Because: (Ecclesiastes 3:19,20) "All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again". If man was not made from dust, then he would not have a mortal coil and his death would have no bearing on him. Obviously things in the valley of death must be made with an expiry date in mind.
If you examine the chromosome rules for man (XY), and woman (XX), another man or a woman can be created from a man. But according to that rule a man never be derived from a woman. Therefore it seems logical when you compare our chromosomal features with biblical lore.
The universe was not created from nothing, God is a force, an abstract body of unlimited energy which he constantly emanates. The reference they make to dust, I believe is likely the pre-scientific term for Matter, where matter is only energy in a congealed form.
2007-07-02 07:45:47
answer #1
answered by ForYouBabyIcouldBe 3
Surveying all he has created, God observes with compassion the loneliness of the human being among the animals. He says, “It is not good for Adam to be alone; I will make a fitting helper for him.” The Creator acts quickly, first anesthetizing Adam and then performing surgery: “So The Lord God cast a deep sleep upon the man; and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that spot. And the Lord God fashioned the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman.”
Adam is now unquestionably male, and Eve is his female counterpart. Is God aware of the energy he is unleashing by separating the human into man and woman? Or has woman been a part of his secret plan all along? The Hebrew word “tzela” is customarily translated as “rib”, but another of its meanings is “side” - as in the side of a house, or an essential component of the whole. The term suggests that if you remove the “side,” the structure falls apart. That woman is made from the man’s “side” tells us that they are two halves of a once intact whole. On the one hand, man now has a separate companion from whom he can gain a different perspective. On the other, after they are separated, each half pursues the other, yearning to become one again. As the Bible puts it: “Hence, a man leaves his mother and clings to his wife, so that they become one flesh”. With this passage, the Bible indicates the potential for man and woman when they join together in mind, heart, and body to pursue a single goal, most fruitfully expressed in offspring.
2007-07-02 14:32:43
answer #2
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
Good point. Lilith was made from dirt at the same time as Adam but wouldn't bow to Adam's rule. So then eve was made. Just another story to keep women subservient. God should have known this in the beginning.
2007-07-02 14:32:32
answer #3
answered by punch 7
A favorite origin myth of mine is the Babylonian story of Marduk slaying the god Kingu, the stupidest of the gods, and making humans from his blood and dust.
Metaphorically, then, we have a divine nature, but a really dumb one. That seems to explain a great deal.
2007-07-02 14:41:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It was a beginning point to make man from the dust, so that eve was a part of man that's why he made her from a rib, Adam even said at last this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh and i shall call her isha from ish she was made. It would be good for all men to keep her close to your heart as your ribs are.
2007-07-02 15:09:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well... I guess the "something from nothing" trick is a tough one to do, and perhaps the "dust thingy" is a harder trick then the "cloned-rib thing"....
I dunno.. I mean, who can figure the guy out...? He's as psycho as his writers were and at least as nuts as his followers.
[][][] r u randy? [][][]
Post Script: You're touched, did you say, Emiliano M ? Yes, I've re-read your answer and I can see that you are.
See a psychiatrist. You'll have a slim chance to feel better if you do.
2007-07-02 19:21:57
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes he could.
Still in Genesis said he created man from dirt, to remind us that we are, pretty much, dirt. In the big scheme of the universe we mean very, very little.
Eve came from Adams rib. The rib is close to his heart, its a part of him, they're supposed to be one thing and they were made from the same stuff.
Thats how i see it, at least
Its poetic and its very beautiful
Being an evolutionist i have to say i was admired after reading the first chapters of the book of genesis for the first time, how much i agreed with it and how much it made sense. Not only that, how much it moved me, it really touched me
Paz de Cristo
2007-07-02 14:35:12
answer #7
answered by Emiliano M. 6
He did not have to, but He did. The Bible is a record.
Yes, but there is a saying that we came form the dirt ( earth ) and we will return to the dirt (earth).He can save our souls.
2007-07-02 21:41:40
answer #8
answered by Ulrika 5
So, are you asking if human sexual behavior predated humans? That's one way to answer the chicken/egg riddle...
2007-07-02 17:37:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Gross Material World stood the most highly developed animal, RThich was to provide the gross material body as a vessel for the coming man; on the other side in the Ethereal World stood the developed human soin who was waiting to unite with the gross material vessel, and thereby give a further impetus for spiritualisation to everything gross material.
Now when an act of procreation took place between the noblest pair of these highly developed animals, there was incarnated at the hour of incarnation not an animal soin, as hitherto, but instead the waiting human soin bearing within it the immortal spirit spark. The ethereal human soins with predominantly developed positive abilities incarnated in male animal bodies, corresponding to the homogeneity; those with predominantly negative, more delicate abilities in female bodies, which moere doser to their nature.
This process does not support the assertion that man, whose real origin lies :n the spiritual, descends from the animal "primeval man", which could only provide the gross material intermediate vessel. Even today it would not occur
o the most extreme materialists to consider themselves directly related to an animal, and yet there is now, as there was then, a close physical relationship, hence a gross material ogeneity, whereas the really "living" man, that is, the actual spiritual "ego" of man, has no homogeneity with or derivation from the animal whatever.
Now after his birth the first earthman really stood atone, without parents, because in spite of their high development he could not recognise the animals as parents, and was unable to have any communion with them.
Nor did he need it; for he was a completely intuitively-perceptive human being, and as such also lived in the Ethereal World, which gave him values that made up for everything else.
The severance of the woman from the first human being was an etherealspiritual one. It did not take place in a gros s- material- earthly way, as in fact the descriptions in the Bible and ancient religious writings mainly refer just to spiritual and ethereal events. Man as such stood alone, and during his growth primarily used the rougher, sterner intuitive perceptions for his subsistence, as a result of which the more delicate ones moere increasingly pushed aside and isolated until, as the more delicate part of the spiritual man, they moere completely severed.
Now this second part, in order not to remain inactive in the gross material, where in the first place it was absolutely necessary for upliftment, was incarnated in a second vessel, which in accordance with its fineness was of the female sex, while the rougher intuitive perceptions moere left to the gross materially stronger man. Exactly corresponding to the Laws of the Ethereal World, in which everything immediately takes on form, the delicate and weak manifesting in female forms, the stern and strong in mate forms.
Through her more valuable spiritual qualifies, woman should and could in reality be more perfect than man, if she had only exerted herself to clarify ever more harmoniously the intuitive perceptions bestowed upon her, whereby she would have become a power that was bound to have a revolutionising and greatly furthering effect in the entire Gross Material Creation
But unfortunately it was just she who above all failed, because she surrendered herself as a plaything to the strong powers of intuitive perception assigned to her, which in addition she even dimmed and defiled through feeling and imagination.
What deep significance lies in the Biblical narrative of the tasting from the tree of knowledge! How the woman, incited by the serpent, offered the apple to the man. A better illustration of the event in the material sphere simply could not have been given.
The offering of the apple, emanating from the woman, was the woman's becoming conscious of the effect of her charms upon man, and their intentional exploitation. But the taking and eating by the man was his response to it with the awakening urge to draw the attention of woman only to himself by beginning to make himself desirable through accumulating treasures and appropriating various things of value.
With this began the cultivation of the intellect, with its accompanying manifestations of greed, falsehood and oppression, to which men finally subjected themselves completely, thus of their own free will making themselves slaves of their instrument.
But with the intellect as ruler it inevitably followed that, in accordance with its very nature, they also chained themselves firmly to time and space, thereby losing the ability to grasp or experience anything above time and space, such as everything spiritual and ethereal
This was the complete severance from the real Paradise and from the Ethereal World, which they brought upon themselves; for it was now inevitable that with the horizon of their ability to comprehend firmly bound to earthly matters through the intellect, and thus narrowly limited, they could no longer "understand" all that is ethereal, which does not know the earthly concept either of time or of space.
2007-07-02 17:52:30
answer #10
answered by wellcome 3