I don't think the denomination really matters, I consider them all my brethren. The denominations tend to emphasize one specific thing, like speaking in tongues, baptism, communion, saved by grace, doing good works, etc. I believe all those things are good things and Biblical, so I personally like going to all the denominations, not just one. However some denominations take things to an extreme point and say, "If you are not a Lutheran, you are not a true Christian", or "you are not a true Christian if you are a Catholic". I don't like that thinking. There will not be Catholics or Presbyterians in heaven - there will only be redeemed brethren.
The short answer though.. After accepting Christ the next step is to sanctify yourself through the Holy Spirit - seek righteousness and avoid sinful things. There is no real "step beyond that" besides death and the afterlife.
Oh, and baptism......... Personally I don't think it really matters, but I would suggest getting baptized again. When you were a baby it didn't really mean anything - anyone can sprinkle water on a baby and say, "there, this baby is a Christian now". I forget if I was baptized when I was a baby (I was too young to remember, lol) but I went ahead and decided to get baptized later when I conscientiously knew what it meant to be a Christian.
Good luck. Do not let anyone, Christian or Atheist, distract you from being who you want to be.
2007-06-30 14:07:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Try two or three independent churches. You will know when you're in the right church. it will feel like coming home. If you haven't already done so, say a simple prayer to Jesus acknowledging you are a sinner and ask His forgiveness. Invite the Holy Spirit to fill you and to help you to take the right steps. Believe with all your heart that Christ is Lord and that you are forgiven. Start reading the bible. As a new Chrstian you are probably better starting with New Testament. John's gospel is really good because it has the longest recorded words of Jesus. Develop a good daily prayer routine and talk to Him the way you would a friend. He is interested in you and wants to form a relationship. He wants you to ask for things not just for others but also for yourself. Read the bible to find His will and pray accordingly. Congratulations and God bless. The bible says the angels rejoice in heaven for every sinner saved. They're having a party right now.
2007-06-30 14:02:57
answer #2
answered by lix 6
Well if you do not already have a bible then get one. Preferably the biggest,hardest, and cheapest one you can. Then first place your head against a wall, so that is bracing your head from moving back and forth. Then you say in the loudest voice you can muster....."PRAISE JESUS!!! LORD ON HIGH PRAISE JESUS!!!!!!". After that is out of the way, stay put. Keep your head braced against the wall and either A. Pay a friend to to the following, or B. Call me and I will do it for free.............Repeatedly beat yourself in the head as hard as you possibly can. Do it until you are damn near unconscious. What is the point of this exercise you may be wondering? Well you just accomplished volumes more by bashing some common sense into your head than you will EVER accomplish by living under the guise of Christ or religions. Save your time, your money and your sanity. Don't believe the hyped up bullsh*t christ or bible garbage.
2007-07-04 09:54:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Check out the churches in your area. Talk with pastors and/or priests. Attend a couple services in each. Hopefully, you will find a church where you feel comfortable.
Baptism is done differently by different churches. I was baptized by a sprinkling of water, in a lutheran church when I was a baby.
The church I now attend teaches that baptism is done when you are old enough to choose it for yourself. That it's not a necessity, but is done to show your faith in God. And so I chose to be baptised in this church, which was a total immersion.
If you look, you will find a church where you'll feel comfortable. It does help to have people around you to communicate with.
2007-06-30 14:01:03
answer #4
answered by kiwi 7
You need to find a Bible believing Church, which teaches people every day that they need to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.
I suspect the people who encouraged you to do what were not part of the Catholic Church.
I can help you find a Bible believing church in your neighborhood, if you contact me offline with your zipcode.
Yes you should be baptized and remember that the Greek word in the Bible literally means to immerse or to plunge into water.
You need to get into the habit of praying daily and reading the Bible daily according to a plan.
If you are new believer, I'd suggest you start reading the Gospel of John, one chapter per day.
Get involved in a Bible study of young people your own age and your own gender. Led by a mature believer.
I can also suggest a couple of good books for you to read.
The link on the bottom is a link of 50 good Bible believing Evangelical Denominations.
Pastor Art
PS: You also need to be aware of and avoid false cults which pretend to be Christians but really are not. Some false cults have responded to your question already. Avoid Mormons, LDS, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Christian Science, Scientology. These are groups which have teaching from sources other than the Bible.
2007-06-30 13:56:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Next step is to follow Christ by acting as he would want you to, and by finding his church. According to how he set up his church before he died, it should worship Christ as the Son of God and believe in his atonement. His church will have temples, a prophet and apostles, the Priesthood as given by the laying on of hands, baptism by Immersion, the gift of the Holy Ghost, a missionary program, tithe paying, caring for the poor and needy, belief in resurrection and life after death, etc. It should also be a church that did not continue on after his death, but was restored later as he foretold would occur. This rules out any churches that claim to have continued down from Christ's day.
As for the baptism question, Christ said there is ONE baptism (the correct way by correct authority). His example was to be immersed completely in water by someone holding the Priesthood. I don't think sprinkling of babies qualifies - one must make the choice to be baptized as well as having it done properly. Babies can't make that choice.
To make your search shorter for a religion that has all of the above elements of Christ's church, try "lds.org."
2007-06-30 14:00:33
answer #6
answered by Rainfog 5
Just saying "I believe" is not enough. It would be best to be baptized again, if you are serous. You need to pray though out the day and read the Bible every day. Then you should find away to help others to become Christian. The word denomination means a piece of. Jesus did not want us all to pick out which words/lines of the Bible we like and forget the rest. So see if someone will baptize you as a Christian; not of their denomination. And try to be the best you can.
2007-06-30 14:01:00
answer #7
answered by geessewereabove 7
I have always felt that it wasn't right when priests "forgive" peoples sins, because your sins are forgiven through Jesus Christ alone! I'm not sure if all Catholic priests do this, but it has always been a turn off for me. I am Christian and I do believe in God and Accept Jesus Christ as my savior. I don't go to church and read the bible as often as I should, but I do pray. All fall short of the glory of God, but everyone has a chance to be forgiven. I would be baptised again since you've recently turned your life over to christ. But that's just my opinion. I'm happy you made this life decision, because God can turn your life in the right direction and he will never give you more than you can handle. God Bless!
2007-06-30 13:56:42
answer #8
answered by Marie Jane 5
Honey I was baptized Baptist when I was 16 , now I'm 57. I love the non denominational churches because they believe in healing and the laying on of hands. I don't go to church now, but I have Bible readings everyday before I go out of my house. Everyone has to choose what is right for them . God is so great and I'm so thrilled that you found him. Don't worry about all of your questions. He'll reveal them in time.
2007-06-30 14:01:07
answer #9
answered by Pearl 6
The answer to that is depends on whether you join a sect and which one you join. Some expect good acts and others say faith is enough. Some expect you to join and pass you from congregation to congregation if you move. Some believe that if you haven't been personally baptized into that church in front of witnesses then you haven't publically witnessed your faith.
Then there are people like me who did roughly what you did after finding a failure in my church and stand before God in my behavior and morals without attending a church regularly although I am comfortable doing so.
If you think you need a church, talk to the minister.
2007-06-30 13:55:28
answer #10
answered by Mike1942f 7