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So I am the ultimate girlie girl, been called a princess since birth. I have always dreamed of having the big gown, bridesmaids, family ect. I also am realistic and know that I come from a family that isn't very well off. I don't want to put that burdain on them, and I don't want to be let down by the outcome. I have mentioned to a few people I think we should just JP it and they go into a total state of shock! What should I do. At this point I think I would be happy with either one! But it's like it lets people down that I would "settle"!

2007-06-29 18:14:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

9 answers

you can do the wedding you've always dreamed...just cheaper. do not "settle." this is your special day...you will remember it always. don't regret your decision. one thing you can consider is going to the JP now and making it official...and then later on having the wedding once you can afford it.

another option is just to plan the wedding, but smaller and on a budget. you can get wedding dresses at resale shops, ebay, and online. there are a lot of women who don't go through with the wedding and have to sell a brand new dress. or other women who war a dress one time...and can't afford to just have it sitting around.

also, you can find wedding decorations at the dollar store. if you have friends or relatives who are good cooks, they can prepare the food and cake. you don't need a big cake-some weddings have a tier of cupcakes! very cute and much cheaper.

you don't need a dj or a band....you can hook up an ipod on a party mix.

look at this site:


2007-06-29 18:22:49 · answer #1 · answered by megskathy 4 · 3 0

Big weddings can be expensive. If you cannot afford it, then you cannot afford it.

You can do the JP wedding . . . still wear something pretty, carry a small bouquet, maybe have someone there to take a few photos.

Then have an informal reception or BBQ at home a couple of weeks later. That way, everyone can have a chance to celebrate with you. Maybe both sets of parents and other family members will help out by bringing a favorite dish to share. If your families are willing to help, it can be done easily.

Good luck to you. You sound both lovely and practical to me!

2007-06-30 08:09:36 · answer #2 · answered by Suz123 7 · 1 0

People might think you settled? Who decides this? And who cares what others think?
If you really sit down & think of all the aspects of a wedding and then decide what is really important to you, you may find that a big fancy wedding isn't really to your liking as much as you imagine. We have dreams & ideas but they don't always make sense in the long run.

You can plan a very nice wedding on a small budget. Or you could plan a small intimate wedding with your closest friends & family.
Give it all some serious thought with your fiance before making a decision.

2007-06-30 01:53:08 · answer #3 · answered by weddrev 6 · 1 0

If you and your bf are mature individuals, you should be paying for your own wedding, so don't have to worry at all about putting a burden on your family about finances.
Discuss plans with your bf and figure out your budget as to what you can comfortably afford. You can have a traditional style of wedding on not very much money, actually. It just costs a lot when brides go over the top!

2007-06-30 08:09:05 · answer #4 · answered by Lydia 7 · 1 0

Why would it put a burden on them? You should be paying for your own wedding with your man.

If you want a JP wedding, do it.

If you want a wedding, do it.

You can set aside part of each paycheck into a wedding account and use your income tax refund towards your wedding as well.

2007-06-30 08:55:34 · answer #5 · answered by Terri 7 · 0 1

If you have always dreamed of a "big" wedding then do it. If you don't you might regret it. You can save money so many ways.

2007-06-30 01:20:26 · answer #6 · answered by Michelle S 2 · 1 0

What's more important, that you join in union with the person you love, or that you waste people's time and money on pointless pageantry? Just go to a JP, be happy with your spouse and to hell with what other people's expectations on you are.

No more weddings.

2007-06-30 01:26:24 · answer #7 · answered by Cellulapse 1 · 1 3

You're going to have to sort this out yourself. Basically they're total opposites.

2007-06-30 16:20:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Talk this over with your mother. Where there is a will, there is a way.

2007-06-30 06:24:44 · answer #9 · answered by Ruth 7 · 0 1