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Instead of throwing bird seeds or blowing bubbles on the bride & groom after the ceremony - what are some unique ideas you all have done or have seen?

What is the tradition behind this, anyhow?

2007-06-30 12:16:55 · 11 answers · asked by VetTech1016 3 in Family & Relationships Weddings

11 answers

Fertility and Prosperity....it actually used to be the tradtion to chuck cake and items from the buffet at the bride. The more stuck to her the luckier they would be. For obvious reasons over time this changed to be simply grains as they left.

Ideas: Ribbon wands, ring bells, blow kazoos, sparklers, petals, confettie, glitter, leaves, artificial snow.

I don't reccomend the butterfly or dove releases. They are cruel to the animals/insects involved.

Same goes for the balloon release. It's horrible for the environment and I'm not a hippie buy why would you intentionally do something like that?

2007-06-30 12:38:24 · answer #1 · answered by pspoptart 6 · 1 2

There are many ways:
1. Party Poppers and Petals
2. Releasing of Balloons - can be based on your theme color
3. Doves - make it at least a dozen. The couple will release a pair as well as the guests.

All of these will be a blast after the wedding ceremony. Basically doing these things after the ceremony is welcoming them as a couple.

You can do combinations as well. Releasing of balloons, Party Poppers and Doves. 2 doves by the couple, party poppers and balloons by the guests.

You can also request the guests to write their wishes to the couple on the balloon before releasing.

A no-no is combining party poppers and blowing bubbles since bubbles and wet the colored papers and may ruin the couples' clothes

2007-07-01 03:53:28 · answer #2 · answered by ladyoutdoor73 2 · 0 0

Instead of birdseed, rice, or bubbles, I'm making wands with ribbon on them so the guests can wave them in the air. I think it will be really pretty and a nice photo op - and it won't leave any sort of a mess for the venue.

2007-07-01 01:15:42 · answer #3 · answered by muchadoaboutnothing 3 · 0 0

The tradition used to be for fertility. However, I miss the days of confetti...
None of the weddings I have been to in the past five years has used anything...

2007-06-30 14:45:21 · answer #4 · answered by Lydia 7 · 0 0

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2016-09-28 15:04:23 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I have seen where every body has a ballon and releases it when they come out. And also I love the idea that everbody has a butterfly in a little box and then they release it.

2007-06-30 17:07:58 · answer #6 · answered by tinkstales 2 · 1 0

We had rose petals. It made really great pictures! The tradition comes from throwing rice, which rice symbolizes fertility.

2007-06-30 12:36:05 · answer #7 · answered by PhantomRN 6 · 0 0

I've seen those sparkly wands you light up for 4th of July
I've seen confetti thrown, but alot of places don't want something thrown that has to be cleaned up

2007-06-30 15:03:12 · answer #8 · answered by janetrmi 5 · 0 0

I saw a wedding where they used sparklers. You know the little sticks that flare! It looked really pretty.

2007-06-30 15:36:22 · answer #9 · answered by Alicia F 3 · 0 0

the champagne poppers (with streamers in it) they use at the 4th of july or nye
butterlies released from envelopes
silly string... need i say more lol
flower buds/petals

2007-06-30 12:29:41 · answer #10 · answered by nataliexoxo 7 · 0 0