Please account for the cases of people who are former homosexuals.
If people do not choose to be homosexual, then they would never be a former homosexual. To live in a world where many people look down on homosexuality, I believe that would account for suicide numbers.
There are plenty of cases of people who used to be homosexuals. There is a man that I go to church with who is happily married now.
If they "relapse" that doesn't negate what I there are still cases of people who were once homosexual and no longer are
2007-07-02 03:59:10
answer #1
answered by Mr. A 4
I don't think that homosexuality is a choice. I think that it is an in-born trait (so to speak). Just like anyone being born with certain talents, personalities, etc.,they did not have a choice....It is EXTREMELY difficult to 'un-choose' homosexuality, next to impossible. Some homosexuals have an excessive amount of guilt for those feelings...some find that commiting suicide is the easiest way out. If it were easy to make the choice, Im sure they would.
2007-07-02 11:35:39
answer #2
answered by Oppna to tal 3
The opposite of genetic is choice for this question, correct? If you agree to that then every sexual being in the world is born bisexual or non sexual.... Which means at some point, we as a being made a choice to be one way or the other for what ever reasons. Be it parenting, society pressures, religious doctrine, or mimicking our parent's behavior. If that is the case, why would someone pick the "deviant" behavior of culture. Most people are straight so being gay would be a deviant choice. I agree with one answerer that this question is posed alot on here and gets alot of emotional responses. And I agree that I do not feel that either side has posed a scientific proof of either. But I know in my heart that the genetic explanation makes more sense to me being that I did not choose my sexual orientation.
Maybe thats more of the point; that we just accept each other for who they are and not what we think someone should be.
2007-07-02 12:26:14
answer #3
answered by regularguynlr 2
I think it is a choice for some people, and when they don't like it anymore, they go back to heterosexuality. I think this is especially true for hustlers, who were only ever in it for the money in the first place. But for most homosexuals, the only choice seems to be live with it and learn to ignore those who criticize, or go celibate as a way to cope. Celibacy is OK for those who have a fairly low libido anyway, but it certainly does not work for everyone.
What I can't get used to is why anyone has the right to criticize such personal, private behavior. It simply is no one else's business.
2007-07-02 11:07:08
answer #4
answered by auntb93 7
Religion, as dogma, is not just unfalsifiable, but also infallible (assuming it supports your personal beliefs). So, if you want to be a good religious person, rather than come to an understanding of the world based on what you have observed in it (i.e. a flexible approach), you must find out what religion says and rigidly stick to it, regardless of irrefutable information to the contrary.
The fundamentalist religious system of understanding the world is anti-learning (unless you are learning the Bible or Koran). It is all about unquestioning obedience to authority. "Leave your head and home, but bring your heart. Don't learn about things yourself because we already have the answers for you. Do not waste your time learning about the world. Everything you need is in this little black book."
That is why ignorant-positive religions--fundamentalist Christianity, fundamentalist Islam, etc.--are the enemies of mankind.
2007-07-02 11:03:21
answer #5
answered by Peter D 7
There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support the theory that people are born homosexuals.
In his book, Overcoming Homosexuality, Dr. Robert Kronemeyer says, "From my 25 years experience as a clinical psychologist, I firmly believe that homosexuality is a learned response to early painful experiences and that it can be unlearned."
Even homosexuals who are honest about their behavior have admitted they were not born gay. John Dececco, editor of The Journal Of Homosexuality, says homosexuality is a "behavior, not a condition" and that "the idea that people are born into one type of sexual behavior is entirely foolish." ["A Biological Theory For Sexual Preference," USA Today, (March 1, 1989), p. 40]
Bill Flatt, Ed. D. , says, "Conditioning is the predominant cause of homosexuality: conditioning by parents, siblings, by dating and other experiences. Genetics alone is never the cause. Genetic studies of homosexual and heterosexual groups cannot accurately distinguish between the two groups." [Counseling Homosexuals, (Jonesboro: National Christian Press, 1985) p. 65]
When a man burns with desire for another man, or when a woman lusts for another woman, it is because they have each left the natural use of their desires (Rom. 1:26, 27). They have a "debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness" (vs. 28, 29). It is unnatural to be gay because there is nothing in life that teaches such activity. If humans, animals, or plants attempt to live in a male to male or female to female arrangement, each species would cease to exist. The natural order calls for a male to female relationship.
2007-07-02 11:08:25
answer #6
answered by TG 4
I rather doubt anyone chooses to homosexual. They choose to practice it, now that is a different story. People do not choose to be heterosexual. THey choose to practice it. Some choose neither, and still live a good productive life.
2007-07-02 11:00:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would direct you to my answer to this recent question, as copy/pasting it here would seem to me to be a redundant waste of space:;_ylt=Antd97q5U4SEZpXAP8xNoUXty6IX?qid=20070628140435AAWJm4f&show=7#profile-info-iScNZJWSaa
With reference to the provided link, - I would only like to emphasize these two points of my response:
1) "I feel that it [homosexuality] is an inclination which is, AT BESTand NOT LIMITED TO, - a result of genetic PREDISPOSITION(s)."
[[[CAPS used for emphasis]]]
2) "Once again, - for the record:
...until genetic evidence is provided which either absolutely substantiates or refutes the "Gay Gene" argument, - then there is really no point in debating the issue as if it were based in iron-clad 'facts'.
Lastly, and henceforth, I will take a shot of Jager every time I see any question which is based on the "Gay Gene" argument, - as I feel that this mind-numbing subject has posted enough here on R&S so as to qualify it for nomination as a Y!A R&S 'drinking question'...
... Anyone care to second the motion?
That said,- I would like to invite you all to a toast:
..."To the Y!A R&S category,... and to the GLBT crowd for their continued support of our drinking habits!"...
EDIT: The link to my question is now functional, - and I would like to thank Jack B. for informing me of the problem.
2007-07-02 11:10:13
answer #8
answered by Saint Christopher Walken 7
You do make an excellent point.
I don't care what scientific explanation people come up with. I don't care what any doctor says. I don't care if it's learned, genetic, a defect, or what ever else you can imagine. It makes no difference to me. If you are born gay that's fine with me. If you want to be gay that's fine with me. If you just want to experiment that's fine with me.
What's wrong with someone choosing?
What's wrong with homosexuality?
How does it affect you in any way?
Your god is imaginary!
2007-07-02 11:09:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God made Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve...He made us straight. I think people do make a choice. Just like you can convince yourself to like someone (sometimes people do that), you can convince yourself to like someone of the same gender. The mind is an incredible thing, but it can get pretty twisted if that's how you roll....
2007-07-02 14:52:45
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
The example you gave, is interesting, but is a flawed way of thinking. Just like I can't say girls commit suicide because they are born anorexic.
Correlation does not mean causation.
We are answering, but you're not listening. Why don't lonely people go outside? Just because someone lacks the willingness to change doesn't mean they were born that way.
2007-07-02 11:03:10
answer #11
answered by Coach Nick Saban 1