Not only the heaven and earth and all intimate things, but also the minds and wills of men are so controlled by God in such a way that they move precisely in the course He has destined... The devil and all the ungodly cannot conceive, plan or carry out any crime, unless God allows it, indeed commands it... He is at the helm overruling everything... He so overrules everything that nothing happens without His approval... He is the origin and cause of all activity.
2007-07-02 05:13:24
answer #1
answered by Red neck 7
there is only one reality regardless of whether you believe God created it or not and so how it works is cause and effect, you act, then you get the result of your actions. Christ called that reaping what you have sown. Science calls it cause and effect.
The only other difference between believing or not is that if there is no physical effect, such as if you commit some crime and nobody links you to it, a non-believer may think they have gotten away with it, but a believer will think you will not get away with it and you will be punished by God and Divine Law, even tho the police won't arrest you. This is also the Eastern concept of Karma, that every action reaps a result, regardless of whether any authorities are involved or not.
So, it might seem that the better choice is to not believe in anything outside of what natural science teaches. From that perspective you can think anything you want and even commit some crimes as long as you don't get caught. You can be mean or not work on yourself because as long as you don't get caught, who cares? There's no God who is omnipresent, that's just for fools to believe in.
The problem with that position is there's no proof that there is not a spiritual world and possibly, every thought and action DOES reap a consequence and if you bet on that not being true, then you may find yourself behind the eight ball big time and not have a clue how you got there or what to do next. Many people in prison have made that bet.
The other major flaw in being an atheist is you are also betting there is nothing after death, so that you might as well do whatever you want now because when you're dead you're dead and no further harm can come to you. But if this is false, then you will have to face the result of your actions beyond this life. Perhaps if you've been cruel for example, in your next life you may have to live as a recipient of cruelty so that you can see cruelty from both sides.
2007-07-02 05:19:27
answer #2
answered by Jameskan Video 5
Remember Saul who was persecuting Christians? He knocked him on his butt and appeared as a blinding light and scared the crap out of Him. From there Saul decided not to torture and ridicule Christians from then on and He became one of the biggest proponents of Christianity and even had his name changed as a sort of example of his new character. How do you think God saves unsaved people.....He intervenes in their life in some way. Some people are so ignorant that I believe they will never change. There is an extent where you can be too far gone and there is nothing that can change your mind or have an effect on your heart but I know several people who got saved because God did something in their life. If you want to know, God doesn't start loving you when you follow Him, He already does, He just wants you to be saved and transformed for your own good and for your future-
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
2007-07-02 05:40:28
answer #3
answered by Sinister-6000 3
okay first of all, God only interferes as far as i know to stir in the hearts of the unsaved, to make them consider becoming a Born Again Beliver but it is a personal choice. And then when he returns, which he will, he will take away his followers and let Satan Rule the world for 7 years i think. Then He will return and all of the unbelivers will along with Satan go to the Lake of Fire forever with no way of getting out because they will have had a choice and they made it. So yes, he will basically "bust your chops" in the end if you don't follow him.
2007-07-02 05:14:23
answer #4
answered by xxXXBlood's OathXXxx 1
Not at all, you have to bust your own chops. "I am mild and lowly of spirit." "Love your enemies, pray for those that despitefully use you." On the other hand physics will punish you unmercifully, in human affairs, maybe now or maybe down the road. You can see, "the end from the beginning" if you look down the road far enough with just human reasoning.
Interestingly, sin means error in Hebrew, I understand. Certain courses of action lead to certain results. Even just taking the high road instead of the low road. It's hard to take a wagon over the mountains, but, oh, the view. It depends on what you are doing. Some things, like not going to market at all may leave you hungry. I'm not being sarcastic, that's a pretty clear picture of the whole deal on the physical plain. Emotionally we suffer from our bad attitudes until we change them. It's about the same anywhere. He will make suggestions through your intuition though. I got the thought, "should I say that?" I thought about it a second and couldn't see anything wrong with it. I got called into the office and nearly lost my job both times. Check it out, it proves out one way or another every time, by any test I can put it to. "Test the inspired expressions and see if they're from God." "And the scriptures can't be broken." How can you tell if your thoughts are inspired if you don't test them out? So any way you look at it test everything, even God. "Test me, I am good." "Try all things, hold fast to what is fine." Test with reason, of course. And again, "All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable." That's Chritianity in a nut shell and the scientific method. Or more simply, "Love fulfills the law." "God is love." Of course knowledge and understanding is part of the scientific method as well. "Get wisdom and with all you getting, get understanding."
2007-07-02 06:06:24
answer #5
answered by hb12 7
Don't worry, there are : Bill Collectors,Ex Girlfriends, Bullies. Bosses. Landlords, In-Laws, Traffic Cops,Mortgage Companies, Taxes, The IRS, Door to Door Salesmen,and Preachers, Telemarketers and so on. These are real.
Like evoluton god is a theory. The only people that see him are in the Psych Ward, and they see Satan and a host of other celebs too.
2007-07-02 05:14:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well in my case, here is what happened (my testimony, God's interference)
In any case, God already know before we were born who would or would not come to Him, so I believe He would give us all the chances in the world to go to Him, even give chances to those who would never do so. But I can tell for myself and many of my christian friends (and my husband) that He never let go of us, till we were saved "safe".
Saving us from deadly accidents, or attacks or what ever, you name it! we've been through that, and He either sent angels or did something to keep us alive.
And as for the seeing if He's going to bust your chops. Know God will not force you into anything, but He may send trials or tribulations your way, knowing that those things may be the only things that will open your eyes to the truth... The more you resist, the more hard/painful they are!
2007-07-02 05:29:30
answer #7
answered by monfille 3
God does not 'interfere'[ in the lives of anyone until He recalls his spirit. That is why murder is illegal. He did not call for that unless you opened yourself to it. (Just one example.)
His spirit provides your antimating force. From there it all depends on what you do with hope; accept it, build on it, reject it, turn it to lust and pervert it? God hides in hope and as one poet noted. "Hope springs eternal in the human breast."
Other than life force the only other contact with God, that most men have, is hope. Love, faith and hope are said to be things we "should do." It is overlooked that these three things are really manifest attributes of God.
People, in dealing with God, know when their chops are being "busted." One must also consider that those whom God loves he chastises and those, not all, who reject will find that the way of the transgressor is hard. If you step outside of God's justice there eventually comes justice. Justice does not count as interference.
2007-07-02 05:27:57
answer #8
answered by Tommy 6
I am not sure how or when He interferes. I believe He loves all of his creation. Even cares when a bird looses a feather.
You will stand before God and answer for your life. He will judge you justly. He knows more about you than you even know about yourself. I think he forgives a lot. If you are attacking him I think you are going to be devastated.
2007-07-02 05:22:17
answer #9
answered by Ruth 7
The Holy Spirit draws you to God. He gives witness of God. Otherwise, He does not interfere until judgment day.
2007-07-02 05:10:05
answer #10
answered by Fish <>< 7