One cant be spiritual without there being a spirit. Spiritual means believing in the spirit. What one would call soul, the other would call spirit. There is no difference. Like what lay man calls water, the Scientists say H2O. In that way you are absolutely correct.
2007-07-03 17:07:56
answer #1
answered by alok_krn 2
Christians have a totally whacky idea of what the 'soul' is supposed to be. For the Jews of biblical times... including Jesus (if he actually existed)... the 'soul' was an enveloping emanation from the godhead that resulted from the community's relationship with god. The soul as a component of a human being (Christian view) is an artifact of Greek thinking on 'dualism'... which was incorporated into Christian dogma and lore by Gentile theologians, who were ignorant of the Jewish concept of 'soul'.
So... apart from the fact that all of this stuff is mythological nonsense, anyway... everyone's worries about what happens to their personal 'soul' are of no consequence... it does not exist.
If Jesus (a Jew) had heard you talking about your 'soul', he wouldn't have had a clue what you were babbling about.
2007-07-03 19:31:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, that's MY attitude.
There are no souls; spirituality is a blank to me.
I would guess (not having read the other answers), those who are spiritual would say there are souls.
There's no dogma to atheism.
Not believing in god doesn't say much about everything else people think.
So there's a fair variability in what atheists think.
2007-07-04 01:02:45
answer #3
answered by tehabwa 7
Anyone who describes themselves as an Atheist and then says that they are spiritual, is confused as to what Atheism actually is. Someone who is not sure, or who accepts the possibility of souls or other paranormal/supernatural things is most definitely NOT an Atheist. Agnostic is probably more accurate.
2007-07-03 21:43:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
depends... perhaps the ones saying there's no soul are different people than the ones saying they're spiritual.
atheism's defining characteristic is not believing in all powerful deities. some atheists believe in nothing spiritual, some are very spiritual. beliefs vary widely amongst atheists.
2007-07-03 19:30:01
answer #5
answered by Ember Halo 6
Spirituality is an emotional response to an unknown. The belief in a "soul" is an incarnation of spirituality, not a source of spirituality.
2007-07-03 19:33:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No. "Soul" is a religious thing. It puts you above other things because it lets you say that you are the ONLY thing that has one. It lets you be arrogant and condescending.
A person can be spiritual without being religious.
2007-07-03 19:32:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i believe in the mind which is the collective aspects of intellect and consciousness which are manifest in some combination of thought, perception, emotion, will and imagination and is formed by how we grow up what we watch etc so i may not be spiritual but this is who i am
2007-07-03 19:34:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
...yes and no depending on how one defines "soul". To me, a "soul" is the part of the mind that we don't understand, yet, scientifically. I do not believe that it survives after death.
2007-07-03 19:26:49
answer #9
answered by bollywoodturtle 4
There is no such thing as a "soul". Being spiritual has no meaning.
2007-07-03 19:30:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous