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I just spent a nice $1500 on a new dell system and it came loaded with windows vista. So many of the websites I work on, and visit that run java applets are coming up in the wrong sizes and unlike XP you do not just use your mouse to adjust the window size your asked a % or custom setting. This is very annoying having to set every window you open up!
I want my XP back!! Many of my older software packages do not work properly either. DID Vista hit the market before people had time to create patches and or driver changes?
The Vista even with a great graphics card and dual processor is just not running as smoothly as XP did for me. Are other people having as many issues with this OS?
Mr. Gates can I trade this Vista for an XP please!

2007-06-29 13:08:38 · 17 answers · asked by shellwp64 1 in Computers & Internet Software

17 answers

i dont know why everyone's complaining about Vista now. i mean i have it & i dont see any problems with it. i dont get what all the fuss is about... "/

2007-06-29 13:16:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dell actually has a policy where you can swap your operating system, if you are really unhappy about it. You have to call them and be prepared to fight for it, though, as Dell can be stubborn about helping customers. A lot of software manufacturers assumed Vista would be compatible with current programs because of the similarities to XP, but most of them were wrong. It usually takes about 6 months before they will release a service pack or updates to fix this problem. Vista also takes up more resources than XP did, which is why it does not run as smoothly. My advice would be to call Dell and see if they can swap the operating system for you.

2007-06-29 13:16:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes and NO

Mainly the vista has better security features and Halo 2 >.>
You should wait til VIsta Service Pack 1 comes out, and see all the new features, but I would not recommend Vista if you aren't in business. Windows Xp is good enough for all your regular pc chores.

BOttom line. If you're in the business industry or seomthing get VIsta. IF you love Halo 2 on PC get Vista.
If you have a Windows xp, and you want a maaajor upgrade, dont get Vista. XP beat vista on performance, just not RAM and 3d.

2007-06-29 13:14:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I saw a TV News Item about Dell and the Vista o/s. They are very unhappy with it and they (Dell) are doing away with it and going back to the XP o/s until VISTA has improved.

I am very unhappy with VISTA that I got on my new computer that I purchased from Best Buy. It came pre installed in the]HP products.

Maybe you can contact Dell.
Best of Luck

2007-06-29 13:23:53 · answer #4 · answered by Kymond G 1 · 0 0

i'm pleased with Vista which i think substitute into way late- noticeably interior the protection & pictures departments. Am having greater efficient success with dedicated pictures card with particularly some ram to tutor off aero glass and 3-d stuff. substitute into no longer pleased with dwelling house windows Defender or Firewall so use Norton 360.looking application is an argument yet lited some good web content under- elementary to envision. too. each and all of the wonderful

2016-11-07 19:44:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Windows Vista seems to has a lot of bugs, which needs to be worked out pronto, before it starts to cost Gates some real money.

2007-06-29 13:13:10 · answer #6 · answered by WC 7 · 0 0

I just bought a new laptop for college and it came with vista as well. Its not really my favorite but I think that's only because right now I'm really unfamiliar with it. I'm sure though that once we log a few hours on this program though that'll be even better than xps...or atleast that's what I'm telling myself.

2007-06-29 13:11:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have a Gateway laptop with Vista and the laptop itself is perfect, but Vista is ALWAYS disabling my wireless internet and it isn't compatible with any programs I use. It's very frustrating. I'm definitely considering putting XP back on here as long as it doesn't void my warranty...

2007-06-29 13:11:19 · answer #8 · answered by Celeste H 3 · 0 0

Yeah, Vista pretty much sucks. It takes some SERIOUS hardware to run smooth and even then its still not that great. I'll stick with XP.

2007-06-29 13:12:25 · answer #9 · answered by Lloyd 5 · 0 0

vista is still in early stages. why microsoft sells this product at this time is beyond me. It has numerous driver issues for programs and software it's not able to deal with. total waste of time. I'm sticking with my XP pro for at least another year.

2007-06-29 13:14:36 · answer #10 · answered by cj 4 · 0 0

My sister, who is in IT at work, says your question should be: Are there any people out there who ARE happy with the new Windows Vista? :)

2007-06-29 13:12:31 · answer #11 · answered by claudiacake 7 · 0 0

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