apart from drinking the stuff obviously!
my family don't really drink, but we seem to have collected lots and lots of bottles of various alcohols over many years. most of them i think have been given to us as presents! there are lots and lots of them just gathering dust and we're never going to drink them.
apart from having a party (our house isn't big enough and some of the alcohol i don't think my friends would want to drink), or throwing them down the sink, how can i get rid of these?
31 answers
asked by
Food & Drink
➔ Beer, Wine & Spirits
there's rum, champagne, whisky, bacardi, wine, cognac. you name it, i think we have it!
00:31:48 ·
update #1
thanks for the info, without_style, i was wondering if charity shops would be allowed to take them as well! i might have to give freecycle a go as i'm already a member of my local group
00:47:36 ·
update #2
Charity shops wouldn't legally be allowed to take them, as you no doubt realise. Though they do say charity starts at home.
Freecycle is an amazing site to post to get rid of unwanted items, and I'm sure as your post here as proved, you'll have many wanting to take them off your hands!
http://freecycle.org/display.php?region=United%20Kingdom - Find your city, post what you're giving away. It runs on the pretense of whoever wants it, comes and collects it from where-ever you choose, ie. If you're home alone and don't fancy someone coming around you can arrange for them to pick it up in a public place et cetera, or you take it around to them.
If you have loads I'd suggest spreading it out and make as many people happy as you can :)
Either that or walk into your local, propose a deal to the landlord or to any punters.
2007-06-30 00:43:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Try the local church? I would think there may be different fete's wherein they include a nice light amount of tipple; OR if you have a particular church or charity you support, pitch the idea of a fundraising "casino night" where the prizes might include bottles of your booze.
If you've had many of these things for years, (specially if there are novelty decanters involved), you may want to check with an established and reputable off license/wine shop owner to find out if some bottles have become collectible and worth a bit of cash to collectors. Do some research on line as well.
As to the wines, some may be worthless if they weren't stored properly (on their sides to keep the corks moist), again check with a respectable wine merchant.
2007-06-30 01:17:48
answer #2
answered by dworld_1999 5
You could offer them to friends, or possibly donate them to a local charity for use in fundraising. I know you can't sell alcohol to people without licensing, but I think charities can use alcohol as prizes, or at least I'm sure I've seen champagne, whisky, cognac etc as prizes in raffles.
2007-06-30 00:38:37
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Keep a few (vodka,rum, gin, scotch,) for the basic bar essentials and start re-gifting the rest... Clean the bottles and a the next holiday give away bottles to work associates/friends etc... If you go to a housewarming party take a few with you.... However, check the ages of the champange if it's more than a yr. old just pitch it... It doesn't taste good. However, whiskey, liquer should be ok.....
2007-06-30 00:50:19
answer #4
answered by pebblespro 7
use the Internet and go thorough you bottles one at a time! you may find out you have a very rear bottle of something if you have acquired the over the years could be worth a lot of money to the right collector! my dad had a bottle of wine which was dated 1921 it is now worth over £1200 just hope he never drinks it! so you never know you might be sitting on a diamond mine. if not donate them to your local church
2007-06-30 01:22:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Donate it to a local school/hospital for the bottle stall at their next fete? That way you get rid of it and do some good at the same time.
2007-06-30 00:41:02
answer #6
answered by Mrs Badcrumble 4
No ofense but why would anyone donate liquor to the church??? Send them to me- I'll pay you for the shipping. :-) You should try selling them on ebay or something- try getting some type of money out of the bottles. Liquor ain't cheap and if you have ALOT of it- different types, assort them in a box, write a short description of the size, oz. and type of liquors that are in the box & sell them for about $10-15.
Good Luck!
2007-06-30 03:34:32
answer #7
answered by ♥Lucky Charm♥ 4
Why don't you contact a very wothwhile local charity and offer them for free as prizes for a raffle or something similar?
2007-06-30 00:39:20
answer #8
answered by bluebadger 3
Put an ad in the newspaper, I,'m sure there would be someone interested. or even a yard sale. Better yet give them as gifts.
2007-06-30 00:42:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
give it to a charity to raffle off, they could turn it into a booze hamper. or else you do it yourself and go round the bars with tickets and pocket the money yourself. i could shift them in an hour and make at least 100 quid most drinkers by nature are greedy. i'd hawk it to the nearest wino hostel, illegal yes! crass yes! but i would be doing no worse than the local offies selling them booze i may as well profit too.
2007-06-30 00:43:51
answer #10
answered by Anonymous