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Homosexuality is not a choice. People who disagree support their claims from 1950's evidence. As science and research advanced to the year 2007, There has been extraordinary amount of evidence supporting the sexual preference is determined by many psychological, physical and genetic characteristics. I also stress that homosexuality is not just one but a combination of them all.

So if you think god created humans why would he create homosexuals just to send them to hell.

2007-06-30 19:26:34 · 41 answers · asked by thejoyfaction 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

homosexuality is not a choice. I couldnt stress it more.

if you want prof take a psychology class, a biology class, go learn at a higher school of education. Read up on chromosomes, Psychological development and biological chemicals.


Ask some one who isnt your priest.

2007-06-30 19:32:55 · update #1



they cant help likeing people of the same sex because its how they developed as a person.

Only the idiots who have no education would just say "because its a choice" and not support why.

2007-06-30 19:36:50 · update #2

41 answers

Well, I know I was created straight, so why would homosexuality be any different. I didn't just wake up one day and say "You know what! I think I am going to be straight!"
You are absolutly right. God created us, and sending us to hell just for being the way he created us would be wrong.

2007-06-30 19:30:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 7

Its quite fitting that the church is pulling its sorry self apart over this one.

It is so obvious that homosexuality is not a choice. I mean, who would choose it with such nasty people around to ruin your life for making the choice - people are just not that mad.

So we are left with three possibilities.

1. There is no god - live with it.
2. There is a god who made all things, whereby he must have chosen to make some people gay. He then condemned them out of hand.
3. There is a god who is not all powerful and was unable to make all people straight. He is therefore weak.

Only option 1 stands up to much scrutiny.

Faced with this, many religious people demand that homosexuality *must* be a choice. Indeed they need it to be a choice because to condemn someone for being born a particular way is evil beyond belief.

But what sort of person wants to perpetuate an untruth simply so that they can justify their hate and bigotry.

From this we can safely conclude that - whatever the outcome - religious people of this persuasion are simply evil beyond belief.

The one thing I am 100% sure of is that if there is a god, the ones who will burn for eternity in the furnaces of hell are those who fail to fully accept gay people and who claim they have made an evil choice. God, if he hates anything, hates hypocrites.

2007-06-30 21:07:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Ok, first off. Homosexuality is a choice, for SOME people. There are (fact proven) 1/1000 people born gay. Biologically. So all the people who say it's a choice are clearly not doing the research required to answer this question.

Secondly. I doubt anyone will go to hell for this. I think that some of the Christians really hate, and I do mean HATE, gay people because they can't accept that God would allow something like that to happen. They just need to step out of their locked up houses and start seeing things from someone Else's point of view.

2007-06-30 20:26:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

somewhat, there are greater animals in the international that injury human beings than animals that are supposedly gay. Does this imply that God thinks it somewhat is superb? No. in the Torah, God says that if an animal kills a human, the animal would desire to be positioned to dying. Animals have been stricken with the aid of Adam's sin, too.

2016-10-03 08:06:57 · answer #4 · answered by mcfaul 4 · 0 0

I believe homosexuality is an overt expression of distorted self-love, a love that moves inward in a selfish manner instead of outward in an unselfish manner. I think homosexuality is a behavior that seeks to fulfill the needs of oneself as first priority, by seeking another similiar to oneself in gender and carnal desires. The source of the perversions are transgenerational, just like the curses that were 10 generations long before King David of the bible broke the curses with his repentance to God. There is high probability that homosexuality is a indoctrination of a type of abuse passed down from previous generations. The end result of abuse, especially molest and incest, invariably results in a distorted sense of self and gender identity.

Biblically, I am convicted that God doesn't compromise on issues such as homosexuality, which is unholy and unnatural according to His Word. If anyone is challenging others to tolerate homosexual behavior, then they are asking for acceptance from the wrong source. They should really be asking God what He thinks of homosexuality. It is clear where God stands on this issue.

I believe the homosexual is NOT at fault for this lifestyle. The person just unknowingly was born within such inquity and sin from previous generations. The only way someone will feasibly turn away from the homosexual lifestyle is to surrender in humble, SELFLESS, sincere repentance to Jesus. Repentance is for releasing the sin inherited from previous generations.

No amount of secular therapy or prescription drugs will "cure" homosexuality. The only antidote is Jesus, and through Jesus, He will make one selfless, holy and in right standing with the Lord. The key is to make one from being "self-conscious" to "God-conscious".

I pray for those that are practicing this lifestyle but at the same time want to seek God, want to have a deeper walk with Him, and want to share eternal life with Him. Those seem to be on the fence, unable to let go of themselves for the sake of experiencing the full glory of God. May they find a place of repentance in the loving arms of Jesus!

2007-06-30 20:13:32 · answer #5 · answered by Dr. G™ 5 · 1 2

so wait, you believe in all of this science, yet you still believe that he just sends us to hell? No, honey. Think. If we are born without a choice for what we will become, then aren't we as innocent as you? It's our actions that show us what level of heaven we will go to.

God loves us all from the moment he created us. It was people who could NOT understand homosexuality that proclaimed it as a sin. If you have not noticed, we fear what we cannot understand. And when people can't understand the fears that dwell inside of them, they doom them to hell.

It's a way of getting rid of what they don't want to see.

2007-06-30 19:37:00 · answer #6 · answered by kallen330 2 · 5 1

If you believe that homosexuality is a sin and you believe that you go to hell for sins, then why would you not believe Homosexuals are going to hell unless they ask for forgiveness and repent.
My Bible says that there is no unforgivable sin except blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. It also says that we should not judge others unless we want to be judged ourselves. This is a bit of a contradiction of doctrine that I don't by. It is my concept that God did not make homosexuals. People choose to be homosexual before coming to earth no matter what the reason, be it lessons or Karma.
My God has nothing but love for his creation, but also is a Just God. There are universal laws and if those laws are ignored, then there are consequences for our behavior. Some call error, sin. I cannot judge another and won't. A person's life is not mine responsibility nor anyone Else's and people should stay out of other peoples business. Judgment is mine says God. Those who preach condemnation will be judges. As Jesus said, they too will have their reward.
It is sad to me that people are so unloving and judge--mental.
Rev. TomCat

2007-06-30 19:41:54 · answer #7 · answered by Rev. TomCat 6 · 3 4

I agree that it is not a choice. If God told you to be gay, could you? I couldn't. But all the Christians are saying that tommorrow that could be gay by choice if told to do so by god. I am not gay. Not by choice. I liked girls when I was four years old. Let God decide who goes to hell. Not the church or the fellow christians. The church has been known to make mistakes. I mean they burned people for saying that the Earth goes around the Sun. Please. Chritianity is on a good path, but it still has few more hills to pass. Choose to be a good person no matter what your sexual urges might be (as long as you don't hurt anyone).

2007-06-30 19:36:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

I find it utterly ludicrous how people will say, "Of course it's a choice, and it's a wrong choice!" As if they know. As if they, themselves, at any point, made the choice to be straight.

Ask any gay person, psychologist or social worker. They will tell you: sexual orientation is ingrained in a person. It is not something one chooses or can simply flip on or off like a pair of false eyelashes.

I base my life and my decisions from what I have learned and experienced. I am 47 years old. I am gay. I have been gay as long as I can remember. All of my attempts to 'turn myself straight' have been disasters. I used to pray -fervently- that God would make me not gay. After years of this prayer, and still being gay, I had to decide if either God wasn't capable of changing me, or if perhaps God thought I was just fine the way I was. I found it hard to accept that the God of Creation would not be able to answer such fervent prayers. So I began to change my prayer: God, show my your will.

And my life began to radically change. For the better. For so much the better I can't even begin to tell you.

I slowly stopped hating myself. I slowly began to accept myself. I found I was more kind to others once I began to be more kind to myself. I was much more at peace, and much less afraid.

And I met my partner. 16 years ago I met the man who has been my life partner, my best friend, my soul mate, my husband. We have a deeply committed relationship with each other. We love, honor and respect one another as much as -and in some cases more than- any heterosexual couple I have ever met. My father once said to me that he wished his relationship w/ my mom was more like my relationship w/ my partner.

I have a deep sense of being okay with myself, of being right with God.

So who am I going to believe? People who have no more idea of what it is like to be gay than what it is like to have wheels for feet? People who thump their pulpits and proclaim that I am evil and going to hell, without ever having met me?

Or do I believe my life, and the small, still voice inside me?

Every day I pray that God will show me His will for me, and give me the power to carry it out. Every day leads me into new adventures, new challenges, new territory. Some days I go to bed grateful, some days I go to bed aching and sad at all the injustice and hatred in the world. But never do I go to bed hating myself, or thinking that God is dangling me over a pit of fire.

My God is a God of power and light.

And my life, I hope and pray, reflects that.

2007-06-30 19:51:54 · answer #9 · answered by pasdeberet 4 · 3 3

This irritates the hell out of me......

WHY IS IT? That most of the societies of the world are quick to glue themselves to the supernatural ONLY when it is in its EVIL form? For GOD is SPIRIT, supernatural, outside of time and not of this natural earth.

You say that mankind does not have a "choice" in the matter of homosex? You are PARTIALLY RIGHT. The Lord tells us that the sin of the father is passed down (CARRIED ON) down to the 3rd and 4th generation. It is a generational curse. Curses are REAL. Now, when someone is tempted with ANY form of SIN in their thought-life.....they have TWO CHOICES:

Sin is sin, its all rebellion towards what GOD has told us in the scriptures is wrong and right.

All mankind is capable of MURDER. All mankind has more than likely thought out murderous thoughts, or take it further and see, its the same with ANY SIN!!! Replace homosex. with murder, with theft, with HATRED, with arrogance, with greed, lust, pride.....ANY SIN. Now as the Word of GOD proclaims; all of these thoughts are only thoughts. Thru Christ, the new life one can have when they receive HIM~the HOLY SPIRIT indwells our soul, and helps us in our times of need. He provides a way out, a CONSCIENCE~to do not that which we know by the WORD OF GOD is wrong. If we supress our conscience, the presence of GOD, then we grow weaker and weaker to denying the flesh; our earthly ways and mindsets.

If a person who is a homosexual THINKS that the LORD is so small, that HE CANNOT REMOVE ALL DESIRE FOR SUCH, then that person will be forever bound to the sin which STAYS the CHASM between man and a HOLY GOD. Choose the LORD and HIS STATUTES, MANDATES and PROMISES, and WALK BY THE HOLY SPIRIT< NOT BY THE FLESH......and soon enough, you will find that the flavor of whatever sin you wrestle, just plain LOSES ITS FLAVOR, and your desire GOES AWAY COMPLETELY.


So far as the generational curses go; it is up to the individual to BREAK THEM, so that it becomes NO CONCERN to his following generations. The curse presents itself in many forms, as we all wrestle with different demons. How else can you explain ONE PERSON having homosexual desires, and the next guy BEING REPULSED BY IT? How do you explain those who carry out the evil thoughts that lead to PEDOPHILIA, RAPE, alcoholism....etc.???? REMEMBER: FOR EVERY ACTION IS ALWAYS THE RESULT OF A PRE-MEDITATED {{{THOUGHT}}}!!!!!!!!

Entertain the sin, and you will 9 times out of 10, end up committing the sin.

This is TRUTH.

2007-06-30 19:53:02 · answer #10 · answered by º§€V€Nº 6 · 2 4

God never made homosexuality. If you are a man who likes boys then stay away from sex and ask the Lord for help. Repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and ask the Lord to help you get rid of your desires for the same sex. Everyone has sins they are weak for. God helps people who desire sex with children, those that desire animal, all sorts of abominations. God will help, trust in Him.

2007-06-30 19:43:57 · answer #11 · answered by Ms DeeAnn 5 · 3 4

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