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Most people in the UK welcome Muslims into this country.
UK law protects all ethnic groups from discrimination.
Most people in the UK were against the war in Iraq.
The main instigator of war in Iraq (Tony Blair) has now gone (thank goodness)!
There is only one god. The Christians call him God, the Muslims call him Allah. Our God would not want us to kill each other because we listen to one of his messengers instead of another. As far as I know Mohammed didn't advocate murder.

My question to those who support terrorist attacks is, why do you want to kill people (Muslims and Christians) in your adopted country? Why, and what do you hope to achieve? What are your goals? Please give a thought out logical answer.

2007-07-01 20:10:07 · 10 answers · asked by Copper 4 in News & Events Current Events

Johnny one lung.:

I think most religions believe in "one god". I know the Hindus have many "Gods", but when I asked a Hindu about this and they said that they are actually many faces of the same God.

I find it just as difficult to understand the violence in Northern Ireland, although at least I have heard explanations as to why it happened.

2007-07-01 23:53:51 · update #1

Michael C: Who is wakeupsheepie?

I think we need to understand why these attacks are happening before we can do anything to stop them. Fighting back will just escalate the hatred, and then we will end up with violence on a scale which makes Northern Ireland look like playschool. I am very afraid that people will start to blame all Muslims for the attacks, and that they will start to realiate. Then more Muslims will be sucked into this violence.... and so it will continue.

2007-07-02 00:01:01 · update #2

10 answers

Forget it - no muslim will be putting together their thinking about these nutters in their community. The Irish came out and slatted IRA for their behaviour, and those that supported them came out and said why, I admire their honesty.

Why are all the muslims in this country not getting massively vocal over this issue? They need to get off their backsides and get out and preach openly about how pointless and dumb and evil these acts are (or say why they think they are justified/happening). No most of them are perfectly happy to sit back and not attract any attention.

If you don't agree with the practice of democracy and christianity then go back to these wonderful muslim countries such as Iran. Don't come over to the UK and expect us all to change for you. I wouldn't expect you to tolerate my behaviour in a muslim country so don't expect us to do so the other way around here.

2007-07-01 20:41:21 · answer #1 · answered by Saucy B 6 · 4 0

This is more directed at WakeupSheeple, than an answer to your question....

You answered my question earlier and stated that i must have missed out on an education and that i advocate breaking the law...

Well in response to that i actually have a masters degree so that would mean that i am quite well educated and secondly yes i do advocate breaking the law .. Who's law is it anyway it's not my law.. You must be quite misguided in life as there are multiple plots going on all around us to kill us and our children ... You dont think it is worth breaking the law to defend your family ???

I agree we shouldnt be bombing Iraq, or helping Isreal or selling arms to African dictators but we are and it's not going to stop so we must stand up and protect ourselves against terrorist attacks.. whether its right or wrong i am not prepared to sit and watch my family get blown up ...

I am from Belfast so i know how awful things can be ... But i can see soem serious sh.t coming our way in the very near future.........

2007-07-01 21:52:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

in case u have noticed no one has answered because no one support terrorism and the very few who do, im sure they r not conscious of wht they r doing....or definately they lack a logic or healthy thinking..coz neither christianity nor islams call for war...and those who say the opposite ask them to go back and find out wht their religion actually is...
one more thing be sure that who ever is terrorist or supports those acts knows nothing abt his religion not only that ,they have forgot what life is about..they only take attributes religious names to their group so they succeed in enlarging the wars!!!! take an example the " Fateh al Islam" in lebanon!!! they r killing muslim people!!!! people from their own religion!!!! u think Islams accept this!!!!

2007-07-01 20:20:10 · answer #3 · answered by sarah 1 · 2 0

Just wanted to say, I agree with you, well done for speaking out. Also to Quikbrownfox, agree with you entirely. The moderate Moslems ( the vast majority?) should stand up and be more vocal in distancing themselves from the extremists, and tell the preachers of hate that they're not wanted here. If they want to live under sharia law, great. But not in the UK.

2007-07-01 22:03:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

One cannot justify violence in any shape or form...politcally or unpolitcally

these people do not have a conscience...

they probably never met any of the bosnian muslims or knew about bosnia before some corrupt rogue imam told them about it and how to feel their suffering in their souls ...

this type of brainwashing is why they get involved because they believe they are part of a wider struggle...

2007-07-01 23:37:49 · answer #5 · answered by Pandora 5 · 1 1

Answers few and far between and as I've just checked only 1 and that again is from a non Muslim, if you do get a answer from a Muslim expect it to be one that is preaching to you, because only a fanatical extremist will bother to defend their stance on this question.

2007-07-01 20:26:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Er Copper - you state:
'There is only one god. The Christians call him God, the Muslims call him Allah'

What evidence do you have to support this theory?
That is a big broad statement.

What about religions who have many Gods?

Anyway - no difference to the Catholics and Protestants killing innocents in Ireland. And they both had your 'God'

2007-07-01 20:36:58 · answer #7 · answered by JohnnyOneLung 4 · 3 1

I am rapidly comming to the conclusion that adherents of ANY religion are control freaks who would have us back in the stone age or just marking time, and just want control over the lives of others.

If the Government is looking ofr something new to ban, they could start with religion

2007-07-01 21:13:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

It's your own fault.Why was the British government stupid enough to let crazy Islamic exremists in to the UK to begin with?

2007-07-03 02:38:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Let me state at the beginning that I'm against all violence and the killing of innocent civilians is always morally wrong, but...

The terrorist attacks in the UK are intended to put UK residents in the shoes of their Muslim brothers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel who are victims of random violence every day. In that respect the attacks in the UK are no worse than what US, UK and Israeli troops are doing every day. It's not nice being under threat is it? That is the reality of life for Muslims in those three countries. A taste of our own medicine.

Muslims want the UK to withdraw from Muslim countries - the UK is taking part in the illegal occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. They also want a Palestinian homeland set up. Ignore all these ridiculous comments about Muslims wanting to conquer the world with Islam - all they want is justice. What's so wrong with that?

2007-07-01 21:03:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 11

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