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In my previous question, the Christian concensus is that Jesus's actions spoke louder than his words:


I see Jesus's actions were more directed at giving aid to people and not about prohibiting behavior. Based on what you know about Jesus, would someone emulating Jeusus today spend more time trying to prevent sin, like pouring large amounts of energy into fighting gay marriage, or would a Christ-like person spend more time feeding the hungry (bread into fish for the 5000), helping the sick (lazarus, the littel girl, lepers), and standing up for the persecuted (the prostitute being stoned)?

Are Gay people not being metaphorically stoned by some parts of society today? Jesus told the prostitute to "Go and sin no more" - but what if he new she would sin again? Would he still not have the compassion to stop the crowd from killing her?

2007-07-02 05:49:53 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I didn't ask if it was right or wrong. I'm asking what would Jesus spend more time doing? Where would his priorities lie?

2007-07-02 05:53:37 · update #1

28 answers

Helping the poor and hungry. If a man lowers himself to homosexuality, there is no point in trying to change his mind, because he all ready chose not to do the right thing.

2007-07-02 05:55:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Jesus gave aid and did the "will of the Father" during His daily life, whatever was presented to Him and what Father God told Him to do..., BUT, He came with a mission and that was His focus: "to seek and save what was lost and to give life and give it more abundantly and destroy the works of the devil and to save the world from sin and declare a "kingdom shift" from the world system to the Kingdom of heaven. [Luke 19:10; John 10:10; 1John 3:8; John 1:29; Matthew 3:2; 4:17; 5:19 - 20; 11:11 - 12; 13:11 - 12; 16:19; 18:1, 3-4; 12:13; Mark 1:14 -15; Mark 4:11; Mark 10:14 -15; LUKE 4:43; Luke11:20; 17:20-21; John 3:5;]
IF Leviticus is the rules and laws of God for sexual relationships is TRUTH, and the N. T. book of Romans, chapter 1 verses 18 thru 32 is written for our instruction, there is no denial that God counts "same sex" sexual relationships as sin and those who practice will not enter the kingdom of heaven/kingdom of God.
I believer the Holy Bible is the Word of God and IS our guide and kingdom principles to live by.
Jesus forgives ANY SIN that is repented of and that is the "good news" of the kingdom!

2007-07-02 07:00:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Bible shows that Jesus main work was to preach the good news of God's Kingdom.

Secondly he healed the sick, lame, blind. But he always focused on the work he was commissioned to do. He preached and those who would listen would be blessed, but those who would refuse to follow God's Word would be reserved for judgment.(2 Peter 3:7; 2:9) He wanted to teach, not to "bash" people, although he did show his firm stand for righteousness and so did his apostles. For example, the apostle Paul specifically and candidly said at 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 that "men who lie with men", murderers, adulterers, greedy persons would not inherit God's kingdom, unless they turned around and repented.

Spending too much time denouncing others or trying to prevent others from sinning would have been futile, people have to make their own choice, to choose life or death(being destoryed for wilfull disobedience.)(Deuteronomy 30:19; John 17:3; John 3:16). He focused on preaching about God's Kingdom which in the future will put an end to all wickedness and problems on earth. That was what would bring lasting benefit and good to all humans. The ones he resurrected in his day, eventually died again, but God's Kingdom will bring permanent lasting good and a resurrection to life without end. (John 5:28,29; Psalm 37:9-11, 28,29; Revelation 21:4)

He even told his followers to put the kingdom first in their lives at Matthew 6:33 and to preach and make disciples. (Matthew 28:19,20; Matthew 24:14) Jesus true followers also preach the good news of God's Kingdom and put that first, along with doing what they can to help others, and especially to help their spiritual brothers and sisters.(Galations 6:10)

2007-07-02 06:07:50 · answer #3 · answered by Kally 3 · 1 0

Helping the unfortunate .... Even though I am opposed to gay rights I think more time should be spent helping others..

Are they being stoned NO the fight against homosexual rights is worthy cause but needs balance...... I doubt she sinned again after Yeshua had spoken to the prostitute ... What about consequences of actions? You pay to play in evils court you might not even have to stone anyone just let sin take course!

2007-07-02 06:01:39 · answer #4 · answered by blahblah 5 · 0 0

I agree with you 100%, and I've been saying similar things for some time.

Unless you are gay or know gay people, why should this problem consume you? Jesus said something about "letting the dead bury the dead; you follow me." Jesus is far more concerned about people's basic needs than about their sexual behavior!

Yes, homosexuality is a sin, according to both OT and NT, but Jesus never took time to talk about it. (Perhaps he didn't have to, since Israel was so against it.) Jesus forgave a woman caught in adultery. The centurion's male servant whom Jesus healed, according to some, might have been the centurion's lover, too! That didn't stop Jesus from loving and healing the man.

If all were fed and taken care of, if all had adequate food, shelter, clothing, employment, and health care, and relative safety, then we Christians would be free to rant and rave about homosexuality. As it is, let's take care of what people need before we waste time on what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms (unless abuse or minors are involved).

I think the right-wing leaders use homosexuality as a distraction from more important issues anyway, to keep Christians from protesting against the rich exploiting the poor.

To reallytrue 101: the moneychangers and sellers in the Temple were desecrating the temple, cheating the worshippers, and interfering with people worshipping God. This selling went on in the Court of the Gentiles, interfering with Gentiles who wanted to seek out God. The same Jesus who cleared cheaters out the House of God also ate at the houses of Matthew and Zacchaeus--two taxgatherers. Tax collectors then were as despised as homosexuals today.

2007-07-02 05:59:59 · answer #5 · answered by MNL_1221 6 · 1 2

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. It just makes me want to scream when my Christian brothers and sisters say (righteously) that the most important thing they can do as Christians today is fight gay marriage. What?! Jesus' message was not to fight incompatible ideology and for the government to adopt your own personal theology.

He told us, first and foremost, that we are to *love one another*. Whether we agree with each other or not, we are still to treat one another with respect, and that includes not relegating an entire classification of people to an inferior status. That aside, Christ's way of "loving one another" was to feed the hungry, care for the sick, shelter the homeless, give to those in need, console the sorrowing, and comfort the dying. Isn't it sad that the two greatest, *stated* causes of the "Christian" Right in America are to prevent the legalization of gay marriage and to make abortion illegal? I can see the importance of the second issue, because it has as one of its goals the protection of defenseless infants. But the first? Not so much.

Also of note here, take a look at who protests the loudest when issues like welfare, universal health care, medicare reform for better elder care, and the like are raised. They should look familiar; they are the bastions of the same "religious" right. I'm not sure who they think they're fooling, but it's glaringly obvious to me that they merely call themselves Christians without paying any heed to Christ's real message.

2007-07-02 07:51:58 · answer #6 · answered by nardhelain 5 · 1 1

The Jesus found in scripture spent far more time teaching principles than feeding the hungry. He performed miracles to prove to the people who he. He forgave those who were repentant, but gave no indication that he was ok with those who planned to keep sinning.

2007-07-02 06:03:20 · answer #7 · answered by faireday 2 · 1 0

Good point!As you say Yesus told the tom to go forth and sin no more.Forgivin the sinner but not the sin was the moral of that parableYou know yr new testament????Then u no Yesus aided people by teachin them that there are consequences to the bad things that u do

2007-07-02 06:01:30 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think he would indeed speknd more time lifting and helping those who are caught in sin or other ailments as you have spoken. That however doesn't take away from the fact that he would teach all that they must repent, homosexuals, and adulterers, and molesters, and drug addicts, and crooks, and theives, and all sinners. I think that it's tragic that homosexuals get a worse rap than those who are adulterers. It doesn't make it right for either of them, yet neither justifies the other. helping others and lifting them to something higher doesn't eliminate the accountability of sin.

2007-07-02 05:58:07 · answer #9 · answered by Social Misfit 2 · 1 0

Because Christ loves all God's children, even the ones who stray a little, I'm sure He would administer to everyone who needs it. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

The woman who was taken in adultry, was taken on purpose, by the people who wanted to prove that Christ really wasn't who He claimed He was. What they think is that when He leaned down to write in the dirt, He was really writing either the names of her accusers or what her accusers had done that was wrong. He was proving that everyone sins, and no one is immune from it, except Him, of course. He never told the woman her sins were totally forgiven, He told her that her accusers were gone, and to go and sin no more. She would still have to repent for her sins, but Christ was giving her a little leeway on being accused of this crime. He was showing mercy to someone who had sinned, and done a sin that was seen as one of the worst.

I think He would do the same today. Try to teach us all by not only His example, but through His words also. Does he say that homosexuality should be tolerated? No, but He does say that we are to love ALL MEN! To me, this means that no matter what someone has done, we should still love them because they are children of God, and God loves them no matter what they do in life. That doesn't mean that we have to love the sin, or support it. Just that we need to love the person who is sinning. Try to help them, and show them that no matter what they have done, that someone still cares for them, as a person, not as what they have done. That is the true love of Christ.

2007-07-02 07:02:56 · answer #10 · answered by odd duck 6 · 1 0

Gee, lets see: Christ said the poor you will always have with you; now when those filthy rip-offs stood in the Temple and sold lice-infested birds for people to use as a sacrifice to the Father, was Jesus Christ tolerant of that ?

Did Christ say "oh, I cannot be bothered with this awful abomination, because there are some people hungry in the world"? No, I believe he turned over the tables and whipped the sinners with a cat-of-nine-tails.

Just because there are people hungry in the world gives no excuse for people to act like filthy disgusting sickos, esspecially when they parade their sins right thru the Streets of the Holy City of Jerusalem, which is Christs favorite place; that place he calls "his own".
That was about as disrespectful and arrogant an act as I have ever witnessed, and it will not go unpunished.
If ya think you are getting away with something, think again.

2007-07-02 05:56:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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