good question, but i think you made Brett A have some kind of seizure...
2007-07-03 11:00:38
answer #1
answered by Vol_Fan 3
I'm assuming you're an American... the Christians are the only religion in this country who feel that they have the right to have there religious beliefs made law. This would be fine if this was a theocracy, and not a democracy.
Since there are so many of them, and it is possible they could eventually do this, it's cause for fear. People who moved to this country the promise of religious freedom or were born here and have different religious convictions are understandably upset by this.
They're also a very violent religion, with a history of violence, death, and torture all in the name of their religion.
The other religions are either not in a position to force their beliefs on the rest of the country, or don't want to.
2007-07-03 17:51:26
answer #2
answered by Pooka 4
Okay I will try and answer in a way that is not condescending. First I am ex Christian, ex soul winner, so I understand what Christianity is and should be, I also know how to act as to turn people off.
The few hateful, judgmental Christians who are quick to say you are going to hell ruin it for all Christians. One very good example is I answered a question today and the man kept declaring himself an expert on salvation matters and kept declaring we should listen to him about the bible instead of reading it ourselves.
Not everyone is that way, and I just sent an email to a lady whose answers that I have read does indeed show her to be Christlike praising her.
The bible say to give tribute to whom tribute is due, honor to whom honor is due praise to wom prsise is due and also to suffer not fools.
I am pagan, Wicca is my religion and I see questions here by Christians sometimes asking why atheists and pagans get along so well,. That is because we pagans are non-judgmental and do not feel a need to convert people to our way. We believe all spiritual paths lead to Deity.
So the non-judgmental non converting and tolerant religions will not receive as much hatred.
I hope I explained in an honest caring way.
Blessed Be
2007-07-03 18:11:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, think about this one. We are on a website that requires us to write in English. All English speaking nations that I know of are overwhelmingly Christian. Those who are most comfortable writing in English have mostly grown up around Christianity.
Christianity is not only the most popular religion in the world, it is the religion OF the most powerful. We live in democratic countries where it is important that the people make informed decisions. And we know that what people do affects us all.
Christians try to pass laws that affect us all - such as eliminating abortion; or having their religion enshrined in our documents, and buildings; restricting the rights of gays; and trying to put religion in our schools.
Look also at President Bush... the man said he was told by God to invade Iraq. Apocalyptic Christians may be all to happy for the next nuclear war to come along (do we really want them in charge of our weapons?).
The truth is, Christians affect us the most so it is them we wish to educate.
2007-07-03 17:52:31
answer #4
answered by skeptic 6
It's not a bias against Christians, it's that most of the English-speaking theists -- and thus most of the theists asking questions on this site -- are Christians.
Also, I agree with a few of the other respondents that Buddhists and Taoists are not the ones seeking to shove their religion down everyone else's throat by the force of government.
2007-07-03 17:51:01
answer #5
answered by coryfucius 3
For me I do not believe any religion, the reason it may appear that I am more anti Christian than anything else is because most of the questions on here are concerning christianity so why would i start talking about other religions when answering them.
2007-07-03 17:45:19
answer #6
answered by ajmarch89 2
The Truth hurts. Think about it. If Christianity didn't hold water or if it wasn't a threat there would be no reaction. People do not react when they feel secure. Obviously, there is no threat in false religions. All men were made for God. As Romans teaches us God put it within every man's heart to know Him. They can refuse to believe / submit to God, but they will never have true peace within.
2007-07-03 17:49:20
answer #7
answered by HeVn Bd 4
You will find as I have that it is ok to knock any form of christianity but when you start commenting on the murderous and evil side of islam etc all of a sudden out of the woodwork come the censors and your comments do not see the light of day
2007-07-03 18:30:56
answer #8
answered by klewless 2
They know that Christianity is real and the truth. So they want to speak against it to satisfy themselves.
You see people who are anti-christians dont have a peace of mind. So by speaking against Christians they kinda get a little bit of rest in their mind.
Trying to satisfy themselves while oppossing.
There's a saying: Truth hurts.
I hope you get what i mean.
2007-07-03 20:33:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It is a battle between good and evil, between God and Satan. Satan is behind the anti-Christian bias. He doesn't care about the other religions because they are helping him lead people away from the true God.
2007-07-03 17:47:31
answer #10
answered by nspird 2
It is because they are against something they don't understand and don't want to admit that. It is easier for them to say they are anti Christian and laugh about it and give Christians a hard time then it is for them to admit that they are confused and would like answers. Its just like a child doing their homework, if they don't understand it they, instead of asking for help, will balk at doing the homework and instead say that school sucks. It is what we don't understand that gives us the audacity to put down something so divine.
2007-07-03 17:48:47
answer #11
answered by Nichole 4