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My nieces have had black eyes, bruises, diaper rashes so bad they turned into open sores & bled, they've had their stomachs pumped for eating dice, drinking kerosene. They've gone days without being fed, and weeks without being bathed.

Child Protective Services has gone to their house dozens of times and the most they made them do was clean up the house because there were dirty diapers and garbage and mold everywhere.

Their mom is bipolar and their dad has other mental and emotional disabilities as well. Their parents often goes hours and hours without feeding themselves, and neither of them bathe more than once every few weeks. The girls are treated the same way.

Their mom is addicted to pain killers and has a reputation for stealing from friends and family. When the girls get hurt and taken to the emergency room, she suddenly gets ill or her back hurts and she has to get seen at the hospital, too. I suspect that she hurts them so that she can be seen at the hospital, too.

2007-07-01 21:24:12 · 6 answers · asked by Caring Auntie 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics


2007-07-01 21:25:18 · update #1


2007-07-01 21:25:47 · update #2

6 answers

you need to gather all of the proof that you have and pictures documents etc. Go to an attorney and file for emergency guardianship or custody. You also need to keep reporting to CPS. Paperwork trails do make a difference. The lawyer can get the medical records and also the CPS file into court. You need to contact your mayor about what is happening. Although, contact the attorney first. You have a case that can be won you just have to get it started. It will not be really easy since you are not a parent although, you are family and no child should have to live like that. Good luck to you and do not give up on them.

2007-07-01 23:34:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Your CPS are done by the counties and overseen by the State, You have a poor arrangement!

I would contact the governor, and document everything.

There is nothing that stops you from filing a child abuse petition, and the county is going to have to prosecute it, or at least they will be made to respond by the judge! I have seen others do it, though not in California!

I would love to see those childrens medical records!

If you need help with a petition, or you need anything else , feel free to contact me. If these children present as you say they do, they are certainly at risk. I testified in a case, Belamy vs HRS in Florida who failed to do their job. It left Joseph paralyzed, unable to speak or see little, He was a shaken baby that the hospital and HRS screwed up on. The state wouldn't settle and the verdict was for 12 Million!

You didn't say how old the children were. If mom is either manic or depressive, she can't care for herself, much less the children!

If this is a Munchhausen by Proxy case, that needs to be determined. Some parents often hurt their children seeking attention for themselves!

I am surprised, no maybe not! I had a kid who was sutured for a cut over her eye. The hospital failed to look at her body, and didn't report anything as she said she fell into a table, She did, she was thrown onto it. When I went back to the ER, I brought pictures of the other 26 bruises in all stages of healing on her body.

Don't give up! It seems as you are their only advocate.

2007-07-01 22:23:20 · answer #2 · answered by cantcu 7 · 3 0

As you are the Aunt, you are related to either the Mother or the Father...have you tried approaching them and offered to "take care of their children during their difficult time"? If you put it to them that way, they may be more agreeable to allowing you voluntary custody (although go through either a lawyer or CPS to have a written agreement drawn out) and hopefully you can be assigned as a "foster parent" for the children and receive income from the state for their care (don't count on the parents, from the sounds of it) and medical benefits through medicaid...if not, you would be on your own and as a legal guardian, you could at least be able to put them on your insurance plan).

Other than that, hiring your own lawyer to fight them for custody (which will be very expensive and still prove fruitless long term) or contacting every State and local political represenative to invervene and pleading to every investigative journalist in the media (newpapers, radio, television) to investigate the matter which will put the heat on CPS (downside, it will also alientate you from the parents and you may not even see the kids anymore to know how they are doing).

2007-07-02 04:25:25 · answer #3 · answered by bottleblondemama 7 · 0 0

Don't give up! CPS HAS to check out each complaint of child abuse and neglect. If you get no help from the caseworker, go to their supervisor. If that fails go to the Director of CPS.
Document every incident with the children. Document EVERY contact with CPS. If you see more sign of abuse or neglect, contact the police.
You seem to be the only advocate the girls have at the moment. Good Luck to all of you.

2007-07-01 23:48:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Unless you have a vested interest in the case (they are your children, for example), there's not much you can do. If you have an attorney file a civil suit, it will get dismissed for lack of standing - in other words, the judge will say it's none of your business. Just keep harassing CPS until they do something. It may help if you give them documentation of what you have observed (they will take it more seriously). And of course, if the children are under IMMINENT danger, call the police.

2007-07-01 22:01:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

See an attorney. This case is too specific for advice here.

2007-07-01 21:47:56 · answer #6 · answered by starrrrgazer 5 · 1 0

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