Although I don't agree with libertarian free will, I'll assume free will for the sake of argument.
If God created us with free will, it's irrelevent whether we're demonstrating it or not. So it's not necessary for a person who has free will to demonstrate it by disobeying God. Besides that, a person with free will would still be excercising their free will if those chose to obey God instead of disobeying him.
So it does not follow that "God gave us free will so we would choose to sin."
A person who holds to free will would argue that God gave us free will so that we could be worthy of praise and blame. The argument might look something like this:
There can't be moral good in the universe unless there is free will.
Free will includes the ability to do evil.
Therefore, there can't be moral good in the universe unless there is the ability to do evil.
God had only to decide if the good that would come from creating creatures with free will was worth the evil he knew would also result. Apparently, he decided it was worth it.
2007-07-04 07:12:10
answer #1
answered by Jonathan 7
So you are saying that in order to "show" I have the free agency to choose right from wrong...I need to deliberately choose wrong once in a while? How absurd. You are presented with choices. You make them. Some will choose mostly good...some mostly bad. The choice is up to you. Stop trying to blame God for whatever your lacking in your life. You choose to believe what you believe despite what many on here and more than like else where, have told you. You have a brain. Use it. Be responsible for your own choices.
2007-07-04 07:07:05
answer #2
answered by LDS~Tenshi~ 5
Here's how it works.
God didn't design us with free will so that we would sin. He made us with free will so that we could choose to love Him. What's the point of someone loving you if you know they had no choice? There's no value in love if it's programmed into you.
Yes, we are born with the tendeny to sin - it's called original sin. I guess you could call it addiction. We're like that because Adam and Eve, who had free will, chose to sin, whereby they condemned the whole human race. Think of it this way - if a pregnant mother takes drugs, her child could be born addicted. If she drinks alcohol, her child could be born damaged. As are we. After Adam and Eve wrecked everything, God made a way for us to be forgiven and come back to Him, by sending His Son to be sacrificed. Now, we can use our free will to choose to follow him.
We don't have to promise to stop sinning - that's impossible, it's ingrained in our beings. What we DO have to do is ask Jesus to forgive us for what we've already done, and strive to live in the proper way in the future. If we fall into sin again, we simply ask for forgiveness again and He will always forgive us if we are sincere.
We no longer have to feel guilty about our previous sins, because we get to start over with a clean slate in God's eyes. Unfortunately bad choices can have negative repercussions throughout your entire life, but God is able to fit even the bad things that happen into His overall plan. You may learn things you never would have, had you not had to deal with the results of a bad choice, such as a pregnant teen carrying the baby to term and raising it/putting it up for adoption. Premarital sex was a bad choice for her, but God can use the results of that bad choice - the baby - to teach her responsibility and self-sacrifice, or to provide a child to a couple who are unable to have children of their own.
There's no maybe about whether you get into heaven or not. It's not on God's whim. You either do or you don't, based on whether you have asked Jesus to be your Savior or not. You don't have to wonder and bite your nails and think "Well gee I guess I'll find out if I really do get into heaven, after I die!"
2007-07-04 07:16:11
answer #3
answered by queenbee0889 4
No one ever said that God wants us to sin. You are jumping to conclusions.
God gave us free will so that we would choose NOT to sin. We sometimes make the wrong choice.
I assume that you prefer having a god who is a dictator and who doesn't allow you to make a choice.
Perhaps you are merely being goading and antagonistic. Who knows? Only you know your heart and the intention behind all of your questions.
If you truly believe this:
"An individual has a purpose here on earth, in the present surroundings, because there is a lesson to learn. The most important lesson is love."
You might think it wise to accept others' beliefs and try to love them.
I believe God is my guide. No one makes me feel guilty.
I love Him and want to please Him. That is the reason I feel guilty when I sin.
Yes, I believe He is the true God and Creator of the Universe.
Are you able to accept and respect that, as I respect your beliefs?
2007-07-04 07:14:53
answer #4
answered by batgirl2good 7
Adam had the loose decision of whether to obey God or not. He chosen to disobey, and so God cursed guy for his sin. Adam replaced into the consultant, because it have been, of the finished human race. Your first sentence is deceptive. God did supply loose will to Adam and Eve, yet as quickly as they fell into sin, mankind not had the flair to love God or choose for God. The Bible is obvious approximately this. Adam's sin led to the falling faraway from God; God did not tension Adam to sin. God did create a 'very stable' universe wherein there replaced into no sin. Sin is guy's fault. guy chosen to sin; lower back, God did not tension Adam to pass in this direction, nor does He tension guy to sin right now. This 'project of evil' has been in certainty discredited with the aid of purely approximately all scholars. no one fairly argues anymore that evil and sin contained in the international are incongruous with God's nature. Plus, with the aid of putting forward that the Christian God does not exist, you will desire to reject an excellent sort of stable evidences for His existence: the trustworthiness of the Bible being a significant one, as an occasion.
2016-09-29 01:48:58
answer #5
answered by hughart 4
No.No, No!!! God gave us free not to choose sin. But He is ever hoping that we would choose good. It cost Him His perfect son, the ultimate sacrifice for you and me. Why in the world do people think that Salvation should come easy and not cost them anything when it cost Jesus sooo much? God never forced you into a sin, so if there is any addiction then that is called consequences of your choice. Just as a farmer plants seeds for a harvest. Our life choices are seeds that will bring forth a harvest...a good harvest or a bad one depending on the person planting them.
2007-07-04 07:08:00
answer #6
answered by HeVn Bd 4
I've been told in a previous question that God deliberately designed us to have the freedom to sin, because he wants us to have free will.
Answer: Correct.
But how do we demonstrate we have free will unless we choose something God would not want us to do?
Answer: No. We demonstrate free will by choosing for ourselves what we want to do.
So God gave us free will so we would choose to sin.
Answer: No. God gave us free will so that we COULD choose to obey or disobey.
Then, once we've become addicted to sin (such that no human can ever stop), we're supposed to feel very very guilty about it and promise God we will do our best to stop sinning.
Answer: We are all born with the sin nature because of Adam and Eve's disobedience to God. This sin nature causes us death (read about Adam and Eve in Genesis).
Then, maybe, God will let us into heaven.
Answer: Because of Adam and Eve's disobedience, we all inherited the sin nature. We are all sinners. Any of us can be homosexuals, murders, fornicators, thieves, adulterers, gossipers, addicts, gluttons or liars. Probably even more than one of those. We all posses this sin nature, which causes us all to be born separated from God and do the things that He has told us not to do..
Jesus came to the earth for the purpose of becoming the blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Those of us who will choose Him as our Lord and Savior and repent (which means to turn away from sin), will be given the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life with God. When we choose Jesus, God declares us blameless. This is called justification.
God doesn't want anyone to be lost. He loves us so much even though we are born sinners. He has provided Jesus’ sacrifice for us while we are still sinners.
Not choosing Jesus is the only way that we remain separated from God. It is then, our job to stay filled with the Holy Spirit that He has given to Christians (those who have accepted Jesus) for the help we need to obey Him.
God sanctifies us which means He makes us holy. Sanctification is living every day in light of who we are in Christ. It is practiced purity- a challenge, especially in the culture in which we live.
Prayer, submittance and obedience is what God has ask us to do for our benefit.
Coming to Jesus for love, leadership and forgiveness is the way to have a better life here, a renewed relationship with God and the promise of Heaven. The only way.
So God wants us to sin till we're addicted and can never stop, and then he wants us to feel guilty about it and make futile promises to stop sinning.
Answer: As I already stated, God doesn't want us to sin but, we are born with the sin nature. He wants us to realize this and come to Jesus for redemption. He provided this easy way to come back to Him if we want to (free will).
This is the God your free will chooses to believe is the true God and Creator of the Universe?
Answer: Yes, this is the God who loves us so much that He came down from Heaven and gave His life in our place for our sins. This is love.
2007-07-04 07:15:26
answer #7
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
Free will encompasses many things, such as who I will marry.
How I will treat my wife, and children. What Job I will do and who will be my friends. Will I listen to counsel and stop using tobacco because it is harmful to my health? or not to misuse alcohol? Will I listen when the bible tells me that homosexuality is wrong? Will I listen when the bible says be a husband of one wife and that divorce is a sin? Adultry is a sin so I won't do that. I don't have to sin to know that it is wrong. i have a guide book that tells me what to avoid.
Do I want to read it? Which ever way Ichose that is my choice. I appreciate that my father told me many times don't do that son. You will be sorry! sometimes I listened to him and was glad I did. But that to was my choice.
2007-07-04 07:06:44
answer #8
answered by Steven 6
Hello and there is a bit of confusion here when Adam and Eve were created they were given free choice because God wants us to LOVE Him and in order for Love to be Love one MUST have the choice to say NO, and that is what Adam and Eve did but in sinning and saying NO God had to allow what happens next sin cuts off man from God cause if you will read when God went looking for them they hid from God now when God asks us a question it is ALWAYS for our benefit NOT for His information He asked Adam "where are you" now God knows everything and He understood where Adam and Eve was hiding, but God was not asking for there physical location He asks them the same question He asks us, now that you have sinned, did your own thing, where are you "in relationship" to me? And by the way because of satan and sin we have a sinful nature, in Isaiah 14:12-15 satan's nature is a "i" problem, self, in fact "i" is the center letter in sin, and in evil, and we CAN NOT choose NOT to sin because its a part of our nature it is ONLY in Jesus that you have ANY choice at all, Sin kills the natural results of sin is to die, but God "SO" Loved you that He gave... find out more the conditions upon which live everlasting is offered, free bible lessons God bless.
2007-07-04 07:11:02
answer #9
answered by wgr88 6
So often this idea of free will confuses people but it's really a lot simpler than some feel. Free will is merely the ability to choose. If there is only one path down which one may walk, that is not free will. You must have more than one choice in order to possess and exercise free will. Free will therefore includes, but is not limited to, the freedom to choose wrongly.
You ask: how do we demonstrate we have free will? Every time you make a choice, that is what you are doing. If you choose to refrain from sexual activity outside the parameters of marriage, that is the exercise of free will. If you choose to participate in sexual activity outside the parameters of marriage, that too is the exercise of free will. But if it were IMPOSSIBLE for you to choose, if there is only one choice, that is the absence of free will.
Having said the above, then, God gave us free will because he did not want us to be robots. He wanted us to freely do what is right. But in order to freely do what is right, we have to have the ability to choose. You get it? If we are forced to do right, if it is impossible for us to do anything else BUT right, then there is no free will because there is nothing else to choose.
Your reasoning is a bit flawed. God does not want us to sin. God wants us to have the freedom of choice but he lets us know the outcome of whatever we choose. You teach your children how to safely cross the street. You warn them of what can happen if they dart out into traffic. Now in order to keep them from getting hit by a car, do you lock them in their rooms? No. You teach them, help them to understand the outcome of certain choices and because you love them, you hope they will choose wisely. But you do not lock them in their rooms and FORCE them to stay out of traffic.
Hannah J Paul
2007-07-04 07:11:21
answer #10
answered by Hannah J Paul 7