There are no ways to prevent testicular cancer, but there are ways to detect it early. Contrary to what is written above, testicular cancer is not a slow growing cancer and to the best of my knowledge a psa (prostate specific antigenor) test or a digital rectal exam has never been a way to detect testicular cancer (I believe she is thinking of prostate cancer). Symptoms can be a lump in one testis or a hardening of one of the testicles, pain and tenderness in the testicles, a dull ache in the lower abdomen or groin and an increase, or significant decrease, in the size of one testicle. Testicular cancer is an aggressive and wide spreading cancer, but caught early and the cure rate is well over 90%.
2007-06-30 02:46:26
answer #1
answered by sean_m 2
Solorose: That is prostate cancer you are talking about!
Testicular cancer is much more aggressive. Regular screening (palpating the testicles for masses) can help to find it early, when it is more cureable.
2007-06-30 02:04:44
answer #2
answered by SLC Mom 4
prevent, no, since they don't really know the cause.
an annual PSA blood test and digital exam by your doctor will find it in plenty of time for treatment and cure, it is a slow growing cancer, and early detection usually means a quick cure.
2007-06-29 16:50:10
answer #3
answered by essentiallysolo 7
you should be go a doctor & also consult
to Tata Hospital Mumbai 02224177000.
2007-06-29 16:59:07
answer #4
answered by jk 1
listen to the only solo rose. that is correct info.
2007-06-29 17:02:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous