The 144,000 you speak of are the Jews that will turn to Christ in The Tribulation period. It doesnt specify how many Gentiles will get into Heaven.
2007-07-02 11:01:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well marriage was suppose to be forever, God hates divorce. Deut.24:1-4 But recognizes that divorce occurs and permits it only on restricted grounds. Ex.: If a wife has sex with someone other than her husband, that husband can divorce her legitimately. She is the one who cant get married again. Matt.19:8-9
There are 2 ways of Life, and 2 destinations.
It is difficult to live in the way God wants us to.John:10:38,16:24-25,Acts14:22 This way is a narrow gate and Few will be able to find it or go thru it. If any of the persons you describe above were to become born again after all these things they have done, they could get into heaven. John 3:3-7 But this starts going into Salvation, which you dont want to accept or talk about. So I dont know the #of people who will go to heaven but its not gona be to many.
2007-07-02 12:40:58
answer #2
answered by T I 6
Matthew 5:32; 19:9 shows that Jesus was saying that a man or woman who divorces, except on the grounds of fornication, commits adultery. The verse in Luke you are referring to is saying the same thing. Looking up the cross references the scripture has will help you see the scripture in its full context. 50% of the population may be divorced, but some might be due to fornication. A person who divorced and remarried improperly can ask God to forgive him/her and then resolve to stay with their present marriage mate, not divorcing unless the mate is unfaithful.
Yes, only 144,000 will be in heaven- Revelation 14:1-3; 20:6
2007-07-02 12:27:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You are right on most aspects. Those sins mentioned in 1 Corinthians will prevent you from going to heaven. A couple of things you got wrong. Effeminate in the Bible is not the same as it is today. Consider the words it was translated from: Malakos is listed among other vices in the New Testament book of 1 Corinthians. 6:9. Translations use different terms to express this: "The JB (1966) chooses 'catamite,' the NAB (1970) renders arsenokoités and malakos together as 'sodomite,' others translate malakos as 'male prostitute' (NIV 1973, NRSV 1989), and again some combine both terms and offer the modern medicalised categories of sexual, or particularly homosexual, 'perversion' (RSV 1946, TEV 1966, NEB 1970, REB 1992)." (Martin, 1996). The word malakos, #3120 in the Greek Dictionary of The New Testament of James Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to The Bible translates: "of uncertain affinity". It means someone who is much worse off than "straight guys who sing in the choir". It refers to sexual perversion, not mannerisms. Concerning divorce/remarriage, you are partially correct. If you are divorce for any reason other than Adultery (which is the part you left out), you must remain celibate and single. If you are the innocent party in a marriage that ends in divorce due to adultery, you are free to remarry. Only the innocent person may remarry. Fortunately, if you are guilty of any of these sins, you can repent (turn away) from the sins and have the hope of eternal life.
2016-05-21 04:49:16
answer #4
answered by ? 3
That is the old testament before Jesus Christ took away the sins of the world. Those who are not forgiven by Jesus Christ may not go to heaven? But who knows for sure, only God can judge.
The problem is the Bible is very very complex. Christians go by the New Testament for how to relate to God now. The Old testament served a purpose BC. But now the New Testament is relevant to our times. Remember people did not have Birth control and sex was just not as widely accepted by society. If you were fornicating all the time you would get pregnant more likely so people had more self control.
I am Christian and I know that God will forgive and absolve your sins if you just pray and sincerely ask it of him. Maybe someone never prays or asks until they get to the other side and then maybe God will still forgive.
2007-07-02 12:56:13
answer #5
answered by Beauty&Brains 4
You sound guilty to me! But then again everyone falls short, so your point is what exactly? And as far as the 144K..... that leaves a whole lot of JW's out. I know they believe that they will inherit the Earth.....that's great, but there will be a whole lot of others that will be here right along with that 144K acting as Kings and Priest. After all, they will be right here on Earth too because that's where God is going to set up his Kingdom. "Let your Kingdom come, on Earth as it is in Heaven". Those were Jesus's own words...not mine! The Kingdom is coming here you guys. Just like it was in the 1st Earth age. There's nothing new under the sun. The 3rd Earth age is coming...get your tickets to the greatest show on Earth. Heaven is for angels..... the meek will inherit the Earth!
2007-07-02 10:59:57
answer #6
answered by skiingstowe 6
‘Is homosexuality really that bad?’
, read for yourself what the apostle Paul said at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10: “What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes nor men who lie with men [“sodomites,” Jerusalem Bible; “homosexual perverts,” Today’s English Version], nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.” Note that Paul specifically mentioned those who evidently take on a passive sexual role and those who assume a more active “male” role in their immoral relations. Thus he made it plain that God disapproves of all homosexual acts.
Homosexuality is not an alternative life-style acceptable to Jehovah God. Frequently, both gay and liberal preachers twist the scriptures in futile endeavors to make it seem that it is. (2 Peter 3:16) Thousands of years ago Jehovah destroyed Sodom because most of the males of that city practiced it. Centuries later the apostle Peter likened men who copied those Sodomites to “unreasoning animals born naturally to be caught and destroyed.”
Why, though, would God wage a global war? Armageddon is closely related to one of his cardinal qualities, justice. The Bible declares: “God is a lover of justice.” He has seen all the acts of injustice perpetrated during man’s history. This naturally provokes his righteous displeasure. Thus, he has appointed his Son to wage a just war in order to do away with this entire wicked system.
Only God is capable of waging a truly just and truly selective war during which righthearted individuals, wherever they may be on earth, will be preserved. ) And only he has the right to impose his sovereignty over all the earth, for it is his creation.
What about survivors? Indeed, no one needs to perish at Armageddon. The apostle Peter observed: “God, does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” And the apostle Paul stated that God’s “will is that all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”
Consider the good Har–Magedon promises to achieve, godly humanity’s peaceful future on this planet, no more pollution, no more war, no more poverty, no more disease or even death. God promises: “Look! I am making all things new.” Revelation 21:3,4
This will be brought about by the "Kingdom" that Jesus spoke about when he was on earth, "Kingdom" is a heavenly government, a government usually has people helping the President run other departments, well Jesus is the King of this government, the 144,000 help him in bringing the earth back into a Paradise, Garden of Eden, also help him resurrect billions of people that have died in the past.
2007-07-02 11:14:33
answer #7
answered by BJ 7