Its all the MEDIA!
The Western Media has caused the west to believe in their point of view, and only giving one side of the story blinds the people viewing: that is almost everybody. The Media has forced its viewers to believe that Islam is a violent, bloody, intolerant religion, but in reality this is actually the opposite. If people would stop accepting their television sets as their teachers, more people would know the actual truth about Islam. The Media reports misleading stories, gross exaggerations, inaccurate information, and false statements about Islams and Muslims to undermine the religion, and unfortunately, this propaganda is a success--many many Americans believe everything they hear on the news or read in the newspaper. What they fail to realize is that what they read/hear is only one point of view of a bias Media that has been criticizing Muslims with false information vigorously since 9/11.
Terrorism is CONDEMNED in Islam; it is not allowed. Neither is innocent murder, or forced conversions. These are all misleading fabrications composed by the Media. You can't always believe what you hear.
Terrorists are not true Muslims; they use Islam as a mask to cover up their dirty work, and give Islam a bad name. It is not fair for the majority of Muslims, who oppose terrorism and denounce violence that is occurring. Unfortunately, the Media will never let this be known, making it look like Muslims support these radical actions, when in reality they absolutely do not.
Please refer to the following video. It is very true, and will provide valuable insight; I strongly recommend watching it:
2007-07-03 07:27:07
answer #1
answered by Omer 5
Why would you ask a question for which you already know the answer?
After 9/11, it's understandable that many people would become fearful and feel hatred for all Muslims.
If you were mauled by a Pit Bull, you would naturally be weary of all dogs.
You can't dismiss this as simple ignorance. This fear and hatred was rare prior to 9/11. Give the real victims a break. Will ya?
Millie--above --has presented a better question. Why the deafening silence from the Muslim community?
2007-07-03 05:26:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
By some people, you must mean Christians, I assume, because Muslims wouldn't blame themselves for 9-11...
They do it because they want a scape-goat for their own pain...
Just look at it this way, we'll see who's right on the Day of Judgment, ok?
2007-07-03 08:20:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
read the Koran and then the Bible new and old testament then see how man with his evil seed will do what ever to gain control of others from the people you may call Friends or family to the world as whole. Fear drive man and the Muslims who may be good fear to stand up to those who are evil and that leaves the rest of us that will never bend to their will to stand as we do. If you want to understand the Muslims then go to and look up what the Turks Muslims did to Cristian Armenians as it is called genocide and they take men and cut their heads off and rape men women and children. They strap bombs on their children and think there is 72 virgin waiting for them in 72 palaces when they kill infidels or Kavors less then humans and unbelievers.
Now they are responsible if you go to the web site I have given look up 911 and wacth the videos and transcripts on this event from hell.
2007-07-03 04:59:03
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I don't think muslims help their cause much by saying things like: "9/11 was bad, but--" It was bad period. Maybe if a few fatwas were issued against al qaeda leaders, you'd be taken more seriously. As it is, you seem insincere.
2007-07-03 04:53:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
there are very few that do that, why not focus your attention on those that treat them well and don't care they are muslim? it's amazing that a few idiots always get the attention and press but those they just go on with their lives and treat others respectfully are ignored. there are many more of the good and kind in this world that need to be noticed.
2007-07-03 04:52:41
answer #6
answered by ?! 6
Because all we hear about are the bad Muslims. And the stuff we hear and see is about as horrible as it gets-all done in the name of their religion.
Where are the good Muslims, and what have they done to be proud about and not make us feel this way?
2007-07-03 04:59:04
answer #7
answered by smars442002 5
Simple answer - ignorance. Every Muslim is not guilty and/or responsible for another muslim's actions. To make such a judgement is an act of stupidity.
2007-07-03 04:51:48
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because the majority of Muslim don't speak out against terrorism, silence gives assent, assent makes them accomplices, and accomplices are as guilty as the terrorists.
2007-07-03 05:18:03
answer #9
answered by Millie 7
Probably for the same reason that many people still believe Mormons are polygamists. Once a steriotype has been struck it is very difficult to shed.
2007-07-03 04:59:57
answer #10
answered by Rance D 5