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14 answers

She is well known and respected in the international community. She has served as a US senator. She loves this Country and has the intelligence and savvy ti takes to lead it.

2007-07-01 19:32:34 · answer #1 · answered by The real Ed-Mike 3 · 3 5

Well here's the only three that matter:

Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

No person except a (1) natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the (2) age of thirty-five years, and been (3) fourteen years a resident within the United States.

2007-07-02 02:41:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

The constitution has only three qualifications to be elected president. You must be 35 years old, a natual born US citizen, and you must have lived in the US for 17 years before election. Other qualifications in her case are intimate knowledge of how government works, vast knowledge of how the world works and an army of knowlegable, practical and experianced people who will be willing to work with her and for her. As a step up, people all over the world respect her and are willing to cut some slake while she turns around the truely goofball policies of the current administration. Her politics are fairly centerist and that gives business hope that her administration will be truely 'fair and balanced'. She fully backs scientific research and has a real desire to deal with a variety of problems that the currrent administration has let slide for far too long. She will begin to actually deal with energy independence and 'Terror Inc.' with something better than the occupation of Iraq. All in all she'd be a good choice....even though I kind of like O'Bama better....(Give the 'Irish' a chance.)

2007-07-02 02:39:07 · answer #3 · answered by Noah H 7 · 4 5

NO .
- Whitewater
- she was the first First lady ever indicted
-obstruction of justice re: one of Mr. C's former g-friends testimony..
- failed health-care reform
-illegal campaign contribution scandals
-breached security at the White House ( per CIA & FBI )
There's enough reasons to fill 3 books ..but I tried to keep the list short .

2007-07-02 02:51:30 · answer #4 · answered by missmayzie 7 · 2 2

1. Cliinton strategist Mark Penn, not mentioning Obama by name, took aim at him in a memo he wrote framing the argument on why Clinton is the strongest candidate.

"The last two Democratic presidential candidates started out with high favorable ratings and ended up on Election Day (and today) far more polarizing and disliked nationally," he wrote, referring to a CBS poll.

"Hillary is the one potential nominee who has been fully tested, with the Republicans spending nearly $70 million in the last decade to try to defeat her. She is not just strong, but the strongest Democrat in the field. Hillary is the only one able to match or beat the Republicans after years of their partisan attacks on her."

2. "Only a new president can renew the promise of America -- the idea that if you work hard you can count on the health care, education, and retirement security that you need to raise your family. These are the basic values of America that are under attack from this administration every day.

"And only a new president can regain America's position as a respected leader in the world."
Hillary Clinton

3. "I grew up in a middle-class family in the middle of America, where I learned that we could overcome every obstacle we face if we work together and stay true to our values.

"I have worked on issues critical to our country almost all my life. I've fought for children for more than 30 years. In Arkansas, I pushed for education reform. As First Lady, I helped to expand health care coverage to millions of children and to pass legislation that dramatically increased adoptions. I also traveled to China to affirm that women's rights are human rights.

"And in the Senate, I have worked across party lines to get billions more for children's health care, to stop the president's plan to privatize Social Security, and to make sure the victims and heroes of 9/11 and our men and women in uniform receive the fair treatment they deserve. In 2006, I led the successful fight to make Plan B contraception available to women without a prescription.

"I have spent a lifetime opening opportunities for tens of millions who are working hard to raise a family: new immigrants, families living in poverty, people who have no health care or face an uncertain retirement.

"The promise of America is that all of us will have access to opportunity, and I want to run a 2008 campaign that renews that promise, a campaign built on a lifetime record of results."
Hillary Clinton

2007-07-02 04:41:33 · answer #5 · answered by starrrrgazer 5 · 0 2

No No and No! She is an alien and wanting to take us all to the mothership where Al SHarpton is the leader of their planet! All beware and fight till the death!

2007-07-02 02:49:18 · answer #6 · answered by brenda r 3 · 3 2

Her Economic Policy's

Her Foreign Policy's

Her Social Policy's

2007-07-02 02:36:06 · answer #7 · answered by GO HILLARY 7 · 3 5


She is as wishy-washy as Kerry was.
She was a party to her husbands illegal acts in office (the ones where people ended up dead, then moved to parking lots)
She is a socialist.

2007-07-02 02:30:08 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

#1 more experience than any other candidate being in higher offices at the state level, and the national level

#2 supports legislation that promotes small business

#3 supports realistic solutions to promoting opportunity for the impoverished.

2007-07-02 02:29:32 · answer #9 · answered by avail_skillz 7 · 1 5

1. she was an unofficial Bill Clinton cabinet member
2. US Senator
3. Ivy League smart...and her parents didn't get her into a good university.

2007-07-02 02:30:33 · answer #10 · answered by AB17 4 · 3 4

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