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I really want to know your answers to this.

You believe God created the Universe in six days and took one day to rest, he also created man, animal, plant etc. That this God lives in a paradise where those who believe his son who he sent down from this paradise, will get to live with him once they die, only if they get pass peter at the gates.

You believe in that, but as soon as I bring up Aliens to christians, you say No Way!
As soon as i say The Devil some christians say, He's not real.
As soon as I say man was once monkey, you say No.

Why? Why can christians beleive such a fable like story that has NO PROOF but cant believe any other what if.

Do you agree the one thing that has killed the most people in the world is the Bible...

2007-07-03 09:58:09 · 21 answers · asked by Mister-meaner ! 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

I believe everything in the first paragraph except that people have to get past St. Peter. Jesus paid the price for our sins in full on the cross. You just have to believe that He died for us, believe that He paid our sin debt completly, repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ into your life, and live your life for Him.

I don't believe that there are aliens in outer space.
I believe that the devil is real. The devil is nothing but pure evil.

And going to church every Sunday doesn't make someone a Christian anymore than going into a garage makes someone a car.

Now, you answer me this, if man was once a monkey, then why does God say in Genesis that He created man from the dust of the ground?

All "scientific" proof for evolution has either been proven false or inconclusive. Java Man was the skull of a gibbon; Nebraska Man was the tooth of a pig and the Piltdown Man was a lowdown sham; They built that man from an organutan! Ramapithicus wasn't complete; He's a fragment of jaw and a couple of teeth. Addition skeletons show us today that he isn't our relative -- only an ape! Australapithicus alias Lucy, The fossil of this is just vague and confusing. The wonderful knee bone they're proud to possess was 200 feet deeper -- a mile from the rest! Neanderthal Man was probably deficient in Vitamin D or it might've been rickets. But he had religion and musical instruments, fire and tools and from you he's no different! They say we were monkeys but people came from dust in the ground.

All the proof needed to prove that God exists and that the Bible is true is everywhere! Look at the complexity of the world and the universe! You can't honestly look at something like a beautiful hillside of wildflowers and say that it was an accident!

You can't have a painting without a painter, you can't have a book without a writer, and you can't have a creation without a creator.

If the Bible is false, then why would people willingly die just for believing in it and proclaiming it? Why would someone give up their life for a lie?

What do you have to say now?

2007-07-03 10:14:59 · answer #1 · answered by Prayer Warrior 5 · 2 0

I'll start with your last point first, and work my way back. No, the Bible has not killed the most people. Death has killed the most people, if you really want to get technical. People have killed other people, attempting to use religion as an excuse. However, we CANNOT hold inanimate objects, or at least objects that are incapable of holding a weapon, responsible.

I love hypothetical questions, the "what if" scenarios, and I try to answer them to the best of my ability.

However, there is not one shred of evidence to support the idea that "man was once monkey" and there are NO transitional fossils that I'm aware of to bridge the gap between man and monkey, or their "common ancestor."

And not all Christians believe in a young Earth. I'm an old Earth creationist, though it's entirely possible that God DID create the Earth in six days. I believe He could do it.

There is plenty of evidence for intelligent design. Care for some quotes? Let me know, and I'll add them. It'll just take some time, because I'll have to type them up.

2007-07-03 10:06:57 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 0

hooooo boy...

The Bible was written in languages that were metaphorical and contained an average of 5000 words. English is a precise, Germanic language with 400,000 words, and the average native English speaker understands almost half of those words, and customarily uses about 100,000 words a month.
The universe was created in six times. most sane Christians do not believe that it was six 24-hour days.
The rest of that paragraph is nonsense, and I won't bother with it.
Aliens may or may not exist, I believe they likely do, but the incredible distance they'd have to travel precludes the likelihood that they drop in often. And life, no matter where or how primitive, requires intelligent design---the simplest single-cell organisms cannot just "happen" spontaneously and be capable of respiration, irritability, and reproduction. The incredible complexity of a single-cell protozoa defies the idea that it occurred randomly.
The Devil, mentioned very seldom in the Bible, is a metaphor for out reptilian lower nature. Hell is a metaphor for a seperation from God. (also mentioned very seldom in the Bible)
The one thing that has killed the most people is old age/disease. there have been some wars and some unfortunate things that a few people have done in the name of Christianity, but war, by definition, is usually theft on a grand scale. "Christians" have their share of culpability in this, and we ACCEPT it. Big difference there---

just because one calls himself a Christian does not make him a Christian. Just because I sleep in a chicken coop and call myself a chicken does not make me a chicken.

There are many people who believe that every word in the Bible is sacred. they are full of sh*t and do not understand languages, metaphors, or human nature. There are those of us who study hard, treat the Bible like a puzzle, and we can solve parts of that puzzle. And then there are folks like you who scoff at the whole thing---whatever. If you ever want to really study and understand some of this stuff, I am an easy e-mail away---good-luck, Brian

2007-07-03 10:20:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Christians believe we are Image Deo meaning we are built in God's image. However we sinned in the Garden of Eden and we do not have that same image anymore.

We do not believe we came from monkeys, and no one has proven that conclusively by the way. We darn well better believe in the Devil, because he is out there. Those who say they are Christian and do not have serious issues. They are denying the bible. That my friend, is bad theology.

I ask you the same question, how can you believe something that has NO PROOF? We have lots of theories, lots of ideas, but no one can prove conclusively that their world view trumps all others. Christianity is an excercise in faith.

The bible tells us that the bible will fall on deaf ears for those who do not have the spiritual direction of the Holy Spirit. If you ernestly seek God, read the bible and be open minded, you might just be suprised.

Good luck!

2007-07-03 10:10:53 · answer #4 · answered by Holmes C 2 · 0 0

The Bible doesn't kill the most people, idiots do that! God did create the Universe in 6 days. Days in God's terms could men 1000 or more years per day.
He Lives and Reigns in Heaven with jesus at His Right Hand.
UFO's no. I don't believe in aliens.
The devil is real. No real Christian will say different. God says that Lucifer exists.
We did NOT come from monkeys. We were created by God from dust.
You have NO PROOF otherwise. Sarcasm is not proof by the way. Therefore go in peace.

2007-07-03 10:06:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a christian, an evolutionist, man was not a monkey, common ancestor. Also the Bible has killed no one,sadly the people who claim to follow the Bible have killed many people, which I think is a huge disgrace. Also not all of the Bible is myth some of it is just historical writings. And whether you believe Jesus was God or not he was a great teacher, sadly most of us christians are poor students.

2007-07-03 10:04:18 · answer #6 · answered by akschafer1 3 · 3 0

Just read questions and answers here and you will see that different Christians believe different things. But essentially, they believe the same things. For example, one Christian might believe that Genesis is an allegory, while another takes it literally. Yet both believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, died, and was ressurected physically. They also believe that He performed mircales while on Earth, and that he will come again one day. But they disagree on the exact manner in which God created the world.

But I'm sure any Christian would say BOTH these people are Christian.

2007-07-03 10:10:29 · answer #7 · answered by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 · 1 0

The proof that God exists is that you are here. If there are aliens, God created them too. God didn't need us to evolve from another animal because he could create whatever he wants from scratch. The devil is real, and if you read the Bible, God knows this and warns people about it. I am a Christian, but I don't waste my breath trying to convince others of my beliefs. God does not want anyone to judge others, that is His job.

2007-07-03 10:06:42 · answer #8 · answered by GoodWifey2 2 · 2 0

The Bible don't say god created the universe in six days, read the Bible before you open your mouth Thank You

2007-07-03 10:06:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well I'm not Christian but I hope I can answer this with my opinion, I think that God did in fact create all of that, but then it evolved on it's own. Doesn't that makes sense? And what's a plus is that it's agreeable by Creationists and Evolutionists! ^^ but that is honestly what I believe. That both Creationism and Evolution exist

2007-07-03 10:02:30 · answer #10 · answered by kaizoku 3 · 3 0

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