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Just think the "terrorist" attacks, even the twin towers in the U.S.A. could have been organised by the U.S. and the car bombs in the U.K. also. Strange how the U.S.A. used their "terrorist" attack to invade, firstly, Afghanistan, then the invasion of Iraq.
Why have the car bombs happened straight after Tony Blair resigned as Prime Minister? Are they to make Gordon Brown look good, as a new leader? The opinion polls in Britain were asking "how Gordon Brown coped with the attacks"? as the new P.M.
I am really starting to wonder if these things are organised by their own officials, to justify their own agendas?
I mean ,"Where is Osama Bin Laden, now.?" Nobody seems to care, now that the Middle East has a war going on.
What do you think?

2007-07-01 20:25:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

Good question. I can't help but believe Osama bin Laden is dead. Last report I saw, read... he had liver failure and had to be on dialysis. I can't know for certain, though.
As far as 'conspiracy theory' it certainly seems like it, sometimes. We may never know for certain. Those who may be involved will certainly never tell...
When the writers tell our story, history, they will most assuredly have their own slant on things, so, who of us knows the real truth?

2007-07-01 20:59:03 · answer #1 · answered by Ro40rd 3 · 1 1

Maybe that would be believable if it had just been the unexploded car bombs in London. But in Glasgow those guys actually went on fire - would that really happen if it was organised by the UK gov?
I know the US milked the atrocity on 9-11 and used it to attack a 3rd world country (Afganistan - already ravaged for the past 20 years by war), then Iraq ( which had a largely secular constitution comprised of Christians and Muslims - and although a dictatorship had nothing to do with islamic extremists). They were without any real plan except to secure the oil in Iraq and build a gas pipline in Afganistan...
But I don't think that the UK is so ruthless as the US?
The vast ,vast majority of British muslims oppose these attacks even if they disagree with the oil wars and injustice in palestine. They are just as likely to be attacked as anyone else by these psychos. I think its just a few brainwashed idealists trying to get revenge for Iraq or Afganistan. The morning of the Glasgow attack 50 women children and civillians were killed by Nato in Afganistan. There is genuine hurt and anger there. We have to get out asap, and if we stay it should be to rebuild, Every innocent life lost at the hand of a western soldier does damage (after all we are the occupiers the insurgents in Iraq think they are the defenders). The fact is people just want to go about their business in peace and safely. Was a secure dictatorship really worse than an insecure false 'democracy' imposed by the west rather than from the people? Especially when people don't know from if they will live to see tomorrow.

Its hardly a big worldwide organised plot. Gas canisters and petrol aren't exactly hard to obtain. But the most ironic thing of all is the USA trained Osama Bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda leaders. They encouraged this idealology and supported him against the Russians in Afganistan. How come they never report that?!

2007-07-02 04:05:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

No. I think it's really radical Islamists trying to intimidate the British and let Brown (who is a Scot) know who is boss. They really are out there last time I noticed.

2007-07-02 05:14:41 · answer #3 · answered by carolinaevns 2 · 0 0

Caught us red-handed! We somehow managed to convince a group of muslims (who hate us) to attack the British. It had NOTHING to do with the large muslim population that has repeatedly paraded through the streets of London with signs proclaiming that 'Europe's 9/11 will come'. Astute observation there Sherlock.

2007-07-02 03:43:03 · answer #4 · answered by Dekardkain 3 · 4 1

If you believe that then, I will sell a sunny seaside resort in Arizona. AMERICA WAKE UP these demons are out to disrupt. And they say in the name of Allah, Mohammed, never ever preached hatred . some say Mohammed was a Messiah.

2007-07-02 03:43:47 · answer #5 · answered by Kurt W 1 · 3 2

What is it with all you losers who keep thinking up these ridiculous and offensive conspiracy theories. Of course not, it is ridiculous, grow half a brain and you may realise this.

2007-07-02 03:45:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

No, I can't see how car bombs make anyone look good.

2007-07-02 04:10:36 · answer #7 · answered by Insanity 5 · 1 1

I think you either were abused as a child or, suffered from separation anxiety. Funny how the ramification of those types of things continue on into adult life.

2007-07-02 03:31:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Blow boloney chunks now!

2007-07-02 03:28:48 · answer #9 · answered by brenda r 3 · 2 2

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