Kumar 1
worldwide instances of Re-incarnation, near death experiences, resuscitated cases, apparitions, ghosts, planchets, experiences of millions across the world, astral projections -- there is so much proof for the person with an inquisitive but open mind to prove that death is not the end but only a change of form of the spirit which is unborn and deathless which has no beginning and no end. But like owls who deny the sun, some people who think that they are very intelligent would denigrate us believers. They only show their true colours when they call people like us names. They should first try to become good human beings and respect others faith before talking about the highest entity called God.
Death is an event when the spirit leaves the physical body. It travels to Heaven, or Hell as per its karma and thereafter is reborn again. Some spirits are reborn very very soon. Thats because of their past karma and high level of attachment to the world. In many cases the spirit refuses to leave the world and in bodiless form remains in the same environment for several hundreds of years. When the level of attraction to this world fades due to death of near and dear ones, changes beyond a point in the physical world, then it goes to Heaven, hell and again comes back in physical body.
2007-07-04 20:04:22
answer #7
answered by alok_krn 2
According to Hindu spirituality, there is neither death nor Birth. In the Bhagavad Geeta, Lord Shri Krishna declares that for the Soul there is neither Birth nor is without beginning and without death.
After death only the body perishes and the soul takes rebirth in another body to live another lifetime.
Science can provide the Proof of LIFE but there is no proof for Death...or for life after death...or for Reincarnations
2007-07-05 00:51:30
answer #8
answered by Santhosh S 5
According to Hinduism, the body alone dies. the soul within the body never dies, But the path the soul takes is decided upon the past actions which are known as karmas. So the actions of former body does not die with the body. Past actions are attached to the body and they decide what kind of body the soul takes in the next life. When an individual soul exhausts all its karmas and merges with God then Hindus say that soul has attained salvation.
2007-07-05 00:12:30
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The world was always there and will always be there, is the Hindu theory. You can bombard the whole universe but the 'matter' will remain always. Only the shape will change. To understand the theory of creation in the present form of the world, we need to go to a spiritual guide whom we call, a Guru, in Hinduism. The Guru should be 'Shrotriya and Brahmnishtha" which means that he should be well versed in all the divine theories of the world, plus he should be a face to face with God ( We call Him Krishn). Going to researchers is a waste of time.
2016-03-16 00:17:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
According to Hindu mythology an animal when die re-born again.
2014-04-17 05:37:18
answer #11
answered by B. Ali 4